Abutilon 'Thousand Kisses Cherry' Expand

Abutilon 'Thousand Kisses Cherry'

Un Quadrato di Giardino - Podenzano (PC)

Abutilon Thousand Kisses Cherry


Abutilon 'Thousand Kisses Cherry' has deep pink flowers, petals with more intensely raised veins and bright yellow-orange stamens.
Flowers are produced in large numbers all year round, as long as the plant receives sufficient light (never direct sun)

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Parte di pianta da usare in cucina : fiori

La pianta è in vaso di 14-16 cm di diametro

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Abutilon 'Thousand Kisses Cherry' has deep pink flowers, petals with more intensely raised veins and bright yellow-orange stamens.
Flowers are produced in large numbers all year round, as long as the plant receives sufficient light (never direct sun)

Flowers are produced in large numbers all year round, as long as the plant receives sufficient light (never direct sun). It requires little care, it is very easy to take care of, even in an apartment or at home, but it gives great satisfaction. Rapidly growing and, despite the maximum expansion measures making it a medium-sized shrub, it can be contained very easily, with repeated pruning and without particular precautions. The plant regrows and branches without problems, continuing to flower.
Fertilize twice a year (early spring and early autumn) with pelleted manure.

Common name: Abutilon, flowering maple.
Genus and species: Abutilon × hybridum
Cultivar: 'Cherry of a Thousand Kisses'
Family: Malvaceae.

Description of the flowers: Bell-shaped, with five petals.
Flower colour: Bright cyclamen pink, very shaded with darker pink, with yellow-orange stamens.
Flowering period: All year round.
Leaves: resemble maple leaves, palmate, with toothed margins.
Perfume: -
Dimensions: height 2.5 m and width 2 m approximately.

Exposure: partial shade, shade.
Soil: rich, to flower well.
Irrigation: Abundant in summer with the heat, just enough in other periods of the year. Does not like drought.
Frost resistance: USDA 9.

Pruning: Where it loses the aerial part after the arrival of frosts, therefore at the beginning of winter, the dry parts can be cut, even at the base (it will regrow in spring). At any time of the year, as long as there is adequate lighting for growth, it can be pruned and trimmed to make it branch.
Propagation: By cutting all year round, at least 20°C.

Esposizione Mezz'ombra, Ombra luminosa
Periodo di fioritura Tutto l'anno
Colore del Fiore Rosa
Colore delle Foglie Verde
Fogliame Semi-sempreverde
Altezza Massima 250-300
Larghezza Massima 200 cm
Innaffiatura Regolare (aspettando che asciughi tra una e l'altra)
Zona_USDA 9a
Parte di pianta da usare in cucina fiori