Wavy burgundy-black petals with a small kiwi green throat that makes this well-branched beauty shine. Popular for its velvety depth of color. Color is difficult to photograph accurately. Diploid, 75 cm high, the flower has a diameter of 12 cm.
Abundant flowering in spring, very double flowers like pom poms, which appear intermittently until autumn. Also suitable for creating hedges, it blooms on the branches of the previous year so it should be pruned if desired immediately after spring flowering. Shrub that can reach 2 meters in diameter.
Bearded iris, reblooming, ice white, tinged with blue-violet.
'Little Redhead' is a compact, lower selection of the species, vegetatively propagated to ensure uniformity. Dark red tubular flowers with yellow interiors are produced over the top of an upright clump of leaves, mass produced in the summer. It requires a good appearance to thrive, despite the exotic appearance it resists temperatures over -20 ° C.
Abundant flowers up to 8-10 cm in diameter, purple-violet, velvety, very dark, with an "eye" of golden stamens in the center. It reaches 3.5 meters in width / height. Long flowering and very abundant; at the latest in June and then bloom again with sporadic flowers until autumn. Very vigorous, resistant and problem-free cultivar.
Pianta tappezzante, molto rustica e facile, cresce abbandonata; simile alla Borragine, ma perenne. Magnifiche foglie grandi che perdurano da marzo al gelo, creando fitti tappeti. Fiori blu emergono prima delle foglie a fine inverno-inizio primavera. I fiori e gli steli che li portano e le giovani foglie possono essere mangiati, gustosi abbinati alle uova.
Dwarf heuchera, forms carpets of evergreen dense leaf colonies; very showy flowering of pinkish white flowers in spring.
Magnificent big flowers, carried for a long time in spring. One of the most frost-resistant cistus, in well-drained soil withstands up to -12 ° C, it loves intense sun. Dimensions approximately 150x150 cm. White flowers, with a black center, very showy.
Nandina nana (fino a 120 cm), tondeggiante, compatta, con foglie variegate di bianco e nuovi germogli rosa-rossi. Sfumata di arancio e rosso in autunno.
Vigorous multiflora climber, up to 5 m. Light pink, tinged with dark pink: in the same bunch the flowers appear to be two different colors depending on the stage of flowering. Fragrant, shade tolerant.
Ancient rose from the late 19th century, bourbon climber, carmine color with violet shades. Strong, raspberry fragrance. Very large flowers, up to 55 petals, very full, cupped, quartered. It blooms all season. Very frost resistant.
Vigorous rose with large flowers, which can be used as a hedge, a pillar or even a large self-supporting shrub, if left free. Shade tolerant. Strong and damask fragrance, it blooms on short stems, attached to the branch, for this reason it has a very full effect in flowering.
Blue-green leaves, white flowers for this long-lived and easy-to-grow herbaceous shrub. Mature 3-4 year old plants can bear more than 50 flowering stems in spring. The magnificent flower spikes reach 45 cm in length.
Compact and dense spirea with a beautiful rounded shape, gold leaf, and pink flowers in the summer for a long time.
Conifera nana e a crescita lenta dal portamento basso e tondeggiante, fiori vistosi in primavera.
Questo arbusto delicato fiorisce alla fine dell'inverno con racemi di fiori gialli profumati, lunghi 8 cm. Di lunga durata recisi. Adatta sia al sole che all'ombra accanto a ellebori e altre piante di sottobosco.
Mix of perennial white flowers. White symbolizes innocence, purity, security, light, sincerity, softness, perfection, goodness, cleanliness and humility. It is not possible to choose the plants; mixes of varieties and types of blooms will arrive. We will select for you at the time of purchase 7 perennials that produce white flowers. Each plant will arrive...
Mixture of multicolored succulents, flowering in succession, for outdoor use resistant to intense frost and suitable for strong sun, which need very little water. Magnificent for creating bowls or vases on the balcony too, interesting all year round.
Grandiflora rose, very remontant tea hybrid with an intense and fruity aroma, with unusual large and variegated flowers.
Arbusto sempreverde con foglie ovali, di un brillante giallo-oro appena emesse, poi verdi con un ampio margine giallo-oro; quando raggiunge la maturità produce piccoli fiori verdastri seguiti da bacche rosa-arancio.
Phormium that looks like a sea creature for the unusual deep pink leaves, with orange and lime veins on the edges, and green and purple bands in the center. Compact, only 45 cm tall, with leaves 60-90 cm long. Also suitable for growing indoors or on the veranda.
Delicate peach orange color shaded with cream, with "round" flowers embellished with a small red eye and an orange heart. Diploid, flowers 8 cm in diameter, average height of about 50 cm.
Pianta perenne rizomatosa, con foglie molto grandi, a fioritura molto precoce (anche in mezzo alla neve), molto rustica e resistente. Miriadi di piccoli fiori a stella riuniti in grosse spighe.
Rosa antica multiflora color viola descritta come la più blu delle rose; fiorisce in grandi mazzi seguiti da cinorrodi color bordeaux lucido e scuro a grappoli.
Ortensia lacecap a grandi foglie con magnifici fiori a sepali tondeggianti, grandi ed evidenti.
Begonia perenne rizomatosa, magnifico fogliame argento di incredibile lucentezza.
This adorable, very fast-growing seedling forms a low, crawling carpet of tiny green leaves, covered in tiny cerulean flower stars from spring to summer. It loves acidic soil irrigated regularly, thrives well in bowls or rock gardens and between stone slabs and as ground cover.
Rare and magnificent shade perennial (similar to Lespedeza thunbergii but much more compact) that bears trifoliate leaves with spikes of flowers up to about 30 cm in length, in total it does not exceed 120 cm. Pale pink / lavender flowers from mid to late summer. The flowers of this species are sweetly scented and are visited by many bees and other...
Healthy and re-flowering climbing rose with abundant pure white flowers. It reaches 5 meters. Sport of the shrub-shaped rose of the same name.
It can be grown outdoors in the shade or partial shade, in a fresh and rich soil, wherever it does not drop below -10 ° C. It can also be grown indoors, even with direct sun in winter, while in summer it should be placed against a glass where it gets the morning sun only. Deciduous below 0 ° C, it will renew its branches in spring; while it will be...
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