Calliandra surinamensis "Dixie Pink" Expand

Calliandra surinamensis "Dixie Pink"

Un Quadrato di Giardino - Podenzano (PC)

Calliandra surinamensis


Unusual shrub or small tree with soft feathery leaves and abundant soft pink pom pom flowers, which immediately strikes the eye. It prefers a bright place with lightly filtered sun, or morning sun, in well drained soil, for best results it should be planted in a sheltered place (it cannot bear temperatures below 0°C), on a terrace or balcony and then moved indoors against a window pane as a house plant for winter. Always outdoors where temperatures don't drop below zero: lakes, coasts, islands, southern Italy... very long-lived and easy to keep. Blooms all summer from late spring to fall. Withstands continuous pruning (flowers on new branches), easy to keep compact and as a bonsai.

La pianta è in vaso di 19 cm di diametro

29 Items

25,00 €

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Esposizione Sole del mattino, Mezz'ombra
Periodo di fioritura Estate
Colore del Fiore Rosa
Colore delle Foglie Verde
Fogliame Sempreverde
Altezza Massima 250-300
Larghezza Massima 150 cm
Innaffiatura Scarsa (al bisogno)
Zona_USDA 10a