Herbaceous perennials

There are 806 products.
Showing 601 - 630 of 806 items
  • Aster cordifolius 'Little Carlow' Aster cordifolius 'Little Carlow'
    Aster cordifolius 'Little Carlow'
    Aster cordifolius

    One of the most beautiful autumn flowering Asters, AGM award (Award of Garden Merit, is an established annual award for plants, granted by the British Royal Horticultural Society). The dark, slender stems branch out to bear a myriad of light blue/lavender flowers in delicate airy sprays. Each 2.5cm flower begins with a small gold eye that gradually...

    6,00 €
  • Strobilanthes penstemonoides (rankanensis) Strobilanthes penstemonoides (rankanensis)
    Strobilanthes penstemonoides (rankanensis)
    Strobilanthes penstemonoides

    Herbaceous with an exotic charm, it has a spectacular autumn flowering with blue-violet bell-shaped flowers. It forms a shrub with abundant flowers, in pot the "fountain" bearing is enhanced. It loves the morning sun or shade, not too much sun. Evergreen in mild climates.

    10,00 €
  • Carex comans 'Bronze Form' Carex comans 'Bronze Form'
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    Carex comans 'Bronze Form'
    Carex comans 'Bronze Form'

    Perennial, evergreen herbaceous plant, it forms a dense, elegant and arched tuft, with very thin bronze-brown foliage: the effect is that of a 'fountain'. Enhanced in pots, useful for adding a touch of color and structure to flowerbeds.

    15,00 €
  • Carex siderosticha 'Shiro' Carex siderosticha 'Shiro'
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    Carex siderosticha 'Shiro'
    Carex siderosticha 'Shiro'

    Pianta erbacea perenne da ombra, forma un tappeto di foglie chiare, bianche striate di verde. In vaso è valorizzato il bel fogliame; utile per dare un tocco di colore e luce nel buio.

    8,00 €
  • Chasmanthium latifolium 'River Mist' Chasmanthium latifolium 'River Mist'
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    Chasmanthium latifolium 'River Mist'
    Chasmanthium latifolium

    Perennial herbaceous shade plant, it forms a medium-tall tuft of narrow leaves, similar to those of bamboo, white, streaked with green. A grass with showy, flat flowers that move in even the gentlest of breezes. A magnificent grass that illuminates every shaded area.

    10,00 €
  • Hakonechloa macra \'Aureola\' Hakonechloa macra \'Aureola\'
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    Hakonechloa macra 'Aureola'
    Hakonechloa macra 'Aureola'

    Perennial herbaceous shade plant that forms a tuft of typical round shape, with slightly pink, feathery and pendulous, rather showy ears. In the breeze its leaves look like moving waves.

    9,00 €
  • Lavandula angustifolia 'Hidcote'
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    Lavandula angustifolia 'Hidcote'
    Lavandula angustifolia 'Hidcote'

    Questa cultivar di lavanda è un fitto arbusto perenne sempreverde, nano con fiori a spiga viola-blu intenso che attira le farfalle.

    12,00 €
  • Globularia vulgaris Globularia vulgaris
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    Globularia vulgaris
    Globularia vulgaris

    Globularia vulgaris or common blue daisy, is an evergreen perennial herbaceous plant, very easy, grows at the edge of the forest, therefore suitable for partial shade or morning sun in areas with very hot summers, while it grows well in the sun in mountainous or cooler in summer. The light blue/blue pompom flowers borne in spring and summer (May to...

    8,00 €
  • Mimulus guttatus Mimulus guttatus
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    Mimulus guttatus
    Mimulus guttatus

    The mimulus is a very covering perennial, which has large and unusual flowers, very ornamental, worn for months and of a beautiful bright yellow.

    8,00 €
  • Persicaria hydropiper 'Rubra' Persicaria hydropiper 'Rubra'
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    Persicaria hydropiper 'Rubra'
    Persicaria hydropiper

    Annual that does not fear frost and therefore reseeds while remaining perennial; the aromatic burgundy leaves taste like piper small pink flowers. If it stays bronze-purplish on the sun, it is more in shadow and more green.

    6,00 €
  • Cyclamen hederifolium 'Silver Leaf' Cyclamen hederifolium 'Silver Leaf'
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    Cyclamen hederifolium 'Silver Leaf'
    Cyclamen hederifolium

    Cyclamen of the woods perennial to be naturalized, resistant to intense frost; it is in fact a species that exists spontaneously, but with rare silvery leaves. The flowers are mixed white, pink and dark pink, you can't choose the color because we breed them in mix, so the color of the potted flower will be random.

    6,00 €
  • Satureja spicigera Satureja spicigera
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    Satureja spicigera
    Satureja spicigera

    The ground cover savory is a semi-evergreen perennial shrub, with fine foliage, abundant late white flowers, when little else blooms, and an aroma of pepper and salt. It requires very little maintenance and attracts pollinating insects useful for the garden. Drought tolerant, it grows even in very poor soils. Enhanced in a pot where it is hanging,...

    8,00 €
  • Thymus vulgaris
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    Thymus vulgaris "Faustinii"
    Thymus vulgaris

    This variety of common thyme is a dwarf shrub, perennial evergreen, abundant lilac-pink flowers, rich in nectar, brought in abundance from spring to summer.

    8,00 €
  • Begonia x hybrida 'Benitochiba'
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    Begonia x hybrida 'Benitochiba'
    Begonia x hybrida 'Benitochiba'

    Begonia perenne cespitosa ad arbusto, resistente al gelo, adatta per sottobosco e zone ombrose, bel fogliame argentato.

