Dark blue leaves, rounded cup-shaped. Evergreen in mild climates or on the veranda. Also suitable for growing indoors or on the veranda (from November to March they are sent to vegetative rest without leaves, but they vegetate again in the heat).
Very fleshy leaves, unusual gold variegation. Evergreen in mild climates or on the veranda. Also suitable for growing indoors or on the veranda (from November to March they are sent to vegetative rest without leaves, but they vegetate again in the heat).
Perenne con foglie succulente che sviluppa a ‘fontana’, color blu-glauco con margini porpora. A fine estate Fiori rosa stellati a mazzi si sviluppano a fine estate sulle cime dei rami.
Nandina nana (fino a 120 cm), tondeggiante, compatta, con foglie variegate di bianco e nuovi germogli rosa-rossi. Sfumata di arancio e rosso in autunno.
Ortensia a grandi foglie e con magnifici enormi fiori globosi. Spesso produce fiori rosa e azzurri contemporaneamente. Ottenuta da talea da una nostra vecchia ortensia.
Summer flowering shrub with magnificent blue spikes. The beautiful leaves are unusual palmate and fragrant. The flowers also smell spicy. Leaves and flowers can be used in decoctions. It can reach 5 meters in width, but flowering on new branches, it can be vigorously pruned at the end of winter.
Large leaf hydrangea with magnificent purple globose flowers. It can also be used in pots, individually. The flower changes color depending on the soil pH, with violet-blue flowers in acidic soil and pink on alkaline soils.
Large-leaved hydrangea with magnificent globose flowers, two-tone: white with bright pink edges. The sepals are notched.
Salvia ornamentale con fiori rossi portati su calici scuri purpurei, resistente al caldo intenso e al gelo, rifiorente da primavera ai primi freddi, foglie profumate.
Perennial plant with purple-burgundy foliage, it quickly covers the soil with the surface rhizomes, very useful to prevent the growth of weeds. It develops tall elegant stems with golden pendulous flowers. It grows from shadow to sun, extremely versatile. With more sun the leaves are more red, with more shade more they are bronze.
Perilla purpurea is an invasive plant whose seeds do not fear frost. It has large and unusual leaves, very ornamental, of an intense metallic color with purple-purple tones.
Veronica tappezzante decidua perenne, cresce radicando in superficie, molto rapida, senza bisogno di cure né irrigazione. Forma spighe di fiorellini azzurro-blu appariscenti in primavera. Adatta alla mezz’ombra.
Evergreen perennial violet with unusual soft yellow flowers scented in spring, it spreads rapidly forming thick carpets. Also suitable for growing indoors or on the veranda.
Antique noisette rose, scented with lemon. It has full and rich cupped flowers, reblooming.
Sedum sempreverde perenne, tappezzante o ricadente, con fogliame spettacolare glauco-bluastro e foglie che sembrano, per l’insolita forma, rami di abete. Mazzetti di fiori gialli emergono in estate alle estremità dei gambi. E’ eccezionalmente resistente alla siccità e facile da coltivare.
Gardenia resistant to frost, up to -17°C. This dwarf evergreen shrub produces white flowers with an exotic appearance and a heavenly scent like that of the species. Dark green glossy foliage. Also suitable for growing indoors or on the veranda.
Magnolia sempreverde nana e compatta (arriva molto lentamente a 4-5 m di altezza per 2,5 di larghezza). Ha magnifici grandi fiori profumatissimi color panna, di lunga durata, che vengono prodotti tutta la bella stagione finchè le temperature si mantengono sopra i 20°C, da primavera ad autunno.
Arbusto dal portamento arrotondato e compatto, con grandi foglie sempreverdi, con germogli rosa, poi verde chiaro, poi verde scuro. Ama terreno fresco, ma drenato, a mezz'ombraFiori rosa in maggio/giugno. Cresce lentamente arrivando a 500 cm.
Kordes rose with continuous re-flowering with large cupped flowers with the charm of ancient roses, perfect to cut and suitable for the vase.
Una delle migliori rose antiche. Fiori con variegatura molto evidente. Grande arbusto con fogliame abbondante portato su rami arcuati. I fiori magnifici sono un vero e proprio messaggio di 'stop', ‘fermati e guardami’, per i nuovi visitatori del vostro giardino, che improvvisamente si trovano incapaci di muoversi perché affascinati da questa rosa unica.
In piena fioritura con i suoi fiori multicolori, sembra essere coperta di farfalle. Profumo delicato. Fiori a 5 petali. (singoli) diametro medio di 8 cm. Fiorisce a ondate tutta la stagione. Foglie verde scuro. 300X180 cm massimo di ampiezza.
Rosa antica wichurana sarmentosa color rosa chiaro, fiori dal dolce profumo e coprente in modo molto vigoroso.
Begonia perenne rizomatosa, molto vigorosa, con foglie molto grandi, venate e cigliate.
Allium that grows and blooms in the cool of spring, suitable for the undergrowth and not too sunny areas. It reseeds itself by forming colonies. During the rest of the year it is dormant; it loves well-drained soil. The bulbs, flowers and leaves are edible; it has beneficial properties.
Sage with soft pink flowers produced most of the year from spring to autumn, deliciously scented leaves. The calyx of this variety is purplish and the petals are more intense pink at the base.
Evergreen shrub with vertical habit, shoots off with maturity and therefore has multiple tops, with beautiful pinnate leaves. The yellow flowers are very showy, gathered in about 35 cm long terminal racemes; follow magnificent blue berries. Among the first shrubs of the year to flower, at the beginning of winter.
Succulent perennial that flowers in winter (on coasts and islands) with magnificent coral red spikes 20 cm and more long. In nature it can reach 3 meters in height. The plant has numerous healing properties. Plants at least three years old, grown without the use of chemicals.
Perenne di forma arbustiva, alta sui 50 cm, con foglie succulente verde-glauco che assumono col caldo estivo toni violacei-bordeaux e con steli porpora. Grandi teste circolari piatte di fiori a stella rosa, di diametro fino a 15-20 cm.
Perennial fern, with silvery-green foliage, useful for extensive mats and illuminating shady areas. It spreads rapidly with its stolons.
Tra le più belle rose inglesi a fiore giallo, rifiorente dai fiori pieni e molto profumati, adatta anche alla mezz’ombra.
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