Bulbous with spiked flowers, formed by many smaller flowers: each single flower is 5 cm in diameter and has slightly curved petals with golden stamens. It reaches 80 cm in height. It naturalizes forming carpets. The cultivated pots contain various camassia bulbs.
Iris hollandica lavender-blue tinged with yellow in a beautiful blend of colors. Also excellent for cut flowers, they will provide years of color in the garden, being very long-lived. They bloom in late spring. They are sold in pots with 5 or more bulbs.
Tulipani botanici da naturalizzare che formano colonie, alti 25 cm. Petali rossi rosati con margini bianchi all'esterno, internamente bianchi; quando si aprono al sole sembrano stelle. Vengono forniti in vaso.
Iris hollandica blue-purple tinged with bronze that look like orchids, in a beautiful mix of colors. Also excellent for cut flowers, they will provide years of color in the garden, being very long-lived. They bloom in late spring. They are sold in pots with 5 or more bulbs.
Vigorous very rustic Himalayan perennial with long spring flowering of white flowers, with the back and center of the petals sometimes tinged with blue. Flowers in bunches borne on elegant, tall and graceful stems, erect above the finely toothed leaves, to have in the spring garden.
Giant garden allium to naturalize. Beautiful long-lasting pink/lilac flowers in spring. They reach a good 25 cm in diameter.
Pianta tappezzante, molto rustica e facile, cresce abbandonata; simile alla Borragine, ma perenne. Magnifiche foglie grandi che perdurano da marzo al gelo, creando fitti tappeti. Fiori blu emergono prima delle foglie a fine inverno-inizio primavera. I fiori e gli steli che li portano e le giovani foglie possono essere mangiati, gustosi abbinati alle uova.
Fast ground cover, grows very dense and low at ground level, in sun or partial shade. The starry asymmetrical flowers are very abundant in spring.
Rare, shade perennial, fairly drought tolerant once established. It prefers shade, especially during the hottest hours of the day. Magnificent pure white starry flowers. It goes to rest in the summer heat, to then drive back in the spring.
This perennial herb is one of the easiest to grow and long flowering. It naturalizes by re-sowing itself, does not require particular care, forms rich tufts of basal leaves, with thin stems about 60 cm high, which carry, on dark-purple calyxes, masses of pink starry flowers. The flowers look like lace, the ensemble is unusual and very showy. In bloom from...
Perennial herbaceous plant, flowering in spring, truly unusual flowers, they look like pendulous hearts (swollen like small cushions) with a white drop in the centre, borne on arched branches, suitable for cutting, beautiful fern-like leaves.
Strongly scented, bright blue flowers that add colour and fragrance to the early spring garden. Vigorous Siberian Scilla (Siberian Scilla) is a long-lived, low, bushy bulbous plant suitable for planting in lawns, mixed border beds or patios, and in woodland and rock gardens, flowering early in the season (the short stature of most also makes them...
Bletilla striata is a terrestrial orchid that produces small pink-purple cattleya-like flowers (up to 4cm long) in 3-7 flowering racemes atop bare stems up to 45cm tall. It blooms from mid to late spring. Each pseudobulb typically produces 3-5 leaves, linear, pleated, papery, sword-shaped, light green (up to about 30 cm long). The ideal exposure is the...
The grey-green waxy foliage is topped in March and early April, at least for 6 weeks, producing a long succession of magnificent light blue flowers that obscure the foliage. By the end of May, Ipheion become dormant for the summer, they are summer dormant and tolerate drought during the dormant period; they resume growth in autumn and grow during the...
Perenne che si sviluppa tramite rizomi sotterranei, a rapida crescita, a fioritura lunghissima, con fiorellini a campanella e foglie triangolari sfumate di argento al centro. Also suitable for growing indoors or on the veranda (from November to March they are shipped in vegetative rest without leaves, but they vegetate again with the heat).
Bulbous perennial herbaceous species, with prolonged and re-flowering flowering, with beautiful bell-shaped salmon pink flowers; its peculiarity are the leaves, which look like four-leaf clovers, in the center of which there are wavy purple variegations. Also suitable for growing indoors or on the veranda (from November to March they are shipped in...
One of the longest-lasting perennials, flowering from May to September, repeatedly. Magnificent lilac/pink flowers with a black center, the petals are veined, they look like paintings. They live well from sun to light shade.
Oxalis a fiore bianco puro, ha bulbi che si allargano continuamente. Molto fiorifera forma bei cuscini di campanelline da primavera ad autunno (incredibilmente rifiorente). Meglio se irrigata in modo regolare e senza troppo sole. Foglie ornamentali simili al trifoglio.
Compact sage, incredibly re-flowering from May to September. Very dark purple-blue flowers as in the photo, it attracts butterflies and pollinating insects useful for vegetable garden and garden, for the whole season.
Pianta erbacea perenne, che fiorisce precocemente e per tutta la primavera, e produce numerosissimi fiori campanulati azzurro chiaro. Magnifiche foglie variegate tricolore, ideale per una zona ombreggiata.
Gaura cultivar with magnificent two-colored flowers, which remains compact and does not exceed about 60 cm. it blooms for a long time from late spring to all summer. It resists intense frost, for cultivation an excellent drainage is the key to success, so gravel, pumice or lapillus mixed in the hole where it is planted; the only thing that can kill them...
Salvia very easy to grow, the flowers bloom from spring to summer and can rebloom sporadically until the end of summer if the withered flowers are promptly cut off. Excellent fresh cut flower. The leaves are aromatic, they taste of anise and resin.
Perenne tappezzante, rizomatosa, bassa, con fiori stellati d'oro simili a margherite. Perfetta per il giardino d'ombra. Fiori in gran numero in tarda primavera e poi rifiorisce, ma in modo discontinuo.
The largest and tallest cultivar on the market and early flowering, with white flowers, long-bearing from spring through the summer. Resistant to intense frost. The flowers develop in elongated spikes, with pinkish buds and pure white flowers. For cultivation, good drainage is the key to success, the only thing that can kill them is soggy winter soil....
Salvia very easy to grow, the flowers bloom from spring to summer and can rebloom sporadically until the end of summer if the withered flowers are promptly cut off. Excellent fresh cut flower. The leaves are aromatic, they taste of anise and resin.
For those who love the contrast given by the leaves, this Ranunculus ficaria cultivar cannot be missed. For the winter and spring garden, this is definitely one of the most unusual and showy plants we grow. This perennial emerges in winter with glossy black foliage, in rosettes. From late February to March, the tufts are topped with very bright yellow...
Vigorous bulbous plant with characteristic fleshy clover-shaped leaves which, with their bright green, form an excellent background for the large, magnificent pink flowers. Also suitable for growing indoors or on the veranda.
Among the easiest and most floriferous perennials. In spring, Aquilegia 'McKana Giants Mix' produces large, showy flowers. The sturdy stems carry numerous heads of flowers that combine different colored petals and sepals creating a stunning rainbow mix. It adapts to any exposure and is also an excellent shade plant.
Cultivar a fiori bianchi, tappezzante a crescita veloce con piccole fitte foglioline sempreverdi. Può essere usata come prato o come riempi spazio in mezzo a vialetti e mattonelle.
Bulbosa della stessa famiglia degli amarillis (e richiede le medesime cure), con inconsueti infiorescenze estive rosse a forma di palla, foglie coriacee che lo fanno assomigliare a un piccolo banano, disposte a spirale.
Filtri (183 products)