Giant garden allium to naturalize. Beautiful long-lasting pink/lilac flowers in spring. They reach a good 25 cm in diameter.
Chives are a perennial with onion-scented leaves and abundant beautiful long-lasting pale purple umbrella-shaped flowers from late spring through summer. This variety was selected by our nursery, it has fatter leaves and larger flowers.
Lavandula dentata var. candicans is the so-called French Lavender with gray leaves, similar to the species, but more robust. The magnificent leaves are grey-green, more silvery than L. dentata, and serrated. Extends to about 90cm high by 150cm wide, likes full sun, has low water requirements. It resists down to -6°C below zero, if in well drained and...
Horseradish, for use in ketchups and chutneys, or as a condiment and natural flavoring, is a perennial herb used in Egyptian cuisine since 1500 BC. In Europe, it has been used in dishes since the Middle Ages. The dried and ground root tissue of horseradish is used in seasonings. Horseradish belongs to the Brassicaceae family, known for its...
Perennial ground cover mint ideal for preparing drinks (especially mojitos) with an intense glacial aroma.
Erbacea dalla fioritura prolungata estiva, chiamata 'Fiori farfalla' con magnifici fiori azzurro-blu in tutto simili al tropicale Clerodendrum ugandense. Nonostante l'aspetto tropicale è resistentissima al gelo e inoltre è utile nella lotta contro le zanzare. Le foglie molto odorose sono ricche di terpeni repellenti.
Pianta erbacea perenne da ombra, essenziale per il giardino primaverile a fioritura precocissima, fiori bicolore bianchi e azzurri tubulari, creano un tappeto leggero e a trama fine, sotto alberi o arbusti.
More compact cultivar, with taller, darker larger flowers and silvery leaves. Shrub-shaped, aromatic and citrus-scented ground cover perennial, it blooms profusely in summer and expands rapidly covering large areas of land. The flavor is similar to that of mint, but more delicate, it can be added to any dish, from first course to dessert.
Allium tuberosum is very easy to grow and very impressive because it forms large masses, great for those who love white. A member of the onion family, it forms clumps that can be grown for both culinary and ornamental purposes. It has gray-green leaves similar to chives up to 30 cm long which can be used in cooking in the same way as chives (Allium...
Rhizomatous perennial with narrow, linear, gray-green leaves fragrant with garlic. They form large tufts with fragrant pale pink-violet flowers, blooming for a long time,from late spring to autumn. Tulbaghia violacea is very easy to grow and will last even in a state of neglect for many years, able to thrive in rather poor soils.
La maggiorana è una perenne con bei fiori e attraente fogliame autunnale. Ricca di proprietà nutritive e dall'ottimo sapore, questa cultivar ha fiori più scuri e foglie purpuree da tarda estate.
Yarrow bush with large, golden flowers borne on tall stems. Vigorous, it forms large clump, cutting the stems with faded flowers causes it to bloom from spring to autumn. The leaves are fragrant, of a glaucous green. The flowers are magnificent when cut.
Pianta perenne tappezzante di forma arbustiva, dalle foglie grigio-verdi aromatiche e dal profumo agrumato, fiorisce abbondantemente in estate e si espande tappezzando rapidamente vaste aree di terreno. Il sapore è simile a quello della menta, ma più delicato, si può aggiugere a piacere in ogni piatto, dal primo al dolce.
This is a long-lived allium (which does not shrink over the years, but rather expands by forming colonies) that forms tufts. Each rhizome does not produce single isolated flowers, but various stems so the mass of flowers is very showy. It blooms in July and August, like all alliums it keeps annoying insects away.
Rhizomatous perennial with narrow, linear, grey-green leaves, scented with garlic. They form large tufts with scented pale pink-violet flowers with a creamy yellow center (similar to the flowers of small daffodils), blooming for a long time, from late spring to autumn. Tulbaghia violacea is very easy to grow and will last even in a state of neglect for...
La monarda o bergamotto attira le farfalle con i suoi magnifici fiori bianchi profumati. Le foglie sono anch'esse profumate e di un bel verde foresta. Con estati particolarmente calde piantare a mezzì'ombra. Si estende in modo coprente con i rizomi sotterranei.
Perennial plant with oval, slightly serrated leaves and clusters of tiny yellow button-like flowers, similar to daisies. Normally the flowers reach a height of about 80 cm. It would be perfect to plant on the back of a vegetable garden or border due to its height. The plant has a delicate balsamic scent, with the leaves having a light mint and lemon...
Garden allium to naturalize. It does not regress, on the contrary it expands exponentially more and more from year to year (and re-sows). Abundant beautiful long lasting pink / lilac flowers from late spring through summer. Bulbs and leaves are edible.
Rhizomatous perennial with narrow, linear, grey-green leaves variegated with white, scented with garlic. They form large tufts with scented pale pink-violet flowers, blooming for a long time, from late spring to autumn. Tulbaghia violacea is very easy to grow and will last even in a state of neglect for many years, able to thrive in rather poor soils.
Rhizomatous perennial with narrow, linear, garlic-scented gray-green leaves. They form large tufts with fragrant flowers, Blooming for a long time, from late spring to autumn. The "Alba" cultivar has white flowers. Tulbaghia violacea is very easy to grow and will last even in a state of neglect for many years, able to thrive in rather poor soils.
Perilla purpurea is an invasive plant whose seeds do not fear frost. It has large and unusual leaves, very ornamental, of an intense metallic color with purple-purple tones.
Allium that grows and blooms in the cool of spring, suitable for the undergrowth and not too sunny areas. It reseeds itself by forming colonies. During the rest of the year it is dormant; it loves well-drained soil. The bulbs, flowers and leaves are edible; it has beneficial properties.
Prostrate rosemary is a ground cover or trailing, perennial shrub with beautiful blue flowers and attractive evergreen foliage.
Dwarf cultivar, thinnest of the species, selected by our nursery. Evergreen and elegant thanks to the vertical shape, it is better to grow it in pots because it can be very invasive.
Il finocchio selvatico purpureo è una perenne che ha foglie molto leggere e ornamentali, come piume, e fiori a ombrello giallo-verdi. Attira le farfalle.
Questa cultivar di lavanda è un fitto arbusto perenne sempreverde, nano con fiori a spiga viola-blu intenso che attira le farfalle.
The mimulus is a very covering perennial, which has large and unusual flowers, very ornamental, worn for months and of a beautiful bright yellow.
Annual that does not fear frost and therefore reseeds while remaining perennial; the aromatic burgundy leaves taste like piper small pink flowers. If it stays bronze-purplish on the sun, it is more in shadow and more green.
The ground cover savory is a semi-evergreen perennial shrub, with fine foliage, abundant late white flowers, when little else blooms, and an aroma of pepper and salt. It requires very little maintenance and attracts pollinating insects useful for the garden. Drought tolerant, it grows even in very poor soils. Enhanced in a pot where it is hanging,...
This variety of common thyme is a dwarf shrub, perennial evergreen, abundant lilac-pink flowers, rich in nectar, brought in abundance from spring to summer.
Filtri (47 products)