In addition to abundant flowering in spring, the dog rose feeds the local fauna, it is anti-intrusion due to its thorns and it produces edible berries. Aesthetically magnificent all winter long. We recommend planting one plant every 3 linear metres. This pack is sufficient for a 15m hedge.
Rosa Portland della prima metà dell'800. Di un viola-porpora carico, tollerante l'ombra. Intensa fragranza. Fiori molto pieni di circa 6 cm, fino a 50 petali. Rifiorente. Compatta, densa, alta da 90 a 120 cm. Larga fino a 75 cm.
Pink of an unusual lilac color, with cupped flowers; the flowers come together at the same time on the plant which appears very opulent.
Gorgeous and unusual ocher brown rose: it has a color reminiscent of a mocha coffee as the name suggests; scented.
Rosa ibrido di tea fiori enormi fino a 100 petali, col fascino opulento delle rose antiche. Rifiorentissima e intensamente profumata.
Very compact and incredibly fragrant Floribunda rose. Beautiful shape of the flowers, deep pink, tinged with purple, reminiscent of ancient roses.
Gallica rose from the end of the 18th century. Deep purple-purple, shade tolerant. Intense fragrance. Very full flowers of about 12 cm, up to 40 petals. Compact, dense, it forms a shrub of 150 x 150 cm.
Rosa multiflora a grandi mazzi e intensamente profumata, seguiti da belle bacche rosse e rotonde a grappoli.
Questa rosa antica rubusta e vigorosa, ma senza spine, fa bene anche in mezz'ombra; magnifico il tono lilla-malva dei fiori.
Mutazione a fiore bianco della rosa selvatica spontanea italiana, seguono magnifici cinorrodi allungati rosso intenso.
Rosa rampicante profumatissima, vigoroso a grandi fiori (diametro medio 10 cm), doppi, fino a 25 petali, a forma di coppa. magnifico rosso scuro vellutato. Fiorisce a ondate per tutta la stagione. Grande, lucido, fogliame verde scuro. Altezza e larghezza fino a 4 m.
Rosa floribunda molto sana, rifiorente e profumata, dagli insoliti fiori variegati. Una delle migliori rose moderne.
Rosa da taglio profumata e rifiorente, con bei boccioli, adatta al vaso e per fiori recisi.
Gallica rose in bunches and intensely scented, followed by red berries. This old rose is very hardy and vigorous. In flower it is very prolific.
Floribunda, with beautiful mauve lilac flowers with cool bluish / blue shades; with a strong pleasant scent. Resistant to disease.
Hybrid tea rose for cutting, with distinctive flowers due to the incredible rust color, darker or lighter depending on the period and flowering and with purplish / purple tones, which look like velvet. Fruity fragrance.
Rosa con magnifici fiori a coppa, di forma globosa e grandi (diametro medio 8 cm, fino a 60 petali) color crema, bordi carminio-rosa, con fragranza moderata. Rifiorente prolifica, continua. Molto vigorosa, raggiunge i 4 mt di altezza).
Apricot-pink English rose, shaded cream, with lighter underside. and ocher tones, among the most famous and awarded. Very fragrant, it blooms well even in warm climates.
Floribunda with a light citrus scent, unique in shape and mauve / lilac color, with thick foliage. Suitable for pots and flower beds; for cut flowers.
Shrubby rose of great impact, very remontant and healthy. Create thick spots of a very bright geranium red. A must have for anyone who loves red.
The very abundant flowering, the sweet licorice scent, the very shiny foliage, the shape of the flower reminiscent of ancient roses, and the rounded bush that form, of this rose one of the best yellow roses: absolutely fabulous.
Rose floribunda yellow-gold, blooms in waves throughout the season. Bushy, glossy, with dark green foliage.Suitable for pots and in mixed borders, it is a small, round shrub; beautiful as cutting flower.
Very resistant and re-flowering polyantha rose; prolific, with arched branches and perfect in mixed edges.Covering and full shrub, which is also good in hot climates. It starts blooming a little later than most roses, however it blooms continuously until frost and snow often covers the roses.
Antique noisette rose, scented with lemon. It has full and rich cupped flowers, reblooming.
Rosa antica molto resistente, dagli incredibili fiori bicolore, e insieme completamente rosa o bianchi sulla stessa pianta.
Ruby red rose, with a strong scent, with large flowers, very healthy and re-flowering.
Intensely scented rose, climbing form that does not exceed 250 cm, dense and compact, suitable for small spaces.
Climbing rose with large red-purple flowers (the flower hold up to 70 petals), with a delicate sweet fragrance, reaches 3 meters in height and 2 in width.
American rose with an incredible dark purple and an inebriating citrus and spicy scent. Dense and compact foliage, very suitable for potting.
Kordes rose with continuous re-flowering with large cupped flowers with the charm of ancient roses, perfect to cut and suitable for the vase.
Filtri (158 products)