Hybrid rose of Hulthemia persica, of yellow color, with dark throat, very resistant like the plant from which it originates, healthy, re-flowering, with small leaves.
Very resistant rose like Hulthemia persica from which it originates, healthy, re-flowering. With dark purple central eye, and pink / lilac petals with orange shades. As it fades the flower becomes lighter, turning towards the pink tinged with pale lilac.
Banksiae species with large bouquets sweetly perfumed. This ancient rose is very healthy and thornless.
Shrub that is best cut every year after flowering so that the young branches remain red in the winter. You can prune every other year to enjoy the autumn berries from time to time (which we would not have if we remove the spring flowers), or you can prune only half of the branches and the other half the following year. Interesting in the 4 seasons, white...
Rhizomatous begonia with very large and dark leaves (mahogany tones); introduced in 1947 by Joe Hayden. In winter, clusters of pink flowers emerge from its large green-burgundy foliage. Very vigorous and indestructible variety.
Climbing French rose with fragrant, very rich, wavy flowers of a beautiful nuanced tone of peach pink and apricot tones.
Long-flowering and re-flowering perennial in summer, the large flowers look like daisies and are durable, suitable for cutting. The peculiarity of this cultivar are the petals that are not bowed like those of the species, but higher and open.
A classic peony with large and long-lasting flowers, anemone-like, very fragrant, with dark fuchsia petals; central petaloids very dense, rather broad.
Ligustro compatto e a lenta crescita (non fa più dei 250 cm di altezza). Ha foglie rotonde, foglie spesse, cerose marginate in modo evidente di bianco-crema. I fiori profumati sbocciano da tarda primavera fino all'inizio dell'estate e poi si formano le bacche blu-nere.
Ortensia lacecap a grandi foglie con magnifici fiori a sepali a forma di stella doppi, bianchi; i fiori fertili al centro sono azzurro-lilla.
Hybrid tea rose very re-flowering and very fragrant, apricot or peach and honey.Upright and well-branched shrub, suitable for cut flowers and also for growing in pots.
Rosa ibrido di tea molto rifiorente e profumatissima, dagli insoliti fiori grandi e variegati.
Shrub English rose with large flowers, resistant, very remontant and fruit scented, with dark, velvety flowers.
Rosa ibrido di tea molto suggestiva, i cui fiori sembrano di seta, grazie alla colorazione insolita e deliziosa, bicolore: rosso acceso di bianco al centro.
This magnificent wrinkled rose with curled petals has very dense and healthy foliage. Very fragrant, it tastes of spices and cloves.
Burgundy version of the famous Iceberg landscape rose; boasts an extraordinary production of flowers, with beautiful oviodal buds, showy clusters, bright green foliage and almost thornless stems. Its deep purple red color intensifies with cool nights. It shows excellent disease resistance and has a light honey fragrance.
Rosa moderna molto sana, chiamata 'Schiuma di mare' perchè l'effetto in piena fioritura è molto ricco e simile a schiuma bianca.Adatta al vaso, e a zone sopraelevate, o come coprisuolo, grazie ai suoi rami arcuati, ricadenti ed elastici.
Prolific tea hybrid rose, fits the pot. It has a very intense, sweet, fruity aroma. It can also be used in mixed borders and for cut flowers.
Rosa polyantha molto resistente e rifiorente; prolifica, dai rami arcuati e perfetta in bordi misti.Arbusto coprente e pieno, che fa bene anche in climi caldi. Inizia fiorire un po' più tardi rispetto alla maggior parte delle rose, tuttavia fiorisce ininterrottamente fino al gelo e la neve spesso copre le rose.
Pink of an unusual lilac color, with cupped flowers; the flowers come together at the same time on the plant which appears very opulent.
Rosa muschiata o moschata, rampicante o grande arbusto dal colore mutevole, profumo intenso.
Intensely scented rose, climbing form that does not exceed 250 cm, dense and compact, suitable for small spaces.
Magnificent tea rose with large, full, very fragrant light pink flowers. Also suitable in pots, it is abundantly remontant.
Prostrate rosemary is a ground cover or trailing, perennial shrub with beautiful blue flowers and attractive evergreen foliage.
Rhizomatous perennial begonia, with iridescent and metallic foliage.
Abutilon 'Thousand Kisses Cherry' has deep pink flowers, petals with more intensely raised veins and bright yellow-orange stamens.Flowers are produced in large numbers all year round, as long as the plant receives sufficient light (never direct sun)
Rhizomatous perennial with narrow, linear, garlic-scented gray-green leaves. They form large tufts with fragrant flowers, Blooming for a long time, from late spring to autumn. The "Alba" cultivar has white flowers. Tulbaghia violacea is very easy to grow and will last even in a state of neglect for many years, able to thrive in rather poor soils.
Numerous flat heads of white flowers in early summer and black fruit to follow. The flowers are very fragrant. Suitable for creating ornamental hedges. The berries and flowers are edible. Scaly and fissured bark. Therefore an interesting shrub for all 4 seasons, very resistant, with zero care.
Rambler rose, extremely re-flowering and healthy, it also adapts to the shade. She is not afraid of diseases, romantic and fragrant. She grows fast.
Climbing rose with eye-catching bright red flowers, unbreakable in photography. Very healthy foliage, captivating for its red, double and bright flowers, reaches 2.5 meters in height, which is why it is also suitable for growing in capacious pots and magnificent for pillars.
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