Climbing rose with large red-purple flowers (the flower hold up to 70 petals), with a delicate sweet fragrance, reaches 3 meters in height and 2 in width.
Ribes alpinum is a very rustic plant, it resists up to about -25 ° CEasily cultivated in clayey, but well-drained soil. Develop a neat and compact shape.The flowers are sweetly scented. The plants are self-fertile, it may take 4-5 years of consolidation to fully bear fruit. Prune as needed during the dormant season. It is generally recommended to remove...
Iris laevigata is a stunning aquatic iris that forms vigorous, sturdy clumps of green leaves topped with purple/blue crested iris flowers. This plant has been cultivated in Japan for more than a thousand years. It needs well-watered soil.
Prunus sempreverde nano. produce spighe di piccoli fiori bianchi in primavera, seguono bacche verdi che maturano diventando blu in autunno. Compatto non supera i 150 x 150 cm (massima estensione in 10 anni). Foglie verdi scure lucide e strette.
Magnifici fiori, portati a lungo in primavera. Uno dei cisti più resistenti al gelo, in terreno ben drenato resiste fino a -12°C, ama il sole intenso. Dimensioni 150x150 cm circa. Fiori color fucsia, con il centro nero, molto appariscenti.
Strongly scented, bright blue flowers that add colour and fragrance to the early spring garden. Vigorous Siberian Scilla (Siberian Scilla) is a long-lived, low, bushy bulbous plant suitable for planting in lawns, mixed border beds or patios, and in woodland and rock gardens, flowering early in the season (the short stature of most also makes them...
Scented miniature rose, mauve color. Miniature roses are particularly suitable for pots and on the ground in close-ups of flower beds.
Aucuba insolita con foglie marginate di oro-crema, come recita il nome. Magnifico arbusto sempreverde che ama l'ombra, foglie lucide e carnose. Alla fioritura primaverile seguono bacche dapprima verdi e poi rosse, a mazzetti (si tratta di una cultivar femminile).
Evergreen shrub with upright habit, beautiful pinnate leaves. The peculiarity of this cultivar are the orange buds and the greater compactness. The yellow-orange flowers on the outside are showy, gathered in terminal racemes about 35 cm long. Among the first shrubs of the year to bloom, in early winter.
Ligustro compatto e a lenta crescita (non fa più dei 250 cm di altezza). Ha foglie rotonde, foglie spesse, cerose marginate in modo evidente di bianco-crema. I fiori profumati sbocciano da tarda primavera fino all'inizio dell'estate e poi si formano le bacche blu-nere.
E’ un piccolo albero sempreverde a crescita lenta cespugliosa, foglie leggermente spinose, variegate in modo molto vistoso con margine oro brillante. Fiori piccoli, bianchi.
Medium-sized, compact, vigorous shrub, with golden ovate leaves widely bordered with green-glaucous. Small, incredibly fragrant, silvery autumn flowers, sometimes followed by orange berries.
Blue fern, with magnificent, deeply pinnate leaves. This species of subtropical origins is resistant to light frosts (minimum 1°C), suitable for coasts, islands, houses or greenhouses. It thrives in drier, less humid conditions than most other fern species, making it an ideal houseplant.
Arbusto molto rifiorente da maggio al gelo, produce deliziosi fiori bianchi su ogni cima che emette che ricordano quelli di un’ortensia lacecap. Foglie rosso acceso in autunno.
Cultivar deliziosa nana a foglia piccola e dimensioni contenute. E’ un Physocarpus opulifolius 'Diabolo' in miniatura.
Variante a foglie variegate di bianco, aromatiche, con magnifici fiori apicali blu, a fine estate.
A classic peony with large and long-lasting flowers, anemone-like, very fragrant, with dark fuchsia petals; central petaloids very dense, rather broad.
Vigorous, low-maintenance herbaceous perennial with magnificent pink trumpet flowers produced year-round in mild climates and in large numbers. Also suitable for growing indoors or on the porch.
Rosa antica molto resistente, dagli incredibili fiori bicolore, e insieme completamente rosa o bianchi sulla stessa pianta.
Fascinating English rose shrub with a magnificent scent of anise, fruit (apricot, peach, raspberry), damask and honey. Full and rich flowers, can be successfully grown in pots.
Shrub English rose with large flowers, resistant, very remontant and fruit scented, with dark, velvety flowers.
The variegated form of Tradescantia sillamontana has gray and hairy leaves. The variegation is variable. It resists light frosts, loves well-drained soil, like a succulent plant.
Paniculated hydrangea with growth that remains low and compact. with bright white flowers that are then tinged with shades of pink, and deep pink, the greater the exposure to the sun.
Hybrid tea rose dedicated to the famous American singer, actress, composer, director and film producer, very re-flowering and very fragrant, the lavender flower is truly a distinctive sign.
Flowers with unusual spider, that is with narrow ribbon-like petals, and curled at the ends, purple pink, tinged with green-yellow cream in the center. Flower diameter: about 20cm, height: 70cm. Diploid and scented.
Farfugium cultivar with gray green leaves with wavy edges. This showy plant, native to Japan, provides year-round interest as it is evergreen contrary to exotic appearance. The yellow daisy flowers appear in the autumn months. It has a compact growth (about 60x 60cm) and can be easily used both in a container and on the ground, in a semi-shaded place. It...
'Président Grévy' is a double-flowered lilac cultivar, appreciated for its extremely fragrant, light blue-lilac flowers, which bloom in large conical panicles in May. It typically grows to 250-300cm in height and spreads to 150cm in width. It is named after Francois Paul Jules Grevy (1807-1891) who was president of France from 1879-1887.
Bulbous herbaceous plant, with prolonged flowering and re-flowering, with beautiful double flowers, with a spiral bell, two-colored.
Unusual plant that looks like a fragrant pelargonium (pelargonium or fragrant geranium), with soft evergreen leaves that look like ferns and very prolonged and showy flowering in bunches, from spring to autumn. Suitable for the sun and very well drained soils. The pale pink flowers fade to white, the petals have a papery consistency and pearly shades....
An unusual phormium-like evergreen perennial, Dianella revoluta 'Blue Stream' is a tufted herb with broad, blue, sword-like leaves. It produces strikingly beautiful blue flowers in spring, followed by blue berries. Despite its exotic appearance, it is hardy down to -15°C. Suitable for any type of exposure, in the shade it will produce few or no flowers.
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