Helleboro a fiore doppio, tra i più scuri esistenti, color violaceo-nero scurissimo, con appariscenti carpelli e stami dorati.
Pianta tappezzante, molto rustica e facile, cresce abbandonata; simile alla Borragine, ma perenne. Magnifiche foglie grandi che perdurano da marzo al gelo, creando fitti tappeti. Fiori blu emergono prima delle foglie a fine inverno-inizio primavera. I fiori e gli steli che li portano e le giovani foglie possono essere mangiati, gustosi abbinati alle uova.
Evergreen hellebore of the Ellen series with double flowers with curled petals, ruby coloured. Very long flowering from mid-winter to mid-spring.
This hellebore cultivar blooms from February to April; the flower is very dark purple with striking golden carpels and stamens.
Elleboro sempreverde con fiori bianchi, color bianco a puntini magenta, contrasto molto appariscente. Fiori per un lungo periodo (tre mesi) da febbraio ad aprile.
Evergreen hellebore with simple anemone-shaped flowers, rather bright and dark pink / red color, with showy golden carpels and stamens, very vigorous with well erect flowers.
Varietà sempreverde con fiori bianchi, doppi, color bianco a puntini magenta. Fiori per un lungo periodo (tre mesi) da febbraio ad aprile.
Anemone flower series, simple (only one turn of petals), more or less intense pink colour, with variable crown of nectaries, dotted with purple or slightly veined and golden stamens.
Mix of perennial hellebores obtained from seed from our mother plants. Typically winter flower, symbol of rebirth. It is not possible to choose the plants; mixes of varieties and types of blooms will arrive. We will select for you at the time of purchase 5 perennial hellebores; You will then receive 5 individual hellebore plants in the mix. Offer valid...
Pianta perenne erbacea, con bei fiori a campana e sfrangiate, a fioritura molto precoce (anche in mezzo alla neve), molto rustica e resistente. Insolite foglie e semenze piumose ornamentali, simili a quelle dei Clematis.
Evergreen hellebore with single anemone-shaped flowers, the color is white with burgundy dots in varying quantities. Distinctive feature, the central collar of nectar petals ruffled like a tutu and colored in a variable way. Very long flowering from mid-winter to mid-spring.
Unusual hellebore with abundant very large simple flowers, characterized by elongated star-shaped petals, which open more than other hellebores. Other peculiar characteristics are the evident stamens and the bright candy pink colour, highlighted by darker and lighter veins and streaks on the back of the petals.
Fine hybrid of evergreen hellebore with large and simple flowers, the petals are tinged with ivory yellow, skin, peach and apricot, tinged spotted in the center and on the edges with variably pink and purple, which becomes increasingly pale as it opens , and which darkens again from faded.
Hellebore with white flowers, with wavy petals dotted with purple and shaded in a variable but bright way with a deep pink color, in the center and on the edges. Flowers for a long period (three months) from February to April.
Rhizomatous perennial plant, with leaves reaching 150 cm in diameter, very early flowering (even in the snow), produces cream-colored stars grouped in bunches that look like small bouquets. Then it develops the huge leaves; being very rustic and resistant to intense frost, it is an excellent substitute for Gunnera manicata (which, on the other hand, does...
Generous and long flowering (from mid-winter to April), vigorous stems 40 cm tall. The sublime flowers stand out sharply above the foliage: ivory-white when they open, then contrast nicely with the older ones, tinged with pink, peach, chocolate and purple. The fleshy thickness of the petals resembles the cheeks of porcelain dolls.
Elleboro a fiore doppio che evoca il fiore di una ninfea, ogni petalo color porpora è finemente bordato di bianco, attorno ad un cuore di stami evidenti.
Hybrid end of evergreen hellebore with simple flower, blushed with apricot color with dark center, with veins and more evident margins and showy stamens.
Series of anemone-flowered hellebore, color pink tinged with pink variably heavier towards the center, and golden stamens. Pink spots and veins more or less intense and dense from plant to plant.
Japanese apricot with abundant winter flowering, on the still bare branches, compact and gnarled growth, fragrant flowers and double corolla.
Dense shrub like a fountain, growing up to 150cm. It blooms in late winter / early spring. This plant easily roots where arched branches touch the ground. Rapid growth creates colonies that look messy if not pruned (half pruning after flowering is beneficial). It is used on slopes, in raised planters, as a specimen in flower beds and on walls or nets as a...
Elleboro sempreverde con fiori doppi porpora. Fioritura lunghissima da metà inverno a metà primavera.
Erbacea perenne sempreverde, le cui foglie assumono una magnifica colorazione ramata-purpurea con il freddo invernali. Grandi foglie tondeggianti, lunghe fino a 30 cm; fiori rosa in primavera, portati su appariscenti e durevoli spighe.
Camellia with very long flowering in autumn-winter, semi-double, double flowers, with golden stamens. A graceful evergreen shrub with a vigorous, arching habit. The flowers are soft, creamy pink with ruffled edges. Evergreen with shiny leaves, compact habit, reaches 250 x 180 cm in width.
Evergreen hellebore with double flowers with pale pink petals, with a deeper pink back, shaded and variablely dotted. Very long flowering from mid-winter to mid-spring.
Hybrid of hellebore with simple flowers and tall stems, characterized by a central ruffled lime-gold collar with showy stamens. Very dark deep purple color, similar to velvet, with even darker veins.
Rhizomatous perennial plant, with very large leaves, very early flowering, very rustic and resistant. Very particular flower, showy variegated leaf. Suitable for creating spots of light in the shade, the leaves are truly a must have for those who love variegation.
This selection of evergreen anemone-flowered hellebore cultivars is characterized by a rippled central collar of lime, white, or darker burgundy nectars. Sometimes even the thin margins of the flowers are burgundy. Elegant, simple shape, white in color with evident carpels and stamens.
Helleborus niger sempreverde con fiori bianchi, doppi, evidenti carpelli e stami dorati. Fiori per un lungo periodo (tre mesi) da febbraio ad aprile.
Hellebore more upright and with a bright ruby hue (similar to Helleborus 'Anna's Red'): the petals are veined tone on tone and the stamens and lines are more evident than in other varieties.
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