Rosa ibrido di tea fiori enormi fino a 100 petali, col fascino opulento delle rose antiche. Rifiorentissima e intensamente profumata.
Rosa ibrido di tea profumato e rifiorente, tra le più belle; con fiori incofondibili, molto grandi e arricciati sui bordi.
Rugosa rose with an incredible fragrance, shade tolerant. Rugosa roses are very hardy and healthy.
Fascinating English rose shrub with a magnificent scent of anise, fruit (apricot, peach, raspberry), damask and honey. Full and rich flowers, can be successfully grown in pots.
Floribunda white with pink edges and highlights gold central stamens, delicately scented. The abundant and ruffled flowers give rose the lightness and delicacy that make it one of a kind. Flowering continues throughout the season.
Resistant rose that derives from Hulthemia persica, healthy, re-flowering. It has a central dark purple eye, and light pink petals, which become darker towards the outside.
Ancient Gallic rose, incredibly fragrant and reblooming; very healthy. Full, large cup-shaped flowers. Yolande of Aragon was born in Zaragoza, Aragon, in 1379: she was the wife of Louis II of Anjou, and a strong supporter of Joan of Arc.
Prolific floribunda rose, with arched branches, very rich in small flowers; fits the pot. It can also be used in mixed borders as ground cover. Mutable colors in shades of red-gold-peach.
Very compact and incredibly fragrant Floribunda rose. Beautiful shape of the flowers, deep pink, tinged with purple, reminiscent of ancient roses.
Among the best roses with magnificent large cut flowers, multi-awarded, perfumed and repeat-flowering; has beautiful buds, very resistant to diseases.
Rare Japanese apricot with white and pink flowers on the same plant, abundant winter flowering occurs on still bare branches, fragrant and double flowers.
Ancient polyantha rose, with a sweet and delicate scent, light pink in color with salmon edges, with a yellow undertone, with red reflections, ages to cream. Color varies.
French floribunda rose with a light scent with bright geranium red flowers. Very healthy, with dark green leaves.
Rosa ibrido di tea molto rifiorente e profumatissima, il fiore lilla-fucsia ne è veramente un segno distintivo.
Hybrid tea rose for cutting, with distinctive flowers due to the incredible rust color, darker or lighter depending on the period and flowering and with purplish / purple tones, which look like velvet. Fruity fragrance.
Modern rose dedicated to Micol Fontana, Italian designer and fashion entrepreneur. Incredibly healthy and very floriferous; the foliage is dense and the flowers are very durable.
Rosa con magnifici fiori a coppa, di forma globosa e grandi (diametro medio 8 cm, fino a 60 petali) color crema, bordi carminio-rosa, con fragranza moderata. Rifiorente prolifica, continua. Molto vigorosa, raggiunge i 4 mt di altezza).
Intense wine red flowers, velvety. It is a very disease resistant climbing rose. Bright yellow stamens, spicy scent.
Very fragrant Tea, with a changing color. More white than red, as it opens in the sun the petals turn red blood.
Pink with carmine-raspberry flowers: the color is so intense that it is impossible to capture in photography. Compact re-flowering suitable for pots where it forms cascades, as well as in mixed borders, together with perennials and other shrubs. Very resistant to diseases.
Very fragrant English rose, bright yellow color. The flowers are cup-shaped, magnificent even when cut; it grows well branched and with branches with softly arching tops.
Begonia di tipo rizomatoso con fogliame molto particolare. Ha una superficie irregolare, molto rugosa, increspata, che si dirama come una ragnatela. Fiori bianchi appariscenti in primavera.
Hybrid rose of Hulthemia persica, very resistant like the plant from which it originates, healthy, re-flowering. Flowers look like silk, unusual and delicious coloring, two-tone: white-tinged pink, dark red center.
Rosa polyantha molto resistente e rifiorente; prolifica, dai rami arcuati e perfetta in bordi misti.Arbusto coprente e pieno, che fa bene anche in climi caldi. Inizia fiorire un po' più tardi rispetto alla maggior parte delle rose, tuttavia fiorisce ininterrottamente fino al gelo e la neve spesso copre le rose.
Dwarf, deciduous shrub, with bright crimson leaves, sometimes bordered with yellow-green. Suitable in pot for its compact and rounded shape (does not exceed 60x60 cm) or for accent on perennial flower beds. Gold colored flowers in spring.
Distinctive lacecap hydrangea with dark chocolate tinged leaves, flowering in summer. Clusters of flowers up to 30 cm wide. Large shrub, but with an orderly habit, ideal for borders. To maintain the color of the leaves it needs a few hours of sun.
Rosa ibrido di tea, fiori ricchi a coppa, col fascino opulento delle rose antiche. Rifiorente.
Dwarf cultivar, thinnest of the species, selected by our nursery. Evergreen and elegant thanks to the vertical shape, it is better to grow it in pots because it can be very invasive.
Modern hybrid wichurana rose, fuchsia pink rambler, flowers with a light perfume, very vigorously covering.
This rose has a heady, strong and fruity fragrance and is very re-flowering.
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