Alyogyne huegelii "Santa Cruz" Expand

Alyogyne huegelii 'Santa Cruz'

Alyogyne huegelii


This medium sized shrub has a long flowering period (Spring, Summer, Autumn), is fast growing.  It attracts butterflies and bees and works well as an informal hedge.  It enjoys a sunny position, well drained soil, benefits from a natural fertilizer in Spring and a light prune/shape after Spring. Suitable outside in mild places (coasts, islands, central and southern Italy) where it freezes only slightly, elsewhere it should be repaired at home or in a greenhouse.

La pianta è in vaso di 19 cm di diametro

12 Items

20,00 €

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Esposizione Sole intenso, Sole del mattino
Periodo di fioritura Primavera, Estate, Autunno
Colore del Fiore Lilla
Colore delle Foglie Verde
Fogliame Sempreverde
Altezza Massima 120-150 cm
Larghezza Massima 150 cm
Innaffiatura Pianta da xeriscape (nulla)
Zona_USDA 9b