It prefers partial shade in hot summer climates. The ideal is the morning sun, in the mountains full sun is fine. The showy flowers bloom from the bottom upwards throughout the summer, even more abundantly if you remove the faded spikes of flowers. It widens forming dense tufts thanks to the underground rhizomes, easy, long-lived, vigorous.
Shrub with orange flowers, autumn flowering evergreen, very fragrant. It prefers the morning sun.
Ciclamino perenne, tubero a fioritura tardiva molto rustico e resistente. Magnifico fogliame invernale coprente.
Ciclamino perenne a fiore bianco, tubero a fioritura tardiva molto rustico e resistente. Magnifico fogliame invernale coprente.
Dense cushion, evergreen, rapid ground cover, with bright green leaves, studded with pink fuchsia flowers from spring to autumn continuously. Occasionally cut the faded flowers. Good choice for poor, warm, and sunny soils. Also excellent in pots.
Cultivar with a well vertical shrub form of sedum (maximum height 50-60 cm), with purple flowers. Offers interest from spring to autumn with fleshy leaves.
Fragola molto rifiorente che produce frutti dalla primavera all'autunno.
Ribes alpinum is a very rustic plant, it resists up to about -25 ° CEasily cultivated in clayey, but well-drained soil. Develop a neat and compact shape.The flowers are sweetly scented. The plants are self-fertile, it may take 4-5 years of consolidation to fully bear fruit. Prune as needed during the dormant season. It is generally recommended to remove...
Interesting plant for all the 4 seasons, starting from twisted and debarked stems in winter; profuse white flowers in spring; tasty blue fruits in summer; and red foliage in the fall.
Interesting plant in the 4 seasons, starting from twisted and debarked stems in winter; profuse white flowers in spring; tasty blue fruits in summer; and red foliage in the fall. Mid-season variety as ripening.
The very suggestive flowers like lace of this knapweed bear almost black petals, above a spear-shaped foliage, gray-green, from spring to summer. Once rooted it is very resistant to dryness (xeriscaping).
Perennial herbaceous plant, with prolonged and flourishing summer flowering, with beautiful white umbel flowers, also suitable for the pot.
Perennial herbaceous plant, with a long and blooming summer bloom, with beautiful flowers that look like velvet, dark purple in color, like the seeds of the pomegranate, as the name of the cultivar says, also suitable for the pot.
Species with large palmate leaves, it reaches up to 4 meters in height, but it can be kept pruned and lives well in even small pots. Magnificent spring flowers.
Abutilon 'Patrick Synge' has orange flowers with a purple calyx, petals with more intense raised veins and purple stamens.The flowers are produced in large numbers all year round, as long as the plant has sufficient light.
Begonia, a perennial rhizomatous species, has leaves similar to the Masonian species (trade name "Iron Cross"), but edged in brown, with the typical unmistakable bubbles in relief.
Robust rhizomatous. The serrated, pointed and variegated leaves, in green and white colors, with a burgundy back give this cultivar a unique character.
Very large cultivar, with enormous leaves. Flowers which are consequently also very large. Among the most resistant to snails. Evergreen in mild climates or on the veranda. Also suitable for growing indoors or on the veranda (from November to March they are sent to vegetative rest without leaves, but they vegetate again in the heat).
Magnificent dwarf clover, perennial ground cover that can be used to create very fast growing lawns, with tricolor variegated leaves, with pink central lines. These cultivars are interesting in pots.
Compact plant that remains upright, large flowers (2 centimeters each), in bloom from June to September, magnificent substitute for lavender, but deciduous. Leaves intensely and pleasantly scented with spices.
Japanese apricot with pink flowers, abundant late winter flowering on hanging and arched branches, still bare.
Hybrid rose of Hulthemia persica, very resistant like the plant from which it originates, healthy, re-flowering. Flowers look like silk, unusual and delicious coloring, two-tone: cream, ruby-red center, ages to deep pink, dark red center.
Climbing rose with magnificent large wavy flowers, of a beautiful two-tone tone on orange tones.
Climbing rose with very rich, wavy fragrant flowers of a beautiful nuanced tone of peach and apricot tones.
Large-leaved lacecap hydrangea with magnificent flowers with rounded, large and evident sepals. The flower changes color depending on the pH of the soil, with lilac flowers tinged with blue in acid soil and amaranth red on alkaline soils.
Plant spring flowers that self-seed easily, creating large mound and becoming a fixture for shady gardens, even under trees with tall scaffolding. The pink four-petaled flowers are produced in abundance and follow very ornamental silvery seed capsules, called "papal coins".
A very surprising cane-like/ bamboo begonia with its soft green fluffy leaves: they are covered with small “green shoots”, vegetative growths that resemble small leaves, easily form new plants from leaf cuttings. The overall look is very striking! Delicate white flowers in autumn.
This aster cultivar is a perennial with a very compact shape, a dense cushion cover, dwarf, with flowers with elongated star-shaped, daisy-shaped, blue-lilac. In bloom for a very long time, from late spring to autumn.
Strawberry with bright red flowers, re-flowering and ground cover, very fast in growing, produces sweet, very tasty and fragrant strawberries, throughout the summer, as long as it receives sun all day. Also useful as a covering plant (against weeds) under roses and shrubs.
A double-flowered, cultivar, it produces large conical panicles of extremely fragrant white flowers in May. It typically grows to 250-300cm in height and spreads to 150cm in width. In very hot places, lilac should be grown in a position where it receives no more than morning sun.
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