Mix of perennial purple flowers. Purple comes from the mix of red (love) and blue (wisdom) and is the color of metamorphosis, transition, mystery and magic. It is not possible to choose the plants; mixes of varieties and types of blooms will arrive. We will select for you at the time of purchase 7 perennials that produce purple/lilac flowers. Each plant...
Pianta succulenta tuberosa, della stessa famiglia della portulaca; come quest’ultima si risemina spontaneamente anche in zone fredde. Ha foglie verdi carnose e steli dalla fine tessitura trasparente pieni di fiorellini rosa, seguiti da appariscenti baccelli tondi color carminio.
Burgundy version of the famous Iceberg landscape rose; boasts an extraordinary production of flowers, with beautiful oviodal buds, showy clusters, bright green foliage and almost thornless stems. Its deep purple red color intensifies with cool nights. It shows excellent disease resistance and has a light honey fragrance.
Rosa ibrido di tea a rifiorenza continua, molto profumata, con fiori grandi e dal colore vivido e con interessanti varianti nel corso delle temperature stagionali.
Rosa antica bourbon dall’incredibile color lilla chiaro rosato variegata di magenta, profumo di fragola.E' una delle più belle rose antiche.
Rosa antica rifiorente e molto profumata: una delle più belle rose variegate esistenti.
Rosa antica noisette a rifiorenza continua, molto profumata, bel fogliame molto denso.
Erbacea perenne a rapido accrescimento dai fiori profumati, usata come ricadente in vaso o come tappezzante, all'aperto in climi miti.
Questo achimenes ha fiori quasi fluorescenti; la fioritura è abbondante e incredibilmente prolungata: uno dei primi a fiorire e uno degli ultimi a sfiorire.
Mix of white gaura and purple verbena, a summer triumph that attracts butterflies. Both reseed easily creating tall flowery meadows. They do well in pots and flower beds, withstanding extreme heat and drought.
The perennial asters or septembers flower very showy in early autumn. For low-maintenance mixed colored flowerbeds; these flowerbeds only require a cut at the base immediately after flowering, to prevent them from reseeding abundantly and hybridizing, and, if desired, also a cut in early summer by half of the crown for branching. It is a mix of selected...
Mix of easy to grow pink and white terrestrial orchids. The bletilla grow wild in the wooded areas of China and Japan, without special care. They need morning shade or bright undergrowth, too much sun burns them while too much shade limits flowering.
Shrub or small tree that grows in several stems, has white flowers borne on large panicles. Slow growing reaches 6 meters in height in 10-20 years. It is a cross particularly resistant to white mold (powdery mildew) created by combining L. indica and L. subcostata var. fauriei. The winter bark is reddish, variegated with gray, the autumn leaves are...
Helleborus x sternii 'Boughton Beauty' is a hybrid of Helleborus argutifolius x Helleborus lividus, known as Helleborus x sternii. The tall upright stems, compact habit, showy silver-grey leaves and purplish-pink hues are inherited from its parent Helleborus lividus, the hardiness and vigor from Helleborus argutifolius.
Arundo donax, contrary to popular belief, can grow with scarce water availability, thanks to its very deep rhizomes that fight erosion. A robust, perennial, rhizomatous herb used in different parts of the world for industrial, construction, agricultural, environmental and bioenergy purposes. Magnificent in its variegated form, with almost entirely white...
Melittis melissophyllum is a perennial herbaceous plant native to the European hardwood forests. The foliage and flowers are sweetly aromatic, with a fresh, sweet scent, and incense. The flowers look like orchids, they are very attractive to pollinators, so it's a great plant for a wildlife garden in shady places. The 'Royal Velvet Distinction' cultivar...
Incredibly fragrant compact tea rose. Beautiful shape of the flowers, deep pink, tinged with purple, reminiscent of ancient roses.Shrub with a harmonious and leafy shape. Suitable for the vase.
Prolific Tea Hybrid Rose, suitable for pots, can also be used in mixed borders and for cut flowers.
One of the most fragrant yellow tea hybrids; intense yellow with apricot tones, it has a beautiful cup shape divided into quarters.
This rose has a heady, strong and fruity fragrance and is very re-flowering.
Climbing rose with large red-purple flowers, Very healthy and very resistant to diseases, reaches 2 meters in height, which is why it is also suitable for growing in capacious pots and magnificent for pillars.
Single flowering old rose, fragrant, beautiful and very dense foliage, almost without thorns.
Stapelia with inward curved petals, very hairy, similar to Stapelia grandiflora, but with "balloon" flowers. In bloom most of the year.
Small succulent shrub with curved branches, slow growing, with the particularity of beautiful round and numerous variegated leaves, and high resistance to dryness.
Yucca variegata tricolor with shades of ivory, pink and green. For beautiful vivid colors it must receive a lot of sun and winter cold. It grows slowly with strong sword-like leaves, develops a short woody stem, and the leaves are broad and stiff agave-like with a trunk. Drought tolerant, yucca is suitable for xeriscaping and low maintenance pots.
Ancient polyantha rose, with a sweet and delicate scent, light pink in color with salmon edges, with a yellow undertone, with red reflections, ages to cream. Color varies.
Hybrid rose of Hulthemia persica, very resistant like the plant from which it originates, healthy, re-flowering. Flowers look like silk, unusual and delicious coloring, two-tone: cream, ruby-red center, ages to deep pink, dark red center.
Very abundant flowers up to 15 cm in diameter, purple, velvety, dark, with an "eye" of golden stamens in the center. It reaches 3.5 meters in width / height. Long flowering; at the latest in June and then bloom less abundantly, but with only sporadic flowers until autumn. Vigorous, resistant and problem-free cultivar.
Vigorous shrub, large in size, with elongated, golden, ovate leaves widely bordered with green-glaucous. Small, bell-shaped, incredibly fragrant, silvery autumn flowers, sometimes followed by orange berries.
Among the best roses with magnificent large cut flowers, multi-awarded, perfumed and repeat-flowering; has beautiful buds, very resistant to diseases.
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