Carex phyllocephala ‘Spark Plug’ Expand

Carex phyllocephala ‘Spark Plug’

Un Quadrato di Giardino - Podenzano (PC)

Carex phyllocephala ‘Spark Plug’


Evergreen cyperacea that thrives in the shade, illuminating it, expanding vigorously and in a very covering way. Particular habit with compact tufts, which makes it look like a small bamboo, does not exceed 30 cm in height. Sharp white leaves, streaked with green, tinged with purple-brown at the base. Also suitable for growing indoors or on the veranda (from November to March they are shipped to vegetative rest without leaves, but they vegetate again with the heat).

La pianta è in vaso di 19 cm di diametro

31 Items

12,00 €

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Esposizione Mezz'ombra, Ombra luminosa
Periodo di fioritura Estate
Colore del Fiore Verde
Colore delle Foglie Variegate
Fogliame Sempreverde
Altezza Massima 30-50 cm
Larghezza Massima Tappezzanti (virtualmente infinita)
Innaffiatura Regolare (aspettando che asciughi tra una e l'altra)
Zona_USDA 8a