I frutti rotondi e polposi maturano da inizio estate, sapore dolce acidulo.
Mutazione a fiore bianco della rosa selvatica spontanea italiana, seguono magnifici cinorrodi allungati rosso intenso.
Vigorous blackberry without thorns that produces large fruits in late summer.
Cornus controversa, syn. C. brachipoda or Swida controversa, native to China, the Himalayas and Japan is a deciduous tree that grows up to 15 meters in height (in 20/50 years) with multi-layered horizontal branches. Very ornamental: flat panicles of white flowers appear in summer, followed by globular black berries. The leaves turn a rich red-purple in...
Numerous flat heads of white flowers in early summer and black fruit to follow. The flowers are very fragrant. Suitable for creating ornamental hedges. The berries and flowers are edible. Scaly and fissured bark. Therefore an interesting shrub for all 4 seasons, very resistant, with zero care.
Reblooming raspberry, early and medium flowering, resistant to diseases (white disease). It blooms again from spring to early summer with an exceptional yield of large-sized, very sweet and tasty fruits. Rustic and vigorous variety.
Ribes alpinum is a very rustic plant, it resists up to about -25 ° CEasily cultivated in clayey, but well-drained soil. Develop a neat and compact shape.The flowers are sweetly scented. The plants are self-fertile, it may take 4-5 years of consolidation to fully bear fruit. Prune as needed during the dormant season. It is generally recommended to remove...
Fragola a fiori fucsia, rifiorente tappezzante, incredibilmente rapida nel crescere produce fragole dolci e profumate, molto gustose per tutta la bella stagione, purchè riceva sole tutto il giorno. Utile anche come pianta tappezzante coprente (contro le infestanti) sotto rose e arbusti.
Fragola molto rifiorente che produce frutti dalla primavera all'autunno.
Lucide foglie verde scuro ellittiche, lunghe fino a 8 cm, decidue. Fiori profumati bianchi in primavera di 1,5 cm di diametro. Seguono in autunno densi grappoli di circa 10 cm di frutti rosso scarlatto ovoidali lunghi fino a 6 mm. Ricchi di vit C hanno un aroma dolce/amaro di limone.
Interesting plant for all the 4 seasons, starting from twisted and debarked stems in winter; profuse white flowers in spring; tasty blue fruits in summer; and red foliage in the fall.
Interesting plant in the 4 seasons, starting from twisted and debarked stems in winter; profuse white flowers in spring; tasty blue fruits in summer; and red foliage in the fall. Mid-season variety as ripening.
One of the hardiest dark-leaved shrubs, with large, very showy rounded leaves and pink / purple catkins in winter. Corylus maxima 'Purpurea' (Purple-leaved filbert) will reach a height of 8m and a spread of 4m after 10-20 years. It can be contained without problems with regular pruning, which is why it also fits in large pots, as a focal point. Edible...
Strawberry with bright red flowers, re-flowering and ground cover, very fast in growing, produces sweet, very tasty and fragrant strawberries, throughout the summer, as long as it receives sun all day. Also useful as a covering plant (against weeds) under roses and shrubs.
At the end of winter (it is among the first shrubs to bloom), spectacular single coral pink flowers appear before the foliage, deep and bright, with 5 petals. They are followed by edible summer fruits (quinces) such as jellies. It has thorny branches and deciduous oval leaves, but the main characteristic is the abundant flowers. Known as "Japanese quince,...
Filtri (16 products)