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Showing 421 - 450 of 1541 items
  • Mimulus guttatus Mimulus guttatus
    Out of stock
    Mimulus guttatus
    Mimulus guttatus

    The mimulus is a very covering perennial, which has large and unusual flowers, very ornamental, worn for months and of a beautiful bright yellow.

    8,00 €
  • Campanula poscharskyana Campanula poscharskyana
    Campanula poscharskyana
    Campanula poscharskyana

    Ground cover / hanging bellflower, very long-lived and vigorous, zero maintenance, so much so that it finds itself abandoned in old gardens, it forms beautiful cushions of heart-shaped leaves that bear abundant stalks of blue-purple starry bells in summer.

    6,00 €
  • Acanthus mollis Acanthus mollis
    Acanthus mollis
    Acanthus mollis

    Magnificent perennial herb whose leaves had been chosen as ornamentation of capitals in antiquity. Huge spike flowers can reach more than 120 cm

    8,00 €
  • Stapelia grandiflora
    Out of stock
    Stapelia gariepensis
    Stapelia gariepensis

    Succulenta senza spine con fiori visibilmente pelosi a 5 punte (tra i nomi comuni di questa pianta, ‘cactus stella marina’), di facile coltivazione e dall’abbondante fioritura.

    10,00 €
  • Rosa 'Paul Transon’ Rosa 'Paul Transon’
    Rosa 'Dorothy Perkins'
    Rosa 'Dorothy Perkins'

    Rosa antica wichurana sarmentosa color rosa chiaro, fiori dal dolce profumo e coprente in modo molto vigoroso.

    20,00 €
  • Vaso diametro 20 cm in plastica similcotto da semina-talea-vivaio Vaso diametro 20 cm in plastica similcotto da semina-talea-vivaio
    Pot diam 20 cm recycled in plastic imitation terracotta...

    Made in Italy vase in imitation terracotta plastic, brushed, recycled, useful for cultivation, sowing experiments, cuttings, reproduction. Weatherproof outdoors, as well as usable indoors. Diameter ø 20 cm height 14 cm, volume in liters 3. Drainage holes to avoid stagnation and rotting.

    2,00 €
  • Ceratostigma willmottianum Ceratostigma willmottianum
    Ceratostigma willmottianum
    Ceratostigma willmottianum

    Piccolo arbusto deciduo con foglie lanceolate di 5cm di lunghezza, che diventano rosse in autunno. Fiori abbondanti, da estate ad autunno, di 2,5 centimetri di diametro, di un ricco blu, riuniti in densi in grappoli terminali.

    12,00 €
  • Luzula nivea Luzula nivea
    Luzula nivea
    Luzula nivea

    Straordinaria graminacea adatta all'ombra, dai fiori bianchi come fiocchi di neve, portati a fine primavera, su foglie grigio-verdi pelose sempreverdi in limi miti. A seguire ornamentali teste di semi marroni. I fiori sono ottimi per il taglio, sia freschi che secchi.

    8,00 €
  • Epimedium × youngianum 'Roseum'
    Epimedium × youngianum 'Roseum'
    Epimedium × youngianum 'Roseum'

    Perenne a foglie cuoriformi che sfumano al porpora, semi-sempreverde, dai delicati fiori rosa campanulati con capo reclinato, a forma di stella.

    7,00 €
  • Veronica spicata
    Veronica spicata
    Veronica spicata

    Perenne che porta fiori a spighe vistose di fiori azzurro-blu dalla primavera all’autunno. Per prolungare la fioritura è bene togliere periodicamente i fiori sfioriti e lasciare solo gli ultimi capolini della stagione se desideriamo che si semini spontaneamente.

    8,00 €
  • Saxifraga stolonifera 'Kinki Purple' Saxifraga stolonifera 'Kinki Purple'
    Saxifraga stolonifera 'Kinki Purple'
    Saxifraga stolonifera

    This ground cover saxifrage (trailing in pot) has evergreen leaves tinged with purple in an unusual way and flowers that resemble orchids borne on much larger than normal spikes, about 50-60 cm tall, in late spring. It grows very quickly, in shady or slightly sunny areas. Also suitable for growing indoors or on the veranda.

    7,00 €
  • Arum italicum Arum italicum
    Arum italicum
    Arum italicum

    With semi-evergreen architectural leaves, veined with white, it is a perennial focal point in the garden for the winter. The spring flowers are followed by orange berries in very ornamental spikes. This very resistant perennial plant, grows in the cool and goes dormant in the heat, so it will be in leaf from September to June and then sheds its leaves in...

    6,00 €
  • Salvia microphylla 'Navajo'
    Salvia microphylla 'Navajo'
    Salvia microphylla 'Navajo'

    Salvia con fiori gialli, rifiorente dalla primavera all’autunno, resistente a gelo e caldo intenso, con fogliame aromatico.

    8,00 €
  • Iris 'Peach Jam'
    Out of stock
    Iris 'Peach Jam'
    Iris 'Peach Jam'

    Insolito iris barbata di media altezza con petali spruzzati di gocce e striscie bianche e viola-blu su fondo rosa salmone.

    12,00 €
  • Helenium 'Can Can'
    Helenium 'Can Can'
    Helenium 'Can Can'

    Pianta erbacea perenne, a fioritura estiva e poi autunnale, con bei fiori vivaci gialli e rossi, a margherita. Di grande impatto anche dalla distanza.

