Fiori abbondantissimi fino a 10-15 cm di diametro, rosa-bordeaux, vellutato, con un "occhio" di stami dorati al centro. Raggiunge i 3,5 mt di ampiezza/altezza. Lunga fioritura; al massimo in giugno per poi rifiorire meno abbondantemente, ma con solo fiori sporadici fino all'autunno. Cultivar vigorosa, resistente e senza problemi.
Buddleia con fiori color lavanda che formano fontane profumate. Può arrivare a maturità ai 5 metri, in 10-20 anni. Fiorisce sui rami dell'anno precedente per cui va potata immediatamente dopo la fioritura.
Resistentissimo arbusto tondeggiante che raggiunge massimo i 120-180 cm di altezza, porta grappoli di fiorellini verde-bianco poco appariscenti a cui seguono grappoli composti da bacche bianche di 0,5 cm di diametro che rimangono sulla pianta durante l'inverno.
Pomice fine per piante (per conoscere le fantastiche proprietà di questo substrato inerte sono descritte, clicca qui). Confezione da circa 12,5 kg (25l) di pomice sfusa da 3-6 mm
Colore e movimento, con piante perenni che amano il sole intenso, in un\'aiuola adatta anche a piccoli giardini, massimo splendore in estate, ma interessante tutto l\'anno, anche in inverno.
These magnificent mixed hemerocallis have fragrant flowers that are reminiscent of lilies due to their elegant shape. They fear nothing, sun, frost, drought and bloom for a long time in the first part of summer. It is a mix of selected cultivars which are indicated below.
Magnificent mix of foliage delicious 365 days a year because of evergreen perennials; a silver grass, golden acorus, purple loropetalum and red nandina, suitable for sun and half-day sun.
Mix of pink and yellow perennial summer daisy flowers, with extremely prolonged flowering, light up any sunny outdoor space with color.
Slow-growing, deciduous shrub or small tree covered in summer with panicles of bright red/fuchsia curled flowers. The green foliage turns orange-red in autumn. It displays attractive grey-brown exfoliating bark.
Deliziosi fiori rosa-pesca carico appariscenti; la fioritura è abbondante e incredibilmente prolungata: uno dei primi a fiorire e uno degli ultimi a sfiorire.
Conifera nana conica, sempreverde a crescita lenta, con fitti aghi color argento-azzurro.
Faggio con foglie variegate di rosa e porpora scuro. Illumina spazi ombrosi e lati nord della casa.
Arbusto con foglie ovali leggermente blu-glauche, con magnifici fiori tardo primaverili rosa come piume. Per questo chiamato anche ‘albero della nebbia’. I fiori sfioriti restano gradevoli sulla pianta a lungo.
Prolific tea hybrid rose, fits the pot. It has a very intense, sweet, fruity aroma. It can also be used in mixed borders and for cut flowers.
Modern rose dedicated to Micol Fontana, Italian designer and fashion entrepreneur. Incredibly healthy and very floriferous; the foliage is dense and the flowers are very durable.
Ancient Hybrid Musk, very fragrant. Shrubby with strong, healthy, dark green leaves. Shell pink color with pale yellow/orange nuances, in large clusters. Very floriferous.
Rosa ibrido di tea con fiori variegati tono su tono, rifiorentissima e prolifica.
Rosa ibrido di tea molto rifiorente e profumatissima, il fiore lilla-fucsia ne è veramente un segno distintivo.
This evergreen hemerocallis has an extraordinary color defined as "black" (it is a very dark burgundy/red) with a yellow-green throat, with rich flowering and easy to grow. It blooms longer than other cultivars in the middle of the season.
Generous and long flowering (from mid-winter to April), vigorous stems 40 cm tall. The sublime flowers stand out sharply above the foliage: ivory-white when they open, then contrast nicely with the older ones, tinged with pink, peach, chocolate and purple. The fleshy thickness of the petals resembles the cheeks of porcelain dolls.
Deciduous shrub with showy fragrant early summer flowering that is a combination of pineapple, strawberry and banana scents. The scientific name comes from the Greek words 'kaylx' which means chalice and 'anthos' which means flowers. It prefers a little shade on hot summer afternoons, so it is better to prefer the morning sun as an exposure.
Stapelia with elongated flowers with narrower segments than other stapelia, and tend to curl slightly at the ends; burgundy color. It blooms most of the year.
Modern hybrid wichurana rose, fuchsia pink rambler, flowers with a light perfume, very vigorously covering.
Evergreen variety with large, freshly opened green flowers that fade to lime / cream, double. Blossoms for a long time (three months) from February to April.
Large-leaved lacecap hydrangea with magnificent flowers with rounded, large and evident sepals. The flower changes color depending on the pH of the soil, with lilac flowers tinged with blue in acid soil and amaranth red on alkaline soils.
Medium-sized growing deciduous tree with strongly twisted branches and shoots. When young, the stems have a vibrant red-orange color, which adds to their already highly ornamental value. Upright habit and narrow and twisted leaves, glaucous underneath. Yellowish catkins. Maximum height (in 20/50 years) higher between 6 and 10 meters (maximum width 4-8...
Hybrid of sterile buddleja that does not produce seeds, so it is not invasive. Dwarf and compact cultivar that forms a "ball", producing pink flowers from early to late summer.
Abutilon 'Patrick Synge' has orange flowers with a purple calyx, petals with more intense raised veins and purple stamens.The flowers are produced in large numbers all year round, as long as the plant has sufficient light.
Succulent plant with variegated white leaves (if exposed to the sun the edges are tinged with red / pink) It forms a gnarled trunk as it ages, so it looks like a real tree. Clusters of white starry flowers in late winter / early spring.
‘Susan’ is a cross between M. liliiflora ‘Nigra’ and M. stellata ‘Rosea’. It is part of the Little Girl series (‘Ann’, ‘Betty’, ‘Jane’, ‘Judy’, ‘Pinkie’, ‘Randy’, ‘Ricki’ and ‘Susan’) of hybrid magnolias that were developed at the National Arboretum in the mid-1950s by Francis DeVos and William Kosar. Plants in this series flower about 2-4 weeks later...
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