Vigorous, low-maintenance herbaceous perennial with magnificent pink trumpet flowers produced year-round in mild climates and in large numbers. Also suitable for growing indoors or on the porch.
Very plump-leaved Sedum, ground cover / hanging perennial that produces star-shaped gold flowers in summer; the color of the leaves becomes burgundy in winter with the cold.
Pianta tappezzante perenne a rapida diffusione con fogliame sfumato di rosa e di rame con brillanti fiori gialli in estate. Spesso utilizzato su tetti verdi, prospera in qualsiasi posizione soleggiata e siccitosa. Resistente e facile da coltivare.
Perenne di forma arbustiva, alta sui 50 cm, con foglie succulente verde-glauco che assumono col caldo estivo toni violacei-bordeaux e con steli porpora. Grandi teste circolari piatte di fiori a stella rosa, di diametro fino a 15-20 cm.
This incredible and rare hybrid of hellebore blooms from February to April; the large flowers with a very bright color emerge as purple-red buds and turn to fuchsia-magenta when they open, withered they are equally beautiful they become black-purple.
Rhizomatous perennial with narrow, linear, grey-green leaves, scented with garlic. They form large tufts with scented pale pink-violet flowers with a creamy yellow center (similar to the flowers of small daffodils), blooming for a long time, from late spring to autumn. Tulbaghia violacea is very easy to grow and will last even in a state of neglect for...
Pianta a rapida crescita e a insolita fioritura. L'esterno dei fiori rossi è incredibilmente acceso, impossibile da rendere in fotografia. Ama i luoghi semi-ombreggiati e si espande grazie alle radici fibrose e rizomatose, formando macchie ampie che si allargano esponenzialmente.
Perennial fern, with silvery-green foliage, useful for extensive mats and illuminating shady areas. It spreads rapidly with its stolons.
Evergreen hellebore with single anemone-shaped flowers, the color is peach with variable ocher/orange shades. Very long flowering from mid-winter to mid-spring.
Medium-dwarf hosta with bluish, velvety leaves and ivory-white edges. Lilac summer flowers. Evergreen in mild climates or on the porch. Also suitable for growing indoors or on the porch (from November to March they are sent to vegetative rest without leaves, but they vegetate again in the heat).
Vigorous herbaceous perennial plant, low maintenance, with magnificent white trumpet flowers produced all year round in mild climates and in large numbers.
'Little Redhead' is a compact, lower selection of the species, vegetatively propagated to ensure uniformity. Dark red tubular flowers with yellow interiors are produced over the top of an upright clump of leaves, mass produced in the summer. It requires a good appearance to thrive, despite the exotic appearance it resists temperatures over -20 ° C.
The variegated form of Tradescantia sillamontana has gray and hairy leaves. The variegation is variable. It resists light frosts, loves well-drained soil, like a succulent plant.
Small shade-giving herbaceous perennial with silver-flecked chocolate-copper leaves and pretty magenta flowers. Also suitable for growing indoors or on the veranda.
One of the darkest red blooms available on the market. Peony with very double dark red flowers and a rich and spicy scent.
Una delle peonie più insolite e affascinanti: la forma giapponese del fiore è molto rara negli ibridi di peonie e questa cultivar è probabilmente la migliore di tutte. I petali esterni rosso-bordeaux circondano un suggestivo centro formato da staminoidi color rosso, oro e bianco.
Pianta molto vigorosa che si risemina autonomamente, con magnifiche foglie tricolori, bianco, verdi con una V bordeaux al centro. Insoliti fiorellini a sottili spighe color magenta da fine estate a inizio autunno.
Perenne con grandi foglie divise dall’aspetto esotico, produce grandi spighe di fiori rosa carico all'inizio dell'estate. Le foglie dopo l’inverno emergono color cioccolato sviluppandosi poi di un color verde scuro bronzeo. Preferisce un ambiente ombroso, ma cresce in pieno sole in qualsiasi terreno tenuto umido.
Evergreen ground cover with silver leaves and deep pink flowers in spring. Also suitable for growing indoors or on the veranda.
This vigorous evergreen hellebore hybrid is an intense bright pink with magenta dots, grown in clusters on tall stalks of around 60cm.
Varietà stellata a fiore semplice, colore bianco con centro verde, e stami d’oro.
Erbacea a crescita rapida, ma non invasiva come la specie, produce spighe di fiorellini bianchi e forma delle macchie attraenti di forma arbustiva, il cui aspetto prevalentemente color bianco illumina zone di giardino d'ombra. Le foglie cuoriformi portate su steli rossastri, alla ripresa vegetativa hanno cime rosa corallo.
Perennial evergreen geranium resistant to intense frost, with scented leaves of citrus tones; rapid expansion and long flowering. Also suitable for growing indoors or on the veranda.
Lilies of the valley form carpets of leaves after spring flowering, very opaque for shady areas. In winter they go to rest to reappear in spring and bloom among the first perennials of the season. The scent is heavenly; the expansion seems slow at first, but each center produces another 2 or 3 each year, so it is exponential and dense. It is advisable to...
Ellen series variety, with unusual and peculiar flower shape, with white, wavy, double flowers, with magenta dots. Flowers for a long period (three months) from February to April.
Long-flowering and re-flowering perennial in summer, the large flowers look like daisies and are durable, suitable for cutting. The peculiarity of this cultivar are the petals that are not bowed like those of the species, but higher and open.
A classic peony with large and long-lasting flowers, anemone-like, very fragrant, with dark fuchsia petals; central petaloids very dense, rather broad.
As the name of the cultivar suggests, this phormium is variegated in three colors: pink, white and green. Very broad (up to 6 cm) and curved ribbon-like leaves, evergreen. Height 120 cm, width approximately 180 cm. It also lives well in a pot indoors. Also suitable for growing indoors or on the veranda.
Large, very fragrant, semi-double, pink-edged white flowers, mid-autumn, evergreen foliage. It reaches 3 meters in height and 1.80 in width. Magnificent in pots, for informal hedges or as an isolated specimen. In cold climates in winter, flowering during this period does not risk losing the buds due to intense frost like the better known C. japonica.
Rhizomatous perennial with narrow, linear, garlic-scented gray-green leaves. They form large tufts with fragrant flowers, Blooming for a long time, from late spring to autumn. The "Alba" cultivar has white flowers. Tulbaghia violacea is very easy to grow and will last even in a state of neglect for many years, able to thrive in rather poor soils.
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