    12,00 €
  • Achillea millefolium 'Song Siren Layla' Achillea millefolium 'Song Siren Layla'
    Out of stock
    Achillea millefolium 'Song Siren Layla'
    Achillea millefolium

    Perennial herbaceous plant, with prolonged summer flowering and re-flowering, with beautiful iridescent fuchsia pink flowers, compact, also suitable for pots.

    8,00 €
  • Eupatorium capillifolium 'Elegant Plume'
    Out of stock
    Eupatorium capillifolium 'Elegant Plume'
    Eupatorium capillifolium

    Erbacea perenne, a fioritura tardiva molto rustica e resistente. Magnifico fogliame piumoso e unico nel suo genere. Attira le farfalle, ma tiene lontani gli insetti molesti.

    10,00 €
  • Hydrangea macrophylla 'Madame Emile Mouillère' Hydrangea macrophylla 'Madame Emile Mouillère'
    Hydrangea macrophylla 'Madame Emile Mouillère'
    Hydrangea macrophylla

    Ortensia a grandi foglie e con magnifici fiori globosi a sepali a forma coppa, simili ai fiori di lillà.

    18,00 €
  • Hydrangea arborescens 'Invincibelle Spirit '
    Hydrangea arborescens 'Invincibelle Spirit '
    Hydrangea arborescens

    Ortensia arborea con magnifici fiori rosa intenso.

    25,00 €
  • Begonia 'Cleopatra' Begonia 'Cleopatra'
    Begonia 'Cleopatra'
    Begonia 'Cleopatra'

    Begonia perenne rizomatosa, molto vigorosa e assai fiorifera, bel fogliame vellutato e ciliato dal colore mutabile a seconda della stagione.

    7,00 €
  • Heuchera sanguinea "Hercules" Heuchera sanguinea "Hercules"
    Out of stock
    Heuchera sanguinea "Hercules"
    Heuchera sanguinea

    Heuchera with spike-shaped, bell-like, coral-colored flowers produced in abundance in spring. It is a rare cultivar with white-sprayed leaves; however, at the end of the summer the variegation almost completely disappears due to the heat, only to reappear in the spring following the vegetative awakening. The ideal position is one with the morning sun or...

    15,00 €
  • Hemerocallis 'Primal Scream' Hemerocallis 'Primal Scream'
    Hemerocallis 'Primal Scream'
    Hemerocallis 'Primal Scream'

    6,00 €
  • Helleborus 'Double Red' Helleborus 'Double Red'
    Helleborus 'Double Red'
    Helleborus 'Double Red'

    Elleboro sempreverde con fiori doppi porpora. Fioritura lunghissima da metà inverno a metà primavera.

    15,00 €
  • Chrysogonum virginianum Chrysogonum virginianum
    Chrysogonum virginianum
    Chrysogonum virginianum

    Perenne tappezzante, rizomatosa, bassa, con fiori stellati d'oro simili a margherite. Perfetta per il giardino d'ombra. Fiori in gran numero in tarda primavera e poi rifiorisce, ma in modo discontinuo.

    8,00 €
  • Begonia corallina ('Tamaya') Begonia corallina ('Tamaya')
    Begonia corallina ('Tamaya')
    Begonia corallina ('Tamaya')

    Perennial cane begonia, with spotted leaves and coral-pink colored flowers, very easy to grow. It flowers most of the year.

    20,00 €
  • Iris pumila 'Yo Yo'
    Iris pumila 'Yo Yo'
    Iris pumila 'Yo Yo'

    Iris nano di un vivido rosa scuro, sfumato di azzurro, con il centro dei petali porpora.

    6,00 €
  • Magnolia laevifolia 'Gail's Favourite' Magnolia laevifolia 'Gail's Favourite'
    Out of stock
    Magnolia laevifolia 'Gail's Favourite'
    Magnolia laevifolia

    Extremely floriferous late spring evergreen magnolia. Fast growing, it can reach a maximum of 2.5 m in height. The shape is that of a well-branched shrub or small tree; evergreen, it resists intense frost down to -15° C. Glossy leaves and soft buds, the flowers have a magnificent scent.

    25,00 €
  • Pulmonaria saccharata 'Samourai' Pulmonaria saccharata 'Samourai'
    Out of stock
    Pulmonaria saccharata 'Samourai'
    Pulmonaria saccharata 'Samourai'

    Pianta erbacea perenne da ombra, ha fiori rosa e blu insieme, tra le pulmonaria è quella che ha macchie bianche-argento così confluenti per cui risulta essere completamente argentata sulla pagina superiore delle foglie.

    12,00 €
  • Acorus gramineus 'Variegatus' Acorus gramineus 'Variegatus'
    Acorus gramineus 'Variegatus'
    Acorus gramineus 'Variegatus'

    Perennial herbaceous plant, evergreen, magnificent variegated foliage, white and green, gives light to shady places, enhanced in pots, useful for giving a touch of color and structure to flowerbeds. Also suitable for growing indoors. Also suitable for growing indoors or on the veranda.

    5,00 €
  • Aster cordifolius 'Little Carlow' Aster cordifolius 'Little Carlow'
    Aster cordifolius 'Little Carlow'
    Aster cordifolius

    One of the most beautiful autumn flowering Asters, AGM award (Award of Garden Merit, is an established annual award for plants, granted by the British Royal Horticultural Society). The dark, slender stems branch out to bear a myriad of light blue/lavender flowers in delicate airy sprays. Each 2.5cm flower begins with a small gold eye that gradually...

    6,00 €

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