Geranio resistente dal gelo, perenne, forma grandi cuscini di fiori azzurro - blu, da maggio al gelo. E’ tra le poche erbacee perenni longeve così rifiorenti, perfetta anche in vasi e fioriere.
Evergreen perennial fern, very hardy and rustic. Large, it reaches one meter in height.
Pianta tappezzante, molto rustica e facile, cresce abbandonata; simile alla Borragine, ma perenne. Magnifiche foglie grandi che perdurano da marzo al gelo, creando fitti tappeti. Fiori blu emergono prima delle foglie a fine inverno-inizio primavera. I fiori e gli steli che li portano e le giovani foglie possono essere mangiati, gustosi abbinati alle uova.
Frost-resistant geranium, perennial, forms large flower cushions of an ethereal blue - lilac color, from spring to summer. Double flowers make it incredibly showy and one of a kind.
Tappezzante lenta sempreverde a foglie variegate, da ombra, perenne. Ottimo sostituto del prato per piccole aree ombrose che necessitano di essere rese visivamente più chiare.
Magnificent ground cover plant with round, shiny leaves. Flowers at the base of the leaves in spring. It spreads quickly on the carpet, on the surface (it is not invasive). The roots and leaves smell of ginger, hence the name, but the plant is not edible. Evergreen in mild climates.
Perenne che si sviluppa tramite rizomi sotterranei, a rapida crescita, a fioritura lunghissima, con fiorellini a campanella e foglie triangolari sfumate di argento al centro.
Frost hardy geranium, perennial, magnificent purple leaves form large cushions of fuscia pink flowers with clear throats, from May to frost. It is among the few herbaceous long-lived perennials so incredible remontant.
Superlativa perenne da ombra parziale o boschiva. Fogliame diviso simile foglie di felci, solo una foglia per ogni picciolo. Moltiplicazione: avviene per divisione dei rizomi. I fiori di un tenue lilla-blu sono a margherita ognuno con un centro vistoso di stami giallo oro; il singolo fiore può durare per 2 o 3 settimane. Il periodo di fioritura...
Perenne tappezzante, rizomatosa, bassa, con fiori stellati d'oro simili a margherite. Perfetta per il giardino d'ombra. Fiori in gran numero in tarda primavera e poi rifiorisce, ma in modo discontinuo.
Le giovani foglie primaverili di questa resistente perenne da ombra emergono violacee per poi mantenere di questa tinta solo il gambo, in netto contrasto con le foglie verdi a due lobi (da qui il nome diphylla), inusuali e molto attraenti. Si espande con i rizomi sotteranei formando tappeti nel sottobosco. Eleganti fiori bianchi in primavera, a cui...
Magnificent perennial herb whose leaves had been chosen as ornamentation of capitals in antiquity. Huge spike flowers can reach more than 120 cm
Giant lupine with large and palmate leaves, in magnificent iridescent shades from white through shades of yellow and orange to pink-purple and blue. Lupine roots can improve soil fertility by helping to fix nitrogen in it.
Nessuna pianta perenne erbacea ha un fogliame paragonabile a questa varietà di heliopsis. La variegatura che segue il reticolo delle venature delle foglie bianche, dà a questa pianta facile da curare e molto resistente il fascino di una tropicale. Fiorisce da fine primavera all’autunno, è tra le poche perenni longeve così rifiorenti, perfetta anche in...
Herbaceous perennial for shade belonging to the hydrangea family. Vigorous with large leaves, lilac-blue flowers appear in bunches at the beginning of summer. Very easy to grow, it expands rapidly.
This Italian native wild flower from many spring woods is equally fascinating when grown in the garden or in a pot. It is a wood anemone. The position it loves is under shrubs and trees and naturalized on the edge of a shaded area. They bloom early, in late winter, early spring. As one might expect from a wild flower, it is undemanding and should be left...
