New Asplenium nidus 'Crispy Wave' Expand

Asplenium nidus 'Crispy Wave'

Un Quadrato di Giardino - Podenzano (PC)

Asplenium nidus


Fern with leathery leaves very easy to keep, it needs to be kept with a lot of light, but not in direct sunlight and humid. The ideal is a saucer inside the other, with the second upside down to keep the plant raised, but always full of water so that it maintains environmental humidity. It is watered from above without particular precautions. It resists up to 5 degrees above zero, so it is good to keep in cool environments in winter.

La pianta è in vaso di 14-16 cm di diametro

25 Items

10,00 €

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Esposizione Mezz'ombra, Ombra luminosa, Ombra profonda
Colore delle Foglie Verde
Fogliame Sempreverde
Altezza Massima 30-50 cm
Larghezza Massima 50 cm
Innaffiatura Intensa (ama terreno fresco e umido)
Zona_USDA 10a