Erbacea perenne sempreverde, le cui foglie assumono una magnifica colorazione ramata-purpurea con il freddo invernali. Grandi foglie tondeggianti, lunghe fino a 30 cm; fiori rosa in primavera, portati su appariscenti e durevoli spighe.
Made in Italy terracotta colored plastic vase, recycled, useful for cultivation, sowing experiments, cuttings, reproduction. Weatherproof outdoors, as well as usable indoors. Diameter ø 24 cm height 18.5 cm, volume in liters 6.50. Drainage holes to avoid stagnation and rotting.
E' la più azzurra di tutte le graminacee; il fogliame è largo e nastriforme, cangiante e argenteo. Sempreverde, tollera il calore così come il gelo intensi: per questo utile sia in vaso che in aiuole.
Annuale che si risemina tutti gli anni spontaneamente, senza sforzo, anche in zone con poca irrigazione, questa euforbia raggiunge le dimensioni di un arbusto. Ha foglie grigio-verdi lungo i rami e le foglie più piccole terminali sono bordate di bianco, che insieme con i fiori bianchi, creano un effetto di magnifico impatto.
Evergreen hellebore with simple anemone-shaped flowers, rather bright and dark pink / red color, with showy golden carpels and stamens, very vigorous with well erect flowers.
Magnifiche infiorescenze bicolore prodotte in autunno. Necessita di ottimo drenaggio e di uno strato di 25 cm di materiale organico protettivo per resistere al gelo invernale.
Pianta erbacea perenne, a fioritura primaverile prolungata, fiori adatti al taglio, magnifici e multicolore di forma campanulata. Simbolo di amore puro e umile, quello vero, quello interiore, in quanto 'Bella si erge l'aquilegia / e china il suo capo' scriveva Goethe.
Rare Japanese apricot with white and pink flowers on the same plant, abundant winter flowering occurs on still bare branches, fragrant and double flowers.
This is a rare variety with single and double flowers togheter. It is a ground cover perennial that grows very quickly, densely covering large areas of land. Blue-violet flowers (periwinkle) in spring. Also suitable for growing indoors or on the veranda.
Perenne con grandi fiori bianchi, fino a 10 cm di diametro, fioritura estiva prolungata e rifiorente. Fiori molto durevoli, magnifici da usare recisi, simili a grossi fiordalisi.
Similar to Heliopsis 'Loraine Sunshine' The variegation follows the pattern of the veins of the white leaves, in this pink shaded variety, it blooms from late spring to autumn, it is among the few long-lived perennials so remontant, perfect also in pots and planters. In hot summers it tolerates morning sun, or thrives well in shade/partial shade (with a...
Made in Italy black plastic vase, useful for sowing experiments, cuttings, reproduction. Weatherproof outdoors, as well as usable indoors. Side 12 cm height 14 cm, volume in liters 1.5. Drainage holes to avoid stagnation and rotting. To reduce the environmental impact, this type of vase is stored outdoors; they are exposed to the elements and may have...
Pianta tappezzante o ricadente se cresciuta in vaso, sempreverde, con foglie variegate, di tre tonalità: bianche, verdi scure, e rosa-porpora. Amante delle zone d’ombra o con poco sole. Fiorellini bianchi a puntini purpurei portati su spighe a fine primavera.
Cultivar with evergreen leaves with small white dots, as if it had been sprayed with color with a brush, with particularly elongated leaves and less wide than the species. Also suitable for growing indoors or on the veranda.
Fiori doppi di 15 cm di diametro, rosa salmone, arricciati verso il centro (di qui il suo nome), alti 90 cm. Rifiorisce a intermittenza fino all’autunno se adeguatamente concimato.
Il blu è un colore splendido sui fiori, raro da trovare! Questa salvia li porta dalla primavera all’autunno senza temere sole e siccità, e ha foglie deliziosamente odorose.
Bell'iris barbata con centro bianco e lilla-blu intenso, che fiorisce tardivo.
Perilla purpurea is an invasive plant whose seeds do not fear frost. It has large and unusual leaves, very ornamental, of an intense metallic color with purple-purple tones.
Annual that does not fear frost and therefore reseeds while remaining perennial; the aromatic burgundy leaves taste like piper small pink flowers. If it stays bronze-purplish on the sun, it is more in shadow and more green.
Spontaneous species with spring flowering, fragrant flowers, resistant to dryness and frost. Bright purple color.
The peculiarity of this sage are the mutable flowers, which depending on the stage of development and the temperatures are white, or cherry, white and cherry together on the same flower. Resists frost and heat, fragrant leaves, blossoms from spring to autumn.
Long flowering in spring and early summer, lover of intense sun. Create a dense carpet of linear leaves. Very decorative and easy, perfect for close-ups of flower beds or as a very low ground cover under shrubs in the sun. The flowers are a light blue color.
Unusual and wonderful tricolor euphorbia, with cream and gold margins, tinged with pink-red. Abundant golden-lime flowering in spring. Durable cut flowers, shrub-shaped perennial plant resistant to dryness, suitable for xeriscaping.
Succulent leaves, variegated pink and green, pubescent and with a purple back. White flowers, in summer, used as a hanging / pillow in a vase.
Dwarf shrub with prolonged and impactful summer flowering. Masses of small clusters of amaranth pink flowers form on erect stems, with evergreen, glossy foliage. Maximum width 80 cm, for 60 cm in height.
Perenne tappezzante sempreverde resistente alla siccità, fogliame sottile, soffice e argentato, fiori gialli a bottoncino in primavera.
Mix di narcisi da naturalizzare, perfetti da lasciare indisturbati ad allargarsi negli anni. Varietà nane botaniche che formano colonie.
Miscanthus 'Cute One' is one of the more compact forms of miscanthus, with arching green foliage with distinctive central veins of white. the flowers are a beautiful copper-bronze/reddish and gradually open to cream, from August to the end of October. Ideal in a small garden space and in pots.
Fucsia antica di fine '800 resistentissima al gelo, fiorisce ininterrottamente a abbondantemente tutta l’estate fino al gelo. Perde completamente la parte aerea in inverni rigidi, ricacciando e raggiungendo i 120 cm senza problemi. Magnific fiori grandi bicolore fucsia e bianchi.
The bright, extra-wide margins on these leaves really brighten up shady areas of a landscape. One of the best garden hostas, they hold their colors even in hot areas. The leaves emerge with frosty blue tones and a bright yellow margin that fades to creamy white in the summer. A medium-sized hosta, they produce pale lavender flowers in mid to late summer....
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