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Showing 1111 - 1140 of 1539 items
  • Rosa 'Darcey Bussell' (sin. 'Monferrato') Rosa 'Darcey Bussell' (sin. 'Monferrato')
    Rosa 'Darcey Bussell' (sin. 'Monferrato')
    Rosa 'Darcey Bussell'

    Shrub English rose with large flowers, resistant, very remontant and fruit scented, with dark, velvety flowers.

    25,00 €
  • Rosa 'Blanc Double de Coubert' Rosa 'Blanc Double de Coubert'
    Rosa 'Blanc Double de Coubert'
    Rosa 'Blanc Double de Coubert'

    Rugosa rose with an incredible fragrance, shade tolerant. Rugosa roses are very hardy and healthy.

    25,00 €
  • Rosa 'Desdemona' Rosa 'Desdemona'
    Rosa 'Desdemona'
    Rosa 'Desdemona'

    Fascinating English rose shrub with a magnificent scent of anise, fruit (apricot, peach, raspberry), damask and honey. Full and rich flowers, can be successfully grown in pots.

    30,00 €
  • Festuca glauca 'Golden Toupee' Festuca glauca 'Golden Toupee'
    Out of stock
    Festuca glauca 'Golden Toupee'
    Festuca glauca 'Golden Toupee'

    Very light color, evergreen ornamental grass, with gold, and then glaucous blue foliage, grows in round tufts. Very ornamental and with zero maintenance, it loves intense sun and resists with little irrigation. It only needs the cleaning of the basal dry in spring.

    12,00 €
  • Prunus padus Prunus padus
    Prunus padus
    Prunus padus

    12,00 €
  • Rosa 'York and Lancaster' Rosa 'York and Lancaster'
    Rosa 'York and Lancaster'
    Rosa 'York and Lancaster'

    Rosa antica molto resistente, dagli incredibili fiori bicolore, e insieme completamente rosa o bianchi sulla stessa pianta.

    25,00 €
  • Ruellia brittoniana 'Pink'
    Ruellia brittoniana 'Pink'
    Ruellia brittoniana 'Pink'

    Vigorosa pianta erbacea perenne, a bassa manutenzione, con magnifici fiori rosa a tromba prodotti tutto l'anno nei climi miti e in gran numero.

    12,00 €
  • Ruellia makoyana Ruellia makoyana
    Ruellia makoyana
    Ruellia makoyana

    Ground cover or semi-woody hanging for shady areas in mild climates, it has interesting velvety leaves veined with purple and silver and with a purple underside. Magnificent even when not in bloom, which occurs in late autumn and early winter.

    9,00 €
  • Paeonia lactiflora 'Instituteur Doriat'
    Paeonia lactiflora 'Instituteur Doriat'
    Paeonia lactiflora

    A classic peony with large and long-lasting flowers, anemone-like, very fragrant, with dark fuchsia petals; central petaloids very dense, rather broad.

    15,00 €
  • Elaeagnus pungens 'Maculata Aurea' Elaeagnus pungens 'Maculata Aurea'
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    Elaeagnus pungens 'Maculata Aurea'
    Elaeagnus pungens

    Medium-sized, compact, vigorous shrub, with golden ovate leaves widely bordered with green-glaucous. Small, incredibly fragrant, silvery autumn flowers, sometimes followed by orange berries.

    15,00 €
  • Ilex × altaclerensis 'Golden King' Ilex × altaclerensis 'Golden King'
    Ilex × altaclerensis 'Golden King'
    Ilex × altaclerensis

    E’ un piccolo albero sempreverde a crescita lenta cespugliosa, foglie leggermente spinose, variegate in modo molto vistoso con margine oro brillante. Fiori piccoli, bianchi.

    18,00 €
  • Ligustrum japonicum 'Texanum Silver Star' Ligustrum japonicum 'Texanum Silver Star'
    Ligustrum japonicum 'Texanum Silver Star'
    Ligustrum japonicum

    Ligustro compatto e a lenta crescita (non fa più dei 250 cm di altezza). Ha foglie rotonde, foglie spesse, cerose marginate in modo evidente di bianco-crema. I fiori profumati sbocciano da tarda primavera fino all'inizio dell'estate e poi si formano le bacche blu-nere.

    25,00 €
  • Mahonia "Cabaret" Mahonia "Cabaret"
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    Mahonia "Cabaret"
    Mahonia "Cabaret"

    Evergreen shrub with upright habit, beautiful pinnate leaves. The peculiarity of this cultivar are the orange buds and the greater compactness. The yellow-orange flowers on the outside are showy, gathered in terminal racemes about 35 cm long. Among the first shrubs of the year to bloom, in early winter.

    18,00 €
  • Salvia pratensis 'Pink Delight' Salvia pratensis 'Pink Delight'
    Salvia pratensis 'Pink Delight'
    Salvia pratensis

    Salvia very easy to grow, the flowers bloom from spring to summer and can rebloom sporadically until the end of summer if the withered flowers are promptly cut off. Excellent fresh cut flower. The leaves are aromatic, they taste of anise and resin.

    12,00 €
  • Clematis vitalba Clematis vitalba
    Clematis vitalba
    Clematis vitalba

    Clematis climbing strong and resistant, with sweetly scented flowers, small, white, in mass in summer, reaching up to 7 m in length. Followed by very ornamental feathery pom-pom fruits.

