Magnifica rizomatosa con fiori blu-azzurri, fino a 3 cm di diametro, foglie trilobate, lucide e leggermente variegate (particolarmente evidente al risveglio vegetativo). Originaria dei boschi.
Bletilla striata is a terrestrial orchid that produces small pink-purple cattleya-like flowers (up to 4cm long) in 3-7 flowering racemes atop bare stems up to 45cm tall. It blooms from mid to late spring. Each pseudobulb typically produces 3-5 leaves, linear, pleated, papery, sword-shaped, light green (up to about 30 cm long). The ideal exposure is the...
Tradescantia with leaves with purple dots, the sunnier the exposure, the more purplish-violet rather than green the leaves are. In bloom from late winter to late autumn, very showy, also used in flowerbeds (it resists frost down to -12°C; it was collected in the Sierra Chiquita mountains, Mexico at an altitude of 3400m) losing the aerial part in winter ....
Herbaceous with an exotic charm, it has a spectacular autumn flowering with blue-violet bell-shaped flowers. It forms a shrub with abundant flowers, in pot the "fountain" bearing is enhanced. It loves the morning sun or shade, not too much sun. Evergreen in mild climates.
Triennale (a cui si può prolungare la vita recidendo prontamente i fiori sfioriti e dividendo i cespi ogni anno), con spighe piramidali di fiori vistosi a tromba, in toni misti dal bianco al fucsia, passando per il rosa tenue e il rosa pesca.
Fast-spreading, zero-maintenance ground cover perennial with beautiful heart-shaped leaves and unusual 4-petal flowers in spring. Also suitable for growing indoors or on the veranda (from November to March they are shipped dormant without leaves, but they regrow in the heat).
Tappezzante perenne che forma fitti tappeti di steli arcuati, aggiunge un tocco insolito e architettonico al giardino d’ombra. Questa cultivar ha foglie verdi orlate di bianco crema e fiori bianchi penduli a campana da tarda primavera, durevoli per il taglio.
Pianta erbacea perenne con foglie a forma di ombrello, a lobi di colore variegato di macchie verde chiaro e ruggine. Ha grandi fiori primaverili color granata, a forma di stella, che pendono sotto le foglie.
Brunnera cultivar with completely silver leaves, similar to 'Jack Frost', but with larger, rounded leaves and better resistant to heat and humidity. Small flowers similar to those of a forget-me-not, two-tone, pink and blue on the same plant. Evergreen in mild climates. Also suitable for growing indoors or on the veranda.
Pianta perenne tappezzante a lunga fioritura, per questo utile anche in vasi e ciotole Piccoli fiori lilla-blu, che ricordano le bocche di leone, ama l'ombra, e può essere coltivata in sentieri ombrosi, giardini verticali all'ombra, o giardini rocciosi d'ombra. Belle foglie rotonde e molto fitte.
Globularia vulgaris or common blue daisy, is an evergreen perennial herbaceous plant, very easy, grows at the edge of the forest, therefore suitable for partial shade or morning sun in areas with very hot summers, while it grows well in the sun in mountainous or cooler in summer. The light blue/blue pompom flowers borne in spring and summer (May to...
Begonia perenne cespitosa ad arbusto, resistente al gelo, adatta per sottobosco e zone ombrose, bel fogliame argentato.
Begonia perenne a canna, resistente al gelo, adatta per sottobosco e zone ombrose, bel fogliame argenteo.
Begonia perenne a canna, resistente al gelo, adatta per sottobosco e zone ombrose, bel fogliame argenteo.
Sempreverde con foglie spesse e succulente, ma molto più piccole della specie. Forma fitti cuscini, le cui foglie verdi si tingono di porpora col freddo. Fiori bianchi in primavera.
Questa bergenia ha foglie molto grandi e grasse, ed ha inoltre la caratteristica di essere rifiorente: quando matura e si sviluppa produce fiori rosa a intermittenza da primavera ad autunno.
Grandi foglie sempreverdi, variegate di verde scuro e verde lime-oro, che diventa rosa in inverno. Produce quando a maturità spighe di fiori rosa a intermittenza da primavera ad autunno. Resistente pianta da ombra.
Campanula sempreverde