    10,00 €
  • Begonia 'Connie Boswell'
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    Begonia 'Connie Boswell'
    Begonia 'Connie Boswell'

    Begonia perenne a canna, resistente al gelo, adatta per sottobosco e zone ombrose, bel fogliame argenteo.

    15,00 €
  • Begonia 'Little Brother Montgomery'
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    Begonia 'Little Brother Montgomery'
    Begonia 'Little Brother'

    Begonia perenne a canna, resistente al gelo, adatta per sottobosco e zone ombrose, bel fogliame argenteo.

    15,00 €
  • Cyclamen coum Cyclamen coum
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    Cyclamen coum
    Cyclamen coum

    Perennial cyclamen, very hardy and resistant winter flowering tuber. Incredibly cold tolerant in winter. Flower colors are light pink, white, and deep pink; the leaves are also variably variegated.

    5,00 €
  • Petasites hybridus Petasites hybridus
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    Petasites hybridus
    Petasites hybridus

    Pianta perenne rizomatosa, con foglie molto grandi, a fioritura molto precoce (anche in mezzo alla neve), molto rustica e resistente. Miriadi di piccoli fiori a stella riuniti in grosse spighe.

    10,00 €
  • Cyclamen hederifolium Cyclamen hederifolium
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    Cyclamen hederifolium
    Cyclamen hederifolium

    Ciclamino perenne, tubero a fioritura tardiva molto rustico e resistente. Magnifico fogliame invernale coprente.

    6,00 €
  • Eupatorium capillifolium 'Elegant Plume'
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    Eupatorium capillifolium 'Elegant Plume'
    Eupatorium capillifolium

    Erbacea perenne, a fioritura tardiva molto rustica e resistente. Magnifico fogliame piumoso e unico nel suo genere. Attira le farfalle, ma tiene lontani gli insetti molesti.

    10,00 €
  • Tricyrtis hirta 'Lightning Strike Tricyrtis hirta 'Lightning Strike
    Out of stock
    Tricyrtis hirta 'Lightning Strike
    Tricyrtis hirta

    Pianta perenne erbacea, con bei fiori simili a piccoli gigli, puntinati come orchidee, a fioritura tardiva autunnale, molto rustica e resistente. Insolite foglie variegate.

    8,00 €
  • Convallaria majalis 'Albostriata'
    Out of stock
    Convallaria majalis 'Albostriata'
    Convallaria majalis

    Perennial herbaceous plant of extreme rarity, nowhere to be found, flowering in spring, very fragrant flowers suitable for cutting, magnificent leaves with golden and cream stripes, longitudinal.

    8,00 €
  • Papaver orientale 'Allegro' Papaver orientale 'Allegro'
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    Papaver orientale 'Allegro'
    Papaver orientale 'Allegro'

    Pianta erbacea perenne, che fiorisce in tarda primavera, con fiori enormi e cartacei, arancio scuro, varietà nana.

    7,00 €
  • Pulmonaria saccharata 'Samourai' Pulmonaria saccharata 'Samourai'
    Out of stock
    Pulmonaria saccharata 'Samourai'
    Pulmonaria saccharata 'Samourai'

    Pianta erbacea perenne da ombra, ha fiori rosa e blu insieme, tra le pulmonaria è quella che ha macchie bianche-argento così confluenti per cui risulta essere completamente argentata sulla pagina superiore delle foglie.

    12,00 €
  • Symphytum grandiflorum 'Goldsmith' Symphytum grandiflorum 'Goldsmith'
    Out of stock
    Symphytum grandiflorum 'Goldsmith'
    Symphytum grandiflorum

    Pianta erbacea perenne da ombra, essenziale per il giardino primaverile precoce, fiori bianchi e azzurri tubulari, creano un tappeto leggero e a trama fine, sotto alberi o arbusti.

    8,00 €
  • Achillea millefolium 'Paprika' Achillea millefolium 'Paprika'
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    Achillea millefolium 'Paprika'
    Achillea millefolium 'Paprika'

    Pianta erbacea perenne, a fioritura estiva prolungata e rifiorente, con bei fiori color paprika come recita il nome della cultivar, compatta, adatta anche al vaso.

    6,00 €
  • Centaurea montana 'Amethyst in Snow' Centaurea montana 'Amethyst in Snow'
    Out of stock
    Centaurea montana 'Amethyst in Snow'
    Centaurea montana

    Perennial herbaceous plant called 'perennial cornflower', with prolonged and re-flowering summer flowering, with beautiful two-coloured, white and amethyst cut flowers, also suitable for potting, rustic and vigorous. Of great impact even from a distance.

    8,00 €
  • Achillea millefolium 'Song Siren Layla' Achillea millefolium 'Song Siren Layla'
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    Achillea millefolium 'Song Siren Layla'
    Achillea millefolium

    Perennial herbaceous plant, with prolonged summer flowering and re-flowering, with beautiful iridescent fuchsia pink flowers, compact, also suitable for pots.

    8,00 €
  • Achillea millefolium 'Terracotta' Achillea millefolium 'Terracotta'
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    Achillea millefolium 'Terracotta'
    Achillea millefolium

    Pianta erbacea perenne, a fioritura estiva prolungata e rifiorente, con bei fiori color giallo arancio, compatta, adatta anche al vaso.

    6,00 €
  • Canna indica 'Durban' Canna indica 'Durban'
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    Canna indica 'Durban'
    Canna indica 'Durban'

    Perenne rizomatosa molto robusta, a rapido accrescimento e di forte impatto visivo. Fiorisce incredibilmente a lungo.

    10,00 €

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