    20,00 €
  • Rosa 'Zéphirine Drouhin' Rosa 'Zéphirine Drouhin'
    Rosa 'Zéphirine Drouhin'
    Rosa 'Zéphirine Drouhin'

    Vigorous rose with large flowers, which can be used as a hedge, a pillar or even a large self-supporting shrub, if left free. Shade tolerant. Strong and damask fragrance, it blooms on short stems, attached to the branch, for this reason it has a very full effect in flowering.

    35,00 €
  • Rosa 'Night Owl' Rosa 'Night Owl'
    Rosa 'Night Owl'
    Rosa 'Night Owl'

    Intense wine red flowers, velvety. It is a very disease resistant climbing rose. Bright yellow stamens, spicy scent.

    30,00 €
  • Prunus laurocerasus “Otto Luyken” Prunus laurocerasus “Otto Luyken”
    Prunus laurocerasus “Otto Luyken”
    Prunus laurocerasus

    Prunus sempreverde nano. produce spighe di piccoli fiori bianchi in primavera, seguono bacche verdi che maturano diventando blu in autunno. Compatto non supera i 150 x 150 cm (massima estensione in 10 anni). Foglie verdi scure lucide e strette. 

    15,00 €
  • Ribes alpinum Ribes alpinum
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    Ribes alpinum
    Ribes alpinum

    Ribes alpinum is a very rustic plant, it resists up to about -25 ° CEasily cultivated in clayey, but well-drained soil. Develop a neat and compact shape.The flowers are sweetly scented. The plants are self-fertile, it may take 4-5 years of consolidation to fully bear fruit. Prune as needed during the dormant season. It is generally recommended to remove...

    12,00 €
  • Rosa 'La rossa' Rosa 'La rossa'
    Rosa 'La rossa'
    Rosa 'La rossa'

    Shrubby rose of great impact, very remontant and healthy. Create thick spots of a very bright geranium red. A must have for anyone who loves red.

    25,00 €
  • Rosa "Ballerina" Rosa "Ballerina"
    Rosa "Ballerina"
    Rosa Ballerina"

    Shrub with arched branches, with bunches of pink flowers, white center. Scented rose, it also adapts to half-shade.

    25,00 €
  • Abeliophyllum distichum "Roseum" Abeliophyllum distichum "Roseum"
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    Abeliophyllum distichum "Roseum"
    Abeliophyllum distichum Roseum

    This romantic shrub marks the end of winter with the striking bare-branched bloom (before the leaves), of myriads of fragrant light pink flowers.

    15,00 €
  • Elaeagnus ebbingei "Maryline" Elaeagnus ebbingei "Maryline"
    Elaeagnus ebbingei "Maryline"
    Elaeagnus ebbingei Maryline"

    Cream-colored foliage, almost white, with a thin dark green border. The variety of eleagnus with the lightest leaves in existence.

    20,00 €
  • Rosa persica "Eyes For You"
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    Rosa persica "Eyes For You"
    Rosa persica "Eyes For You"

    Very resistant rose like Hulthemia persica from which it originates, healthy, re-flowering. Central dark purple eye, and light, lilac petals tinged with light blue when faded.

    30,00 €
  •  Rosa 'For Your Eyes Only'  Rosa 'For Your Eyes Only'
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    Rosa 'For Your Eyes Only'
    Rosa 'For Your Eyes Only'

    Resistant rose that derives from Hulthemia persica, healthy, re-flowering. It has a central dark purple eye, and light pink petals, which become darker towards the outside.

    35,00 €
  • Rosa 'Julia's Child' Rosa 'Julia's Child'
    Rosa 'Julia's Child'
    Rosa 'Julia's Child'

    The very abundant flowering, the sweet licorice scent, the very shiny foliage, the shape of the flower reminiscent of ancient roses, and the rounded bush that form, of this rose one of the best yellow roses: absolutely fabulous.

    25,00 €
  • Illicium mexicanum x floridanum album 'Woodland Ruby' Illicium mexicanum x floridanum album 'Woodland Ruby'
    Illicium mexicanum x floridanum album 'Woodland Ruby'
    Illicium x mexicanum

    Magnificent and rare evergreen, with flowers that look like ruby starfish, they last a long time and thrive throughout spring and most of the summer until early autumn. The morning sun is ideal as an exposure, too much sun burns the leaves, with too much shade it does not bloom well. It has a diameter and a height of about 250 cm. It can easily withstand...

    50,00 €
  • Hippeastrum vittatum Hippeastrum vittatum
    Hippeastrum vittatum (Amaryllis )
    Hippeastrum vittatum

    This bulbous perennial forms tufts of lanceolate leaves with large trumpet-shaped flowers that appear in spring in a cluster high above the foliage on a sturdy stem. Bright red petals that are suffused with white and a prominent central white stripe. Withstands up to -1 ° C. The flowers are very fragrant.

    10,00 €
  • Begonia luxurians Begonia luxurians
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    Begonia luxurians
    Begonia luxurians

    Species with large palmate leaves, it reaches up to 4 meters in height, but it can be kept pruned and lives well in even small pots. Magnificent spring flowers.

    15,00 €
  • Trachystemon orientalis Trachystemon orientalis
    Trachystemon orientalis
    Trachystemon orientalis

    Pianta tappezzante, molto rustica e facile, cresce abbandonata; simile alla Borragine, ma perenne. Magnifiche foglie grandi che perdurano da marzo al gelo, creando fitti tappeti. Fiori blu emergono prima delle foglie a fine inverno-inizio primavera. I fiori e gli steli che li portano e le giovani foglie possono essere mangiati, gustosi abbinati alle uova.

    7,00 €

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