Perennial edible flowers and plants

There are 554 products.
Showing 241 - 270 of 554 items
  • Rosa ‘Climbing Parfum Royal' Rosa ‘Climbing Parfum Royal'
    Rosa ‘Climbing Parfum Royal'
    Rosa ‘Climbing Parfum Royal'

    Magnificent flowers with a classic spiral shape, with very large flowers and, as its name implies, with an intoxicating, strong, fruity scent. Vigorous and healthy, it reaches 5 meters in height.

    30,00 €
  • Rosa 'Thalia'
    Rosa 'Thalia'
    Rosa 'Thalia'

    Rosa multiflora a grandi mazzi e intensamente profumata, seguiti da belle bacche rosse e rotonde a grappoli.

    25,00 €
  • Rosa ‘Baron Girod de l'Ain'
    Rosa ‘Baron Girod de l'Ain'
    Rosa ‘Baron Girod de l'Ain'

    Rosa molto rifiorente e profumatissima, ad arbusto ampio e vigoroso, il cui fiore è davvero inusuale per forma e colore.

    35,00 €
  • Rosa 'Goldstern' (sin. 'Stella Dorata') Rosa 'Goldstern' (sin. 'Stella Dorata')
    Rosa 'Goldstern' (sin. 'Stella Dorata')
    Rosa 'Goldstern'

    Ibrido Kordesii, piccola rampicante o grande arbusto. Giallo dorato. diametro medio di 12 cm, fiori grandi, doppi (fino a 25 petali). Fiorisce a ondate tutta la stagione. Folta. fogliame lucido. Altezza e ampiezza fino a 250 cm.

    30,00 €
  • Rosa roxburghii "Plena" Rosa roxburghii "Plena"
    Rosa roxburghii "Plena"
    Rosa roxburghii Plena"

    Rosa antica originaria, con fiori insoliti a pom pom. Seguono bacche aranciate, spinose.

    30,00 €
  • Rosa 'Naranga' Rosa 'Naranga'
    Rosa 'Naranga'
    Rosa 'Naranga'

    The brilliant copper orange of the graceful fully double flowers is enhanced by an aromatic fragrance. Particularly harmoniously combines shades of red and yellow. Its foliage is dark green and wonderfully shiny.

    30,00 €
  • Hosta "Blue Ivory" Hosta "Blue Ivory"
    Hosta "Blue Ivory"
    Hosta Blue Ivory"

    Medium-dwarf hosta with bluish, velvety leaves and ivory-white edges. Lilac summer flowers. Evergreen in mild climates or on the porch. Also suitable for growing indoors or on the porch (from November to March they are sent to vegetative rest without leaves, but they vegetate again in the heat).

    8,00 €
  • Sambucus "Golden Tower" Sambucus "Golden Tower"
    Sambucus "Golden Tower"
    Sambucus "Golden Tower"

    This striking elderberry is perfect for adding color to a vase or garden. It does not exceed 2.5 meters in height. Deep incised foliage and bright lime green, this elderberry forms flattened umbels of white flowers in early summer. Dark berries follow in autumn.

    18,00 €
  • Portulacaria afra 'Variegata' Portulacaria afra 'Variegata'
    Portulacaria afra 'Variegata'
    Portulacaria afra 'Variegata'

    Small succulent shrub with curved branches, slow growing, with the particularity of beautiful round and numerous variegated leaves, and high resistance to dryness.

    5,00 €
  • Rosa 'Rimosa' Rosa 'Rimosa'
    Rosa 'Rimosa' (sin. 'Gold Bunny')
    Rosa 'Rimosa'

    Meilland hybrid, small climber (height and width up to 200 cm).Golden yellow, very bright. average diameter of 8 cm, double flowers (up to 50 petals). It blooms in waves all season. Bushy. shiny foliage.

    35,00 €
  • Rosa 'Golden Gate' (KORgolgat) Rosa 'Golden Gate' (KORgolgat)
    Rosa 'Golden Gate' (KORgolgat)
    Rosa 'Golden Gate'

    Vigorous climbing rose, distinguished by its healthy foliage and vigorous growth. Decorative winter berries follow the numerous large, fruit-scented flowers.

    30,00 €
  • Rosa ‘Uetersener Klosterrose’ Rosa ‘Uetersener Klosterrose’
    Rosa ‘Uetersener Klosterrose’
    Rosa ‘Uetersener Klosterrose’

    Romantic rose with an iridescent color, pinkish cream, darker in bud, it fades to white as it opens. Very healthy and upright. The rounded cupped flowers are suitable for cutting.

    30,00 €
  • Rosa 'Peace in you' Rosa 'Peace in you'
    Rosa 'Peace in you'
    Rosa 'Peace in you'

    Floribunda pure white color. Delicately honey scented, hardy and vigorous, flowers very resistant to disease. The plant was born to wish Peace on the 100th anniversary of the first great war. In cold periods the buds take on a powder pink tone as well as the petals; nice glossy green foliage.

    25,00 €
  • Salvia microphylla 'Delice Aquamarine' Salvia microphylla 'Delice Aquamarine'
    Salvia microphylla 'Delice Aquamarine'
    Salvia microphylla

    Magnificent flowers of an incredible and rare blue-lilac shade. Salvia microphylla hybrids resist low temperatures well and are among the few plants with fragrant leaves that bloom abundantly from spring to autumn.

    10,00 €
  • Sedum 'Moonlight Serenade' Sedum 'Moonlight Serenade'
    Sedum 'Moonlight Serenade'
    Sedum divergens

    Very plump-leaved Sedum, ground cover / hanging perennial that produces star-shaped gold flowers in summer; the color of the leaves becomes burgundy in winter with the cold.

