Dense growing evergreen shrub, the branches with oval leaves can be shaped to defined shapes (small hedges and topiary ars) or left free-form.
The very suggestive flowers like lace of this knapweed bear almost black petals, above a spear-shaped foliage, gray-green, from spring to summer. Once rooted it is very resistant to dryness (xeriscaping).
This begonia is rhizomatous, with star-shaped leaves, dark green-bronze with bright green veins, more evident in spring. Numerous white flowers in spring.
Hybrid rose of Hulthemia persica, of yellow color, with dark throat, double flower, very resistant like the plant from which it originates, healthy, re-flowering, with small leaves.
Very fragrant English rose, bright yellow color. The flowers are cup-shaped, magnificent even when cut; it grows well branched and with branches with softly arching tops.
Magnificent tea rose with large, full, very fragrant light pink flowers. Also suitable in pots, it is abundantly remontant.
Compact rose derived from Hulthemia persica, with an intense yellow color and a dark purple center. As the color turns towards white, we will have white and yellow flowers on the same plant at the same time. Very resistant as the plant from which it originates, healthy and re-flowering.
Hemerocallis nano, fiori fino a 7 cm, alti 40 cm, increspati, colore crema/bianco, centro marginato di fucsia, e lilla-argento, centro giallo, gola verde. I fiori leggermente profumati appaiono da inizio a metà estate. Deciduo. Diploide..
I frutti rotondi e polposi maturano da inizio estate, sapore dolce acidulo.
Grande arbusto sempreverde originario delle foreste subtropicali di Taiwan. Le foglie verdi lucenti, simili a mani, variegate di crema in modo appariscente, Nei climi tropicali e subtropicali produce grappoli di fiori allungati che maturano a grappoli cascanti di vistose bacche da arancio rossiccio a nere. Le foglie variegate possono bruciare con sole...
Begonia rizomatosa con foglie spiralate, grandi dai colori sgargianti: rosso, verde, bianco e porpora. Margini finemente seghettati e pelosi.
Small climber with a delightful display of blue bell-like flowers. Summer flowering, very similar to the parent Sollya heterophylla species, however 'Ultra Blue' produces an abundance of delicate, larger, dark azure blue flowers, also boasting a stronger branching habit to create a full, dense appearance with a great display of flowering from May to...
Dramatic plumes of pink flowers and a towering form make this plant a stunning sight. Stunning as a specimen or in the background as it is evergreen and therefore of great interest all year round. The plumes are attractive in winter and prized in fresh or dried arrangements. The pink flowers fade as it fades, but the tone is more vibrant and bright than...
Arbusto dal portamento basso e espanso, con foglie piccole e sempreverdi, color lime-oro, si presta all'uso in vasi e aiuole per realizzare giochi di colore a contrasto. Da non mettere in ombra profonda, perderebbe il tono dorato delle foglie.
Arbusto a fioritura precocissima (fiorisce anche sotto la neve) di fine inverno soavemente profumato. Si può potare della forma desiderata appena dopo la fioritura (può raggiungere a maturità i 3,5 l x 4 metri.). I fiori di questa varietà sono grandi il doppio (diametro fino a 5 cm contro i 2,5 cm della specie), e sono più grandi (più lunghe e larghe)...
Rosa con spine giovani rosso rubino molto acceso e appariscenti, i rami si coprono di piccoli fiori bianchi in primavera, a 4 petali; seguono cinorrodi color arancio.
Gallica rose in bunches and intensely scented, followed by red berries. This old rose is very hardy and vigorous. In flower it is very prolific.
Rosa Portland della prima metà dell'800. Di un viola-porpora carico, tollerante l'ombra. Intensa fragranza. Fiori molto pieni di circa 6 cm, fino a 50 petali. Rifiorente. Compatta, densa, alta da 90 a 120 cm. Larga fino a 75 cm.
Simple, yet elegant mix of flowers from spring (epimedium), through summer (hosta), to autumn (liriope) with evergreen elements (epimedium and liriope). Interesting as a border border for shade beds.
Spettacolari insoliti fiori con petali bianchi che circondano una rosetta a cupola di sepali viola con un centro verde pistacchio. I fiori mutano forma dal bocciolo alla caduta dei petali, sono di lunga durata, appaiono in primavera e si ripetono con temperature fresche, fino all’arrivo del gelo.
Upright evergreen shrub, dense, or small tree, with oval, glossy, leathery, variegated yellow-cream leaves. Panicles of white summer flowers are followed by shiny black berries.
Very dense perennial ground cover plant with very rapid expansion. Where it grows, it prevents weeds from growing. Magnificent little white flowers resembling lobelia or snapdragon flowers. Semi-evergreen.
Grandi foglie sempreverdi, variegate di verde scuro e verde lime-oro, che diventa rosa in inverno. Produce quando a maturità spighe di fiori rosa a intermittenza da primavera ad autunno. Resistente pianta da ombra.
Hydrangea that stays quite small, and blooms profusely; also suitable for smaller gardens (reaches a maximum of 2 meters in 10 years).It owes its name to the unusual coloring of its leaves, burgundy. In autumn the leaves take on a burgundy color and the flowers also turn from white to bright red. Also suitable for full sun where the color is more evident...
Perennial succulent ground cover with unusual needle-like foliage; the small and thin leaves are variegated: light glaucous green in color with very thin creamy white margins. During the summer it produces bright yellow star-shaped flowers above the foliage.
Magnificent long-lived blue perennial flowers, suitable for cutting. This long-lived herbaceous perennial flowers abundantly in summer, and also reseeds itself spontaneously. Echinops plants are very hardy. They are drought tolerant and can tolerate summer heat, even in full sun locations. Combine with other drought-tolerant perennials.
Phormium with a beautiful, evident cream-colored variegation, with very broad (up to 6 cm) and curved ribbon-shaped leaves. Evergreen, height 90 cm, width approximately 180 cm. It also lives well in a pot indoors. Also suitable for growing indoors or on the veranda.
Questa cultivar di aster perenne è un'erbacea di forma arbustiva, ma compatta, con fiori a margherita azzurro tenue.
Rosa moschata con grandi mazzi, i cui fiori rosa dal centro bianco sembrano 'occhi' che ti guardano.
Rosa inglese profumata, dai toni bluastri e lavanda, chiamata la ‘Veilchenblau’ rifiorente.
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