Delicate yellow color. The tepals are slightly matted and the petals are large; slightly narrower and more curved sepals. It blooms in full summer; re-flowering Semi-evergreen foliage. tetraploid.
Modern Italian rose, but with an ancient shape, delicately scented, large wavy flowers of an apricot tone . Suitable for cut flowers, resistant and vigorous.
Shrub rose, apricot amber color, which fades to cream, blooms throughout the season. Bushy, glossy, with dark green foliage. High resistance to cold. Suitable for pots and mixed borders, it falls softly.
Rhizomatous begonia with very large and dark leaves (mahogany tones); introduced in 1947 by Joe Hayden. In winter, clusters of pink flowers emerge from its large green-burgundy foliage. Very vigorous and indestructible variety.
Variegated with very rapid growth, characteristic for the small heart-shaped leaves, used as a hanging pot or as ground cover, outdoors in mild climates.
Terriccio pronto all'uso o da mischiare con la terra del proprio orto/giardino/vaso per la coltivazione di piante acidofile. CONFEZIONE in sacco DA circa 17,5 l.
Shrub that is best cut every year after flowering so that the young branches remain red in the winter. You can prune every other year to enjoy the autumn berries from time to time (which we would not have if we remove the spring flowers), or you can prune only half of the branches and the other half the following year. Interesting in the 4 seasons, white...
Architectural evergreen plant that adds drama and structure with its lance-shaped leaves that seem dusted with silver. It resists like phormiums down to -12 ° C, it must be planted in well-drained soil. It reaches 80 cm in diameter and height.
Magnificent and rare evergreen, with flowers that look like ruby starfish, they last a long time and thrive throughout spring and most of the summer until early autumn. The morning sun is ideal as an exposure, too much sun burns the leaves, with too much shade it does not bloom well. It has a diameter and a height of about 250 cm. It can easily withstand...
English shrub rose by David Austin, with a strong fragrance, with tones of apple, clove and tea. The flower has a magnificent gradient color and the shrub has a harmonious shape, enhanced in large pots and mixed borders.
Vigorous, compact deciduous ornamental grass, a magnificent stroke of light under trees or difficult areas, where other plants grows stunted. The spring leaves are tricolor: pink, white and green. Spiked flowers in summer.
Very fast mat forming perennial plant, semi-evergreen with toothed and pubescent leaves. The new plants originate from the center of the mother plant leaf. It has unusual spikes of burgundy bell-shaped flowers in spring. Perfect for vertical gardens.
Shrub with arched branches, with bunches of pink flowers, white center. Scented rose, it also adapts to half-shade.
The leaves are black-violet from spring to summer, the darkest of all Physocarpus. Soft pink and white spring bloom, contrasts with the leaves. The old bark exfoliates and reveals purple hues.
Ficus elastica is one of the easiest subtropical plants to care for. In favorable conditions, on islands or mild coasts it becomes a tree. If grown in a pot it adapts well and dwarfs to live indoors, or in verandas and greenhouses, even cool ones, with a minimum of 4 degrees centigrade. The variegation of this cultivar is unusual and rare, as if it were...
Pomice fine per piante (per conoscere le fantastiche proprietà di questo substrato inerte sono descritte, clicca qui). Confezione da circa 6 kg (6l) di pomice sfusa da 3-6 mm
Intense wine red flowers, velvety. It is a very disease resistant climbing rose. Bright yellow stamens, spicy scent.
Ruby red rose, with a strong scent, with large flowers, very healthy and re-flowering.
Leycesteria compatta, a foglia dorata, il cui nuovo fogliame è sfumato di bronzo. Valorizzata in vaso, produce spighe di fiori bianchi, circondati da brattee bordeaux, ricadenti. Le bacche bordeaux che seguono sono commestibili, adatta sia al sole che all'ombra luminosa, evitare il sole delle ore più calde.
This vigorous climbing perennial easily covers larger supports such as arches or pergolas, which it illuminates with multiple small, fragrant white flowers. From mid-summer it is a real avalanche of stars that extends until September. Rustic, it likes sunny or partially shaded exposures. Prune low in spring if desired.
Outdoor mix of perennial flowers for sunny spaces. Very long summer flowering, useful for attracting beneficial and pollinating insects; magnificent dyad of white and blue-blue colors flowering at the same time, also suitable for large pots or planters.
Mix of perennial yellow flowers. Yellow is the symbolic color of happiness and hope, positivity, energy and optimism. It is not possible to choose the plants; mixes of varieties and types of flowering will arrive. We will select for you at the time of purchase 7 perennials that produce yellow flowers. Each plant will arrive accompanied by a varietal name....
Pianta rampicante molto vigorosa (raggiunge la dozzina di metri di lunghezza) con foglie trifoliate. Singoli fiori bianchi di 7 centimetri di diametro in tarda primavera/inizio estate con occasionali fiori successive.
Albero ornamentale che raggiunge i 15-18 m di altezza. Chiamata anche 'albero dei sigari' per i frutti ornamentali stretti e lunghi che produce dopo la fioritura tardo estiva e che porta fino all'inverno. Magnifici fiori bianchi puntinato di porpora, profumati a trombetta portati in panicoli a gruppi di 10/20.
Gardenia 'Crown Jewel' has sweetly scented flowers. Double flowers and resistant to winter climate (resistant to -10 ºC.); blooms on new and old branches. The height is 60 cm and becomes 1 m wide. Also suitable for growing indoors or on the veranda.
Meraviglioso per chi ama il giallo, questo iris nano è di un oro davvero carico, con sfumature borgogna.
Ground cover or semi-woody hanging for shady areas in mild climates, it has interesting velvety leaves veined with purple and silver and with a purple underside. Magnificent even when not in bloom, which occurs in late autumn and early winter. Also suitable for growing indoors or on the porch.
Iris barbata rifiorente, dall'attraente fioritura bicolore, oro e rosso-ruggine.
Rugosa rose with an incredible fragrance, shade tolerant. Rugosa roses are very hardy and healthy.
Rosa polyantha molto resistente e rifiorente; prolifica, dai rami arcuati e perfetta in bordi misti.Arbusto coprente e pieno, che fa bene anche in climi caldi. Inizia fiorire un po' più tardi rispetto alla maggior parte delle rose, tuttavia fiorisce ininterrottamente fino al gelo e la neve spesso copre le rose.
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