Mimulus guttatus Expand

Mimulus guttatus

Un Quadrato di Giardino - Podenzano (PC)

Mimulus guttatus


The mimulus is a very covering perennial, which has large and unusual flowers, very ornamental, worn for months and of a beautiful bright yellow.

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Parte di pianta da usare in cucina : foglie

La pianta è in vaso di 17-18 cm di diametro

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The mimulus is a very covering perennial, which has large and unusual flowers, very ornamental, worn for months and of a beautiful bright yellow.

Suitable in mixed borders as a foreground/background plant, and also in pots, where the prolonged flowering will be enhanced. It requires little care. It self-seeds if the faded flowers are not removed, and can be invasive.

Common name: Yellow Mimolo, Yellow monkeyflower
Genus and species: Mimulus guttatus
Cultivars: -
Family: Scrophulariaceae.

Description of the flowers: The tubular flowers look like human/animal mouths and have bilateral symmetry; they are arranged in racemes, with numerous flowers.
Flower color: Bright yellow with the flower throat enlivened by copper-orange spots.
Flowering period: Late spring and all summer.
Leaves: Light green, opposite, round to oval, usually coarsely and irregularly toothed or lobed; semi-evergreen
Fragrance: The flowers smell sweetly.
Dimensions: Height up to 80 cm.

Exposure: Full sun, light shade.
Soil: It has no particular needs.
Irrigation: It loves water, but in soil that retains it it is sufficient to irrigate it as needed.
Frost hardiness: USDA 6b.

Pruning: It loses part of the aerial part depending on the intensity of the frost, so at the beginning of winter or early spring, the dry parts can be cut; remove the faded stems if you want the plant not to be invasive.
Propagation: By division at the end of winter or by sowing in spring after the frosts have passed; from cuttings in late spring/summer.

Notes of interest
Use in cooking: The leaves - raw or cooked, with a slightly bitter taste - are added to salads. They are used as a real substitute for lettuce.
Herbal properties: The plant is astringent, in the form of a poultice it is healing (useful for wounds, burns...). A bath in leaves and stems is used for rheumatic pains. The plant is then used in Bach flowers, prescribed for anxiety, fear and phobia problems.

Esposizione Dal sole intenso all'ombra luminosa
Periodo di fioritura Primavera, Estate
Colore del Fiore Giallo-oro
Colore delle Foglie Verde
Fogliame Semi-sempreverde
Altezza Massima 60-90 cm
Larghezza Massima Si autodissemina (virtualmente infinita)
Innaffiatura Regolare (aspettando che asciughi tra una e l'altra)
Zona_USDA 6b
Parte di pianta da usare in cucina foglie