Rosa moschata bianca con grandi mazzi fino a 80 fiori, molto profumata.
Pianta arbustiva perenne sempreverde e attraente per la abbondante fioritura a forma di farfalla celeste blu violacea.
Large foliage, more showy than other species, dull lilac flowers: a cloud of violet smoke, contrasting with the gold centers.
A herbaceous sage with very large flowers and curly, hairy foliage that is delicately fragrant when crushed, the evergreen basal rosettes of leaves create a soft cushion for the large flower spikes. The leopard-spotted, light lavender flower spikes (90 cm heght) are a wonderful sight.
Perfect match and durable for extreme conditions of full sun and heat. The stipa is beautiful all year round, the erigeron is evergreen and blooms for a long time from May to the arrival of frost. The combo is enough to create a pair of pots.
Perennial flower mix that grows well in dry stone walls, cracks in retaining walls, patio grouts or garden stairways. In bloom in summer.
Large-leaved lacecap hydrangea with magnificent flowers with large, rounded sepals; the leaves fade to burgundy towards summer and even more towards autumn.
Begonia burkillii is a unique and rare specie. Beautiful giant light green / silver leaves with dark green spots, and deep brown / burgundy on the back. The leaves shine iridescent and look like fatty velvet. It is native to India where it grows on steep rock walls in the jungle. Like all begonias, it loves well-drained soil and never stagnant excess of...
Cultivar of perennial rhizomatous begonia, derived from the species B. masoniana (B. variegata) unmistakable leaves with raised bubbles. It has very large intense green leaves that turn orange to mahogany with age, creating a particular chromatic effect in the plant, which results in multiple colors.
Hydrangea with oak leaves, it grows well both in the sun and in the shade, it is better not to prune it as it blooms on the tops of the previous year; if you intervene it is better to do it immediately after the summer flowering. It reaches about 300 cm in diameter in height and width, large white flowers with elongated panicles. Attractive bark in...
Variety of clematis that produces large purple-blue flowers, up to 20 cm in diameter. It blooms in the summer.
Unusual, evergreen euonymus useful as a focal point of interest; the leaves are distinguished from other varieties by the very wide and showy white margin.
Aucuba with spotted leaves. Magnificent evergreen shrub that loves shade, shiny and fleshy leaves. The spring flowering is followed by berries first green and then red, in bunches (it is a female cultivar).
Interesting plant in the 4 seasons, starting from twisted and debarked stems in winter; profuse white flowers in spring; tasty blue fruits in summer; and red foliage in the fall. Mid-season variety as ripening.
Shrub similar to kerria with abundant spring flowering, very resistant. Black berries in the autumn-winter.
Hybrid of Hulthemia persica, rose bush with central dark purple eye, and peach-colored petals, tinged with yellow towards the center.
Mix of roses among our varieties, ancient and rare. It is not possible to choose the plants; mixes of varieties and types of blooms will arrive. We will select 3 potted roses for you at the time of purchase. Each plant will arrive accompanied by flower color, type (shrubby or climbing) or varietal name. Offer valid online only.
Arbusto dal portamento arrotondato e compatto, con grandi foglie sempreverdi, con germogli rosa, poi verde chiaro, poi verde scuro. Ama terreno fresco, ma drenato, a mezz'ombraFiori rosa in maggio/giugno. Cresce lentamente arrivando a 500 cm.
Cultivar a foglia variegata di kerria che raggiunge circa 1x1 m. Fiori dorati in primavera. Decidua, ma con rami dal portamento insolito affascinante anche in inverno.
Evergreen hellebore with single anemone-shaped flowers, the color is peach with variable ocher/orange shades. Very long flowering from mid-winter to mid-spring.
Fucsia compatta e con portamento ricadente, resistente al gelo, fiorisce ininterrottamente a abbondantemente da primavera per tutta l’estate fino al gelo. Perde completamente la parte aerea in inverni rigidi, ricacciando e raggiungendo di nuovo i 60 cm senza problemi.
Mix of fast-growing and remontant plants to create eye-catching but low-maintenance borders. Perfect for rock gardens.
Una bell'arbusto deciduo a fioritura invernale. Grande fiori con petali nastriformi rosso mattone sfumati di arancio. Uno dei migliori «rossi». Fioritura tra dicembre e marzo. Magnifiche foglie colorate scarlatte e arancio in autunno .
Salvia very easy to grow, the flowers bloom from spring to summer and can rebloom sporadically until the end of summer if the withered flowers are promptly cut off. Excellent fresh cut flower. The leaves are aromatic, they taste of anise and resin.
Magnificent rare and unusual perennial impatiens with large exotically charming lilac-blue-bluish flowers, produced in large numbers. It blooms for many months from spring to autumn. Of shrubby form, suitable for shaded areas, it is the perfect companion for hosta, carex and ferns. It is native to the Himalayas and therefore resists intense frost.
Expanded evergreen shrub with gray-green leaves. The incredible peculiarity of this variety is given by the large white variegations on the margins; the leaves are more white than green, very showy. Slightly scented flowers, followed by black berries.
Arbusto interessante gran parte dell’anno, semi-sempreverde variegato con rami che si diffondono orizzontalmente. Con piccole, foglie ovali, variegate con margini di bianco-crema, che virano al rosa-rosso in autunno. Piccoli fiori bianchi appaiono in tarda primavera, seguiti da bacche rosse in autunno prima che le foglie cadano.
Arbusto dalle foglie aromatiche, con foglie dorate e fiori che sembrano piume azzurro-blu a fine estate. Di facilissima coltivazione, adatto anche senz’acqua.
Filtri (1541 products)