Shrub or small tree with spring flowers typical of leguminous plants, intense golden yellow, fragrant, flexible branches similar to rush.
Clematis a grandi fiori bianchi con stami scuri, fino a 15 centimetri di diametro, in tarda primavera/inizio estate con meno abbondanti ripetute fioriture successive.
Zelkova serrata 'Variegata' è un piccolo albero con rami arcuati e belle foglie variegate. Le foglie sono seghettate e hanno un bella variegatura crema che lentamente vira al rosa in autunno, prima di cadere. Adatta per una posizione a ombra mezz'ombra dove le foglie variegate spiccano maggiormente e non si bruciano al sole più forte. Raggiunge 4 mt in 10...
Rosa rampicante profumatissima, vigoroso a grandi fiori (diametro medio 10 cm), doppi, fino a 25 petali, a forma di coppa. magnifico rosso scuro vellutato. Fiorisce a ondate per tutta la stagione. Grande, lucido, fogliame verde scuro. Altezza e larghezza fino a 4 m.
Vigorosa rosa rampicante, che raggiunge i 4 metri. Fiori grandi, molto pieni fino a 60 petali, dal profumo forte, dolce; rifiorente a ondate. Tollerante l'ombra.
Mix of scented herbaceous peonies. It is not possible to choose the color because we breed them in a mix, so the color of the flower will be random.
Anemone hupehensis 'Bowles's Pink' has pink and fuchsia flowers with slightly irregular bowl-shaped petals in late summer and autumn, the two outer tepals smaller and darker. It therefore has a disheveled two-tone effect. RHS AGM plant.
Vase made in Italy in very resistant rubber, useful for breeding and cultivation experiments. The maximum resistance over the years to the elements outdoors, as well as usable indoors. Diameter ø 18 cm height 16 cm, volume in liters 3. Drainage holes to avoid stagnation and rotting. To reduce the environmental impact, this type of vase is stored outdoors;...
Grande arbusto sempreverde con foglie evidentemente venate, e vellutate. In tarda primavera produce ombrelle di fiori color crema, che maturano in bacche rosse.
Evergreen shrub, with oval and elongated leaves, dense and compact growth. the new branches have bright red stems. Small, fragrant white flowers gathered in racemes in early summer. Red-purple berries follow. The growth is compact, adapts very well to the pot and for low maintenance hedges.
Dwarf perennial herbaceous plant, smallest of the species, extremely resistant, suitable for xeriscape, with abundant, prolonged and repeat-flowering summer and autumn flowering; the coral red flowers are shaped like elongated trumpets, making a great impact even from a distance. The foliage is glaucous green and thin, very ornamental. Despite its...
Arbusto tappezzante, ricadente o rampicante a seconda dell’uso che scegliamo di farne, con foglie variegate giallo-oro e verdi, che si sfumano di rosa per il freddo.
Buddleia con fiori bianchi, molto appariscenti e profumati. Attrae farfalle e insetti impollinatori, foglie verde-grigio semipersistenti.
Cultivar a forma arbustiva ben verticale di sedum (altezza massima 50-60 cm), derivata dal Sedum ‘Matrona’, è una perenne che offre interesse dalla primavera all’autunno. Foglie molto ondulate con margini dentati e steli purpurei, che a fine estate-inizio autunno portano grandi teste di morbidi fiori rosa che si aprono da boccioli crema.
As the name of the cultivar suggests, this phormium is variegated in three colors: pink, white and green. Very broad (up to 6 cm) and curved ribbon-like leaves, evergreen. Height 120 cm, width approximately 180 cm. It also lives well in a pot indoors. Also suitable for growing indoors or on the veranda.
Questo iris nano, è bianco venato marcatamente di azzurro, davvero un gioiello in miniatura.
Rosa ibrido di tea molto suggestiva, i cui fiori sembrano di seta, grazie alla colorazione insolita e deliziosa, bicolore: rosso acceso di bianco al centro.
Rosa canadese tra le più resistenti alle condizioni estreme di gelo, bei fiori romantici e ottimo profumo.
Ortensia lacecap molto resistente, ha grandi foglie con magnifici fiori a sepali molto evidenti; chiamata 'Tiara' perchè i fiori sembrano tante coroncine.
Aromatic perennial herbaceous plant, scented with incense, decumbent habit, very attractive due to its beautiful leaves, repels annoying insects.
L'Abutilon pictum "Thompsonii" ha fiori arancio-rossi, petali con venature in rilievo rosse e magnifiche foglie variegate, spruzzate di giallo. I fiori sono prodotti in gran numero tutto l'anno, purchè la pianta abbia luce sufficiente (mai sole diretto)
Perennial ground cover mint ideal for preparing drinks (especially mojitos) with an intense glacial aroma.
Variety of flowering salvias, reblooming from spring to autumn. These hybrids are among the most floriferous perennials. One plant every 80cm is recommended for borders or low hedges. The quantity in this pack covers 8 sq m. It is a mix of selected cultivars which are indicated below.
Statuesque beauty that grows in height, but its column bearing allows for placement in the back of mixed edges. The slender spikes of lilac flowers in mid-summer do not need support when grown in full sun. Veronicastrum virginicum is a plant native to North America that was typically found in wet but well-drained thickets and meadows. Flower spikes bloom...
Dwarf ground cover plant, with magnificent pink flowers veined with dark pink and small soft evergreen leaves and very long flowering, from spring to autumn. Suitable for sun and partial shade and very well drained soils.
Unusual lagerstroemia cultivar with dark, almost black leaves. Color improves with greater insolation. Bright magenta flowers in summer. Slow-growing shrub also suitable for pots.
Flowering cherry hybrid that combines the early flowering of Prunus subhirtella with the bright pink flower and the bright autumn color of Prunus sargentii.'Accolade' is one of the first cherry trees to bloom in late winter, with clusters of deeper pink semi-double flowers that fade to light pink. It also has a very attractive smooth reddish-brown bark,...
Climbing rose with eye-catching bright red flowers, unbreakable in photography. Very healthy foliage, captivating for its red, double and bright flowers, reaches 2.5 meters in height, which is why it is also suitable for growing in capacious pots and magnificent for pillars.
Rose of incredible charm, one of our favorites and of the best English shrub roses, for intense and excellent scent, re-flowering and shape. Rich cupped flowers, with the opulent charm of old roses.
Vigorous climbing evergreen plant (reaches 5 meters in length) with dark green, olive-colored, leathery leaves. White flowers, 5 centimeters in diameter in March. Scented, sweetly honey.
Filtri (1541 products)