Variety of flowering salvias, reblooming from spring to autumn. These hybrids are among the most floriferous perennials. One plant every 80cm is recommended for borders or low hedges. The quantity in this pack covers 8 sq m. It is a mix of selected cultivars which are indicated below.
In addition to abundant flowering in spring, the dog rose feeds the local fauna, it is anti-intrusion due to its thorns and it produces edible berries. Aesthetically magnificent all winter long. We recommend planting one plant every 3 linear metres. This pack is sufficient for a 15m hedge.
Eleganti fiori bianchi prodotti in abbondanza e continuamente da primavera ad autunno, foglie dal profumo pungente con toni di menta e limone.
Arbusto erbaceo con base legnosa (riparte dal basso ogni anno raggiungendo i 120-150 cm circa) interessante per la lunga fioritura dalla primavera all’autunno a fiori azzurro-blu, e le foglie glauche aromatiche.
Gingko grows moderately: it can grow between 40 and 70 cm per year, reaching 3 / 3.5 meters in 10 years, but it is able to reach heights between 15 and 25 meters. Under ideal conditions, the gingko can become even higher (ancient existing specimens reach 50 meters). In autumn the foliage turns golden. It does not require special care.
Gardenia resistant to frost, down to -22 ° C. This dwarf evergreen shrub produces white flowers with an exotic appearance with a celestial scent like that of the species. The large flowers with a diameter of about 5 cm, have narrow and long petals, which resemble a mill. Glossy dark green foliage. Also suitable for growing indoors or on the veranda.
Salvia dai fiori color salmone prodotti gran parte dell’anno dalla primavera all’autunno, foglie deliziosamente profumate.
Colore al neon per i fiori di questa salvia resistente al gelo. Fogliame odoroso di menta e limone, e fioritura color rosso corallo da primavera ad autunno.
Compact sage, incredibly re-flowering from May to September. Very dark purple-blue flowers as in the photo, it attracts butterflies and pollinating insects useful for vegetable garden and garden, for the whole season.
Salvia very easy to grow, the flowers bloom from spring to summer and can rebloom sporadically until the end of summer if the withered flowers are promptly cut off. Excellent fresh cut flower. The leaves are aromatic, they taste of anise and resin.
Shrub with an unusual double early spring flower, with showy abundant flowering, which appears before the foliage, known as "Japanese quince, flowering quince" or "peach blossom". Cultivar with laden peach flowers.
Salvia dai fiori color rosa carico, prodotti gran parte dell’anno dalla primavera all’autunno, foglie deliziosamente profumate.
Salvia very easy to grow, the flowers bloom from spring to summer and can rebloom sporadically until the end of summer if the withered flowers are promptly cut off. Excellent fresh cut flower. The leaves are aromatic, they taste of anise and resin.
Giant italian fuchsia, very vigorous and resistant to frost, blooms very abundantly all summer until the arrival of frost. It completely loses the aerial part in harsh winters, throwing back and reaching 200 cm (if in full ground) without problems. Also suitable for pots for the beautiful arched branches.
Gallica rose from the end of the 18th century. Deep purple-purple, shade tolerant. Intense fragrance. Very full flowers of about 12 cm, up to 40 petals. Compact, dense, it forms a shrub of 150 x 150 cm.
Unusual lagerstroemia cultivar with dark, almost black leaves. Color is darker with greater insolation. Pink-lilac flowers in summer. Slow-growing shrub also suitable for pots.
Pianta erbacea perenne, a fioritura estiva precoce, prolungata e rifiorente, con spighe di magnifici fiori bicolore prodotti fino a 120 di numero su un'unica infiorescenza; forte e vigorosa, con un portamento compatto.
Unusual lagerstroemia cultivar with dark, almost black leaves. Color improves with greater insolation. Bright magenta flowers in summer. Slow-growing shrub also suitable for pots.
Foglie aromatiche, fiori rosa fucsia che trascolorano al rosa chiaro-lilla, rifiorisce continuamente da primavera ad autunno.
Mix of shrubby and herbaceous perennials, with warm leaves: red, bronze, purple, purple, golden. The colorful leaves give movement and add an unusual touch to pots and gardens. It is not possible to choose the plants; mixes of varieties and types of blooms will arrive. We will select for you at the time of purchase 5 plants with leaves of the colors...
Il blu è un colore splendido sui fiori, raro da trovare! Questa salvia li porta dalla primavera all’autunno senza temere sole e siccità, e ha foglie deliziosamente odorose.
Unusual shrub or small tree with soft feathery leaves and abundant soft pink pom pom flowers, which immediately strikes the eye. It prefers a bright place with lightly filtered sun, or morning sun, in well drained soil, for best results it should be planted in a sheltered place (it cannot bear temperatures below 0°C), on a terrace or balcony and then...
Evergreen shrub, with white starry spring flowers with a celestial scent and unusually shaped and aromatic leaves. It is suitable for use isolated or as a small / medium-sized hedge, or in pots. The best exposure in case of scorching summer is the morning sun or partial shade.
Variegated cornus with green leaves variegated with white with a pink border in spring and early summer. Between late summer and autumn, the leaves turn deep pink-purple. Very decorative red stems in winter. It tolerates both full sun and partial shade; without pruning, this Cornus becomes about 1.5 m tall and wide; but it holds up well to spring pruning,...
The peculiarity of this sage are the mutable flowers, which depending on the stage of development and the temperatures are white, or cherry, white and cherry together on the same flower. Resists frost and heat, fragrant leaves, blossoms from spring to autumn.
A herbaceous sage with very large flowers and curly, hairy foliage that is delicately fragrant when crushed, the evergreen basal rosettes of leaves create a soft cushion for the large flower spikes. The leopard-spotted, light lavender flower spikes (90 cm heght) are a wonderful sight.
Fiori gialli e foglie profumate. Rifiorisce a lungo da primavera all’autunno, resiste al gelo e al caldo intenso.
Netto contrasto tra il calice viola scuro-nero e il magenta dei fiori che sono prodotti gran parte dell’anno da primavera ad autunno. Fogliame profumato.
Lagerstroemia dai fiori color rosso carminio, molto appariscente. In 10 anni può raggiungere dai 5 ai 10 metri di altezza. Crescita piuttosto lenta, regge la potatura regolare per essere mantenuta compatta, adatta al vaso e a piccoli giardini.
Evergreen shrub with lanceolate, gray-green, woolly leaves. Blue flowers scented from late spring to mid-summer. Excellent as a low hedge, it loves drained soil. Cut at ground level in early spring to encourage new growth and branching, and to keep the shape compact.
Filtri (574 products)