Geranio resistente al gelo intenso, perenne, deciduo, con grandi foglie color caffè (così come recita il nome) interessanti anche quando non in fiore. I fiori rosa compaiono abbondantemente in primavera e, se prontamente tagliati per evitare loro di andare a seme, una seconda e terza volta in estate.
Stunning foliage is the main feature of this sturdy plant, along with very prolonged flowering. It forms dense tufts of green leaves accented with burgundy and silvery-white variegations. Small fragrant pinkish-white flowers appear in summer until autumn, from June to October.
Horseradish, for use in ketchups and chutneys, or as a condiment and natural flavoring, is a perennial herb used in Egyptian cuisine since 1500 BC. In Europe, it has been used in dishes since the Middle Ages. The dried and ground root tissue of horseradish is used in seasonings. Horseradish belongs to the Brassicaceae family, known for its...
Varietà di epimedium sempreverde, a rapida espansione coi suoi rizomi sotterranei, le cui foglie da autunno a primavera sono bordeaux scuro.
Similar to the other heliopsis with variegated leaves in our plantnursery, it carries dark, black / purple stems. Long flowering from spring to autumn. In hot summers it tolerates morning sun, or lives well in shade / partial shade. The leaves turn greener towards autumn, after the summer heat.
The "Pandora" cultivar is the most compact (40 cm high) existing cultivar of ligularia and is the darkest of the varieties that produce purple, almost brown-chocolate foliage, which ripens in intense olive green in the height of summer. The leaves are very shiny, wavy and notched on the edges. Rich golden yellow flowers, similar to daisies and a little...
Rare and magnificent shade perennial (similar to Lespedeza thunbergii but much more compact) that bears trifoliate leaves with spikes of flowers up to about 30 cm in length, in total it does not exceed 120 cm. Pale pink / lavender flowers from mid to late summer. The flowers of this species are sweetly scented and are visited by many bees and other...
Rare Himalayan rhizomatous herbaceous plant, from undergrowth, very resistant, with magnificent glossy green lobed leaves (up to 30 cm in diameter). It bears a white flower, followed by an orange-red ornamental fruit. It grows from year to year forming large colonies.
Magnificent herbaceous plant of the poppy family, but long-lived, for shade, with flowers similar to kerria. The velvety and soft fern-like leaves, the pom pom flowers of a delicate waxy yellow, the incredible ease and resistance, the length of flowering from May to August, make this plant one of the best shade perennials. Botanical rarity mutation of the...
Unusual showy ground cover with its warm tricolor foliage. Much more golden, lemon coloured, compared to Houttuynia cordata 'Chameleon', from which it differs due to its lighter dominant tone. White four-petalled summer flowers.
Globularia vulgaris or common blue daisy, is an evergreen perennial herbaceous plant, very easy, grows at the edge of the forest, therefore suitable for partial shade or morning sun in areas with very hot summers, while it grows well in the sun in mountainous or cooler in summer. The light blue/blue pompom flowers borne in spring and summer (May to...
'Robustica' is a vigorous, mound-forming, herbaceous perennial with scalloped, toothed, softly hairy, grey-green leaves and large, spreading sprays of tiny yellow-green flowers from early summer to early autumn. Bigger than specie.Cut back in late summer once foliage and spent flowers become untidy. To prevent self-seeding, cut back the flowering stems...
Farfugium cultivar with gray green leaves with wavy edges. This showy plant, native to Japan, provides year-round interest as it is evergreen contrary to exotic appearance. The yellow daisy flowers appear in the autumn months. It has a compact growth (about 60x 60cm) and can be easily used both in a container and on the ground, in a semi-shaded place. It...
It can be grown outdoors in the shade or partial shade, in a fresh and rich soil, wherever it does not drop below -10 ° C. It can also be grown indoors, even with direct sun in winter, while in summer it should be placed against a glass where it gets the morning sun only. Deciduous below 0 ° C, it will renew its branches in spring; while it will be...
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