    8,00 €
  • Pleioblastus pygmaeus var. distichus Pleioblastus pygmaeus var. distichus
    Pleioblastus pygmaeus var. distichus
    Tulbaghia 'Enya'

    Rhizomatous perennial with narrow, linear, grey-green leaves, scented with garlic. They form large tufts with scented pale pink-violet flowers with a creamy yellow center (similar to the flowers of small daffodils), blooming for a long time, from late spring to autumn. Tulbaghia violacea is very easy to grow and will last even in a state of neglect for...

    8,00 €
  • Paeonia 'Red Charm' Paeonia 'Red Charm'
    Paeonia 'Red Charm'
    Paeonia lactiflora

    One of the darkest red blooms available on the market. Peony with very double dark red flowers and a rich and spicy scent.

    15,00 €
  • Paeonia lactiflora 'Walter Mains'
    Paeonia lactiflora 'Walter Mains'
    Paeonia lactiflora

    Una delle peonie più insolite e affascinanti: la forma giapponese del fiore è molto rara negli ibridi di peonie e questa cultivar è probabilmente la migliore di tutte. I petali esterni rosso-bordeaux circondano un suggestivo centro formato da staminoidi color rosso, oro e bianco.

    15,00 €
  • Lamium maculatum 'Beacon Silver' Lamium maculatum 'Beacon Silver'
    Lamium maculatum 'Beacon Silver'
    Lamium maculatum 'Beacon Silver'

    Evergreen ground cover with silver leaves and deep pink flowers in spring. Also suitable for growing indoors or on the veranda.

    8,00 €
  • Persicaria virginiana 'Painter's Palette' Persicaria virginiana 'Painter's Palette'
    Persicaria virginiana 'Painter's Palette'
    Persicaria virginiana

    Pianta molto vigorosa che si risemina autonomamente, con magnifiche foglie tricolori, bianco, verdi con una V bordeaux al centro. Insoliti fiorellini a sottili spighe color magenta da fine estate a inizio autunno.

    6,00 €
  • Fallopia japonica 'Variegata' Fallopia japonica 'Variegata'
    Fallopia japonica 'Variegata'
    Fallopia japonica 'Variegata'

    Erbacea a crescita rapida, ma non invasiva come la specie, produce spighe di fiorellini bianchi e forma delle macchie attraenti di forma arbustiva, il cui aspetto prevalentemente color bianco illumina zone di giardino d'ombra. Le foglie cuoriformi portate su steli rossastri, alla ripresa vegetativa hanno cime rosa corallo.

    12,00 €
  • Hydrangea quercifolia 'Burgundy' Hydrangea quercifolia 'Burgundy'
    Hydrangea quercifolia 'Burgundy'
    Hydrangea quercifolia 'Burgundy'

    Hydrangea that stays quite small, and blooms profusely; also suitable for smaller gardens (reaches a maximum of 2 meters in 10 years).It owes its name to the unusual coloring of its leaves, burgundy. In autumn the leaves take on a burgundy color and the flowers also turn from white to bright red. Also suitable for full sun where the color is more evident...

    20,00 €
  • Zelkova serrata 'Variegata' Zelkova serrata 'Variegata'
    Zelkova serrata 'Variegata'
    Zelkova serrata 'Variegata'

    Zelkova serrata 'Variegata' è un piccolo albero con rami arcuati e belle foglie variegate. Le foglie sono seghettate e hanno un bella variegatura crema che lentamente vira al rosa in autunno, prima di cadere. Adatta per una posizione a ombra mezz'ombra dove le foglie variegate spiccano maggiormente e non si bruciano al sole più forte. Raggiunge 4 mt in 10...

    40,00 €
  • Hydrangea macrophylla 'Merveille Sanguine' Hydrangea macrophylla 'Merveille Sanguine'
    Hydrangea macrophylla 'Merveille Sanguine'
    Hydrangea macrophylla

    Ortensia a grandi foglie sfumate di porpora e con magnifici fiori globosi di un iconfondibile color magenta.

    18,00 €
  • Rosa ‘Ferdinand Pichard’
    Rosa ‘Ferdinand Pichard’
    Rosa ‘Ferdinand Pichard’

    Rosa antica rifiorente e molto profumata: una delle più belle rose variegate esistenti.

    30,00 €
  • Rosa 'Peace'
    Rosa 'Peace'
    Rosa 'Peace'

    Uno degli ibridi di tea più famosi: il suo colore è un giallo paglierino con sfumature rosa, colori che ricordano quelli di un'alba.

    30,00 €
  • Rosa 'Admiral' Rosa 'Admiral'
    Rosa 'Admiral'
    Rosa 'Admiral'

    Ruby red rose, with a strong scent, with large flowers, very healthy and re-flowering.

    25,00 €
  • Rosa "Nautica" Rosa "Nautica"
    Rosa "Nautica"
    Rosa "Nautica"

    Pink of an unusual lilac color, with cupped flowers; the flowers come together at the same time on the plant which appears very opulent.

    25,00 €
  • Rosa 'Cyrus'
    Rosa 'Cyrus'
    Rosa 'Cyrus'

    Hybrid rose of Hulthemia persica, of yellow color, with dark throat, very resistant like the plant from which it originates, healthy, re-flowering, with small leaves.

    30,00 €
  • Rosa 'Peace & Love' Rosa 'Peace & Love'
    Rosa 'Peace & Love'
    Rosa 'Peace & Love'

    Very resistant rose like Hulthemia persica from which it originates, healthy, re-flowering. With dark purple central eye, and pink / lilac petals with orange shades. As it fades the flower becomes lighter, turning towards the pink tinged with pale lilac.

    30,00 €

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