Kniphofia 'Bees' Sunset' Expand

Kniphofia 'Bees' Sunset'

Kniphofia 'Bees' Sunset'


Yellow spikes tinged with orange on thin foliage. Very floriferous, early flowering; produces ears from June to September. With an exotic charm, it has won the Royal Horticultural Society Award of Garden Merit (RHS AGM). Resistant in most places even in harsh winters (-15 / -10 ° C).

La pianta è in vaso di 19 cm di diametro

33 Items

10,00 €

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Esposizione Sole intenso, Sole del mattino, Mezz'ombra
Periodo di fioritura Primavera, Estate
Colore del Fiore Giallo-oro
Colore delle Foglie Verde-Glauco
Fogliame Deciduo
Altezza Massima 100-120 cm
Larghezza Massima 80 cm
Innaffiatura Scarsa (al bisogno)
Zona_USDA 8a