Extremely rare perennial shrub or small tree with green and persistent, velvety leaves and scarlet red flowers very similar to those of the hibiscus, but which always remain barely open. It flowers all year round. It can be grown easily in a conservatory or behind a window or outdoors in the south, islands and mild coasts with great satisfaction.
Begonia perenne rizomatosa, inconfondibili foglie marcate al centro e con bollicine in rilievo.
Begonia perenne ad arbusto, con foglie grandi, goffrate e cangianti.
Achimenes dai fiori grandi e appariscenti; fioritura abbondante e precoce. Interessanti foglie bicolore.
Hydrangea macrophylla that blooms later than the others. With large leaves tinged with purple (it is evident with a few hours of sunshine) and with magnificent globose flowers of an intense deep pink. Compact, it does not exceed one meter in height.
Arbusto sempreverde con foglie lucide evidentemente venate, verde scuro, mazzetti di piccoli fiori color crema-rosa in primavera, seguiti da bacche ovoidali rosse e poi nere a maturazione.
Large-leaved hydrangea with magnificent globular flowers with very jagged sepals (hence the name 'snowball').
Floribunda pure white color. Delicately honey scented, hardy and vigorous, flowers very resistant to disease. The plant was born to wish Peace on the 100th anniversary of the first great war. In cold periods the buds take on a powder pink tone as well as the petals; nice glossy green foliage.
Heucherella (hybrid between Heuchera and Tiarella) hanging / ground cover with purple leaves with silver patina. It is a long-lived and resistant variety. Spikes of very abundant white flowers in spring, persistent foliage in mild climates, semi-shriveling in more rigid climates. Highly valued in pots, but also on the ground, where it forms large splashes...
A double-flowered, cultivar, it produces large conical panicles of extremely fragrant white flowers in May. It typically grows to 250-300cm in height and spreads to 150cm in width. In very hot places, lilac should be grown in a position where it receives no more than morning sun.
A very surprising cane-like/ bamboo begonia with its soft green fluffy leaves: they are covered with small “green shoots”, vegetative growths that resemble small leaves, easily form new plants from leaf cuttings. The overall look is very striking! Delicate white flowers in autumn.
Frost-resistant, perennial geranium, magnificent purple leaves forms large cushions of little white flowers, from May to frost. It is among the few long-lived perennial herbaceous plants that are so remontant.
Shrub with incredibly abundant flowers, intense citrus scent. Polliniferous and nectariferous plant, it attracts pollinating insects useful for the garden; 'a must have' for any natural style garden. It can be pruned to contain it immediately after early spring flowering.
Gallica rose from the end of the 18th century. Deep purple-purple, shade tolerant. Intense fragrance. Very full flowers of about 12 cm, up to 40 petals. Compact, dense, it forms a shrub of 150 x 150 cm.
One of the hardiest dark-leaved shrubs, with large, very showy rounded leaves and pink / purple catkins in winter. Corylus maxima 'Purpurea' (Purple-leaved filbert) will reach a height of 8m and a spread of 4m after 10-20 years. It can be contained without problems with regular pruning, which is why it also fits in large pots, as a focal point. Edible...
Climbing with yellow flowers, followed by abundant autumn showy feathery fruits. It does not require pruning, unless it is to be kept contained after spring flowering. It blooms profusely from spring to autumn.
This shrub blooms in late winter, covering itself with flowers on the still bare branches. It has a strong scent, with notes of jasmine, citrus and honey. Red berries follow in summer. It reaches about 2.5 x 2.5 meters, growing harmoniously, in a rounded way with its arched branches.
Robust rhizomatous. The serrated, pointed and variegated leaves, in green and white colors, with a burgundy back give this cultivar a unique character.
Evergreen shade shrub with surprising and unusual elongated leaves, berries in autumn and winter. Fantastic backdrop or elegant thick-leaved bush for shady gardens. Magnificent in a vase.
Terriccio fine con perlite da 3 mm pronto all'uso o da mischiare con la terra del proprio orto/giardino/vaso. CONFEZIONE in sacco DA circa 17,5 l.
Terriccio pronto all'uso o da mischiare con la terra del proprio orto/giardino/vaso per la coltivazione di piante acidofile. CONFEZIONE in sacco DA circa 35 l.
Hybrid rose of Hulthemia persica, very resistant like the plant from which it originates, healthy, re-flowering. Flowers look like silk, unusual and delicious coloring, two-tone: white-tinged pink, dark red center.
Semi-evergreen dailily, prolific, spider, the flower is small in size, almost looks like a miniature. Orange color with burgundy eye.
Unusual orange trumpet flowers variably streaked with red, grouped in clusters of 4 to 12. One of the most floriferous, rapid, sun-resistant and showy climbers. Light green foliage.
Stapelia with flowers that look like dark burgundy shiny leather. It blooms most of the year.
Mix of pink and white flowers that attract butterflies, for a prolonged summer flowering simultaneously, very resistant and long-lived, they do not fade even in the intense sun.
Semi-double, pink to blue in rounded heads, depending on soil, compact variety grows about 3' tall.
Very resistant rose like Hulthemia persica from which it originates, healthy, re-flowering. Central dark purple eye, and light, yellow /cream petals tinged with pale pink towards the outside.
Very healthy and re-blossoming rose, touching it you want to eat it so much the smell is delicious.
Begonia perenne rizomatosa, fogliame spiralato, a puntini argento molto evidenti.
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