Malvaviscus arboreus Expand

Malvaviscus arboreus

Un Quadrato di Giardino - Podenzano (PC)

Malvaviscus arboreus


Extremely rare perennial shrub or small tree with green and persistent, velvety leaves and scarlet red flowers very similar to those of the hibiscus, but which always remain barely open. It flowers all year round. It can be grown easily in a conservatory or behind a window or outdoors in the south, islands and mild coasts with great satisfaction.

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La pianta è in vaso di 14-16 cm di diametro

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Extremely rare perennial shrub or small tree with green and persistent, velvety leaves and scarlet red flowers very similar to those of the hibiscus, but which always remain barely open. It flowers all year round. It can be grown easily in a conservatory or behind a window or outdoors in the south, islands and mild coasts with great satisfaction.

The flowers are tube-shaped with petals closed on themselves and a protruding central stem column. It comes from the southern United States and the tropical regions of Mexico and Central America. In some areas of these countries it forms the undergrowth of mangrove forests and is used to obtain a red dye for fabrics. Here, in regions with a mild climate, it is used in mixed borders or as a single plant in a pot and a focal point at the edges of the lawn. Easy and fast growing plant. It attracts pollinating insects, butterflies and hummingbirds in its areas of origin.

Common Name: Malvaviscus, Sleeping Hibiscus, Turkish Turban.
Genus and species: Malvaviscus arboreus.
Cultivars: -
Family: Malvaceae.

Description of the flowers: Tubular scarlet flowers, sometimes pendulous very similar to hibiscus buds, always narrow corolla formed by overlapping petals as if about to open, hence the common name of 'Sleeping Hibiscus'. Stem column protruding from the corolla, to which the stamens and pistil are attached. Flowers approximately 3 - 5 cm long.
Flower color: Scarlet red.
Flowering period: All year round and especially in the first winter months.
Leaves: Velvety, soft, heart-shaped, with rounded teeth on the edges, dark green evergreen.
Perfume: -
Dimensions: 2 -3 m high, 2 m wide

Exposure: Bright shade, partial shade, no more than morning sun.
Terrain: Any.
Watering: As needed, rather frequent.
Frost resistance: USDA 10

Pruning: You can prune regularly and freely above a node, it grows back without problems.
Propagation: From cuttings all year round.

Notes of interest
Use in the kitchen: The flowers and fruits make a good herbal tea, and the young parts, leaves, fruits and flowers, are edible raw or cooked, even in salads.
Herbal properties: Traditionally in the places of origin the fruit and flowers have been used to treat diarrhea, for inflammation of the digestive tract and against menstrual pain.

Esposizione Sole del mattino, Mezz'ombra, Ombra luminosa
Periodo di fioritura Tutto l'anno
Colore del Fiore Rosso
Colore delle Foglie Verde
Fogliame Sempreverde
Altezza Massima 250-300
Larghezza Massima 200 cm
Innaffiatura Regolare (aspettando che asciughi tra una e l'altra)
Zona_USDA 10a