Late spring flowering iris very resistant to drought. It grows very tall up to 150 cm (from the bottom in mixed flower beds), with very thin sword-shaped leaves; flowers 4-6 cm in diameter, white sprinkled with yellow in the centre.
Pianta erbacea perenne, vigorosa, molto resistente, a fioritura estiva tardiva; il grande fogliame e i fiori, che sembrano piume di corallo sono splendidi da taglio.
Rosa floribunda molto sana, rifiorente e profumata, dagli insoliti fiori variegati. Una delle migliori rose moderne.
Rosa antica cinese, dai piccoli fiori rosa-lilla molto pieni e portati in gran numero.
Magnificent flowers with a classic spiral shape, with very large flowers and, as its name implies, with an intoxicating, strong, fruity scent. Vigorous and healthy, it reaches 5 meters in height.
Small shade-giving herbaceous perennial with silver-flecked chocolate-copper leaves and pretty magenta flowers. Also suitable for growing indoors or on the veranda.
Rhizomatous perennial plant, with very large leaves, very early flowering, very rustic and resistant. Very particular flower, showy variegated leaf. Suitable for creating spots of light in the shade, the leaves are truly a must have for those who love variegation.
Impatiens perenne, arbustivo, di facile coltivazione, con particolari foglie variegate e fiori 'a becco di pappagallo'. Fiorisce tutto l'anno.
Cultivar di achimenes nana, ma meravigliosa; ha bei fiori carminio doppi, estremamente fiorifera.
Penstemon 'Catherine de la Mare' is a spreading, woody, semi-evergreen perennial, up to 50cm tall, with dull, bluish-green leaves and dense racemes of beautiful, electric blue tubular flowers that turn purplish as they age, 3cm long, borne on reddish stems in summer. Long spring flowering. An easy, hardy penstemon requiring moderate water and sun....
Bulbous with autumn flowering, with showy flowers due to their lively purple colour, variegated with dark purple. It requires little care, just the foresight of well-drained soil; it should be grown in open ground or in pots with very sunny exposure. The pots contain several mature bulbs. The spice saffron is obtained from the stigmas.
Mix of selected peony cultivars indicated below. These herbaceous perennials are very long-lived (they can live more than 50 years), vigorous and have magnificent scented flowers. They lend themselves to both pot and ground cultivation.
This vigorous climber, grows rapidly despite being deciduous with the advantage that it won\'t block the sun in winter. It also blooms incredibly long from spring to the arrival of frost. The flowers are very fragrant. One plant for each post will be more than enough. This pack covers four posts or columns.
These magnificent selected mixed irises shown below have fragrant flowers and fear nothing, sun, frost, drought ... and they bloom in late spring. They can be used for mixed rows or borders or in pots; excellent for cutting.
Perennials that love intense sun, a border that is also suitable for small gardens, maximum splendor in summer, but interesting all year round, even in winter.
Lagerstroemia with fuchsia flowers, very showy. In 10 years it can reach 5 to 10 meters in height. Rather slow growing, it stands up to regular pruning to be kept compact, suitable for potting and small gardens.
Bulbous Oxalis for apartment or mild locations, producing bright yellow flowers in winter on clumps of clover-like leaves. This rare cultivar has fully double flowers like miniature chrysanthemums. Very fast and exponential growth.
A new species, so named for its Himalayan origins, rhizomatous bush, with foliage of an unusual shape. The leaves are fan-shaped and strongly serrated. Fast growth. The foliage is mainly intense green with metallic reflections and red and bronze veins, which changes according to the season, in particular with changes in exposure and temperature. It...
Thunbergia battiscombei, in bloom since spring, provides a lush burst of purple trumpet-like flowers with yellow throats, even late in the season, through to fall. The plants start straight from the ground unless they are kept at a temperature above 5 ° C. Even if it is native to subtropical Africa, it is reliable as it shoots from the roots even with...
Very resistant lacecap hydrangea, has large leaves with magnificent flowers with very evident sepals with a toothed margin. The leaves are colored with burgundy.
Prolific hybrid tea rose, suitable for intense colored pots, with tones of cherry red, yellow and orange. It can also be used in mixed borders and for cut flowers.
Shrub with early spring flowering, with showy abundant flowering, which appears before the foliage, known as "Japanese quince, flowering quince" or "peach blossom". Cultivar with orange flowers.
Vigorous climbing rose, distinguished by its healthy foliage and vigorous growth. Decorative winter berries follow the numerous large, fruit-scented flowers.
Rambler rose, extremely re-flowering and healthy, it also adapts to the shade. She is not afraid of diseases, romantic and fragrant. She grows fast.
Antique noisette rose, scented with lemon. It has full and rich cupped flowers, reblooming.
Antique tea noisette rose, very fragrant and shade tolerant. It has very large flowers of a rich powder pink, orange tinged towards the center, and disease resistant foliage.
Small-flowered aster of medium height, long late-summer autumn bloom, forms clouds of daisies. Light blue-lavender color.
Very resistant and re-flowering polyantha rose; prolific, with arched branches and perfect in mixed edges.Covering and full shrub, which is also good in hot climates. It starts blooming a little later than most roses, however it blooms continuously until frost and snow often covers the roses.
Climbing rose with large flowers, re-flowering with large flowers, very vigorous, resistant to drought, very resistant to diseases.
Climbing rose with magnificent large wavy flowers, of a beautiful two-tone tone on orange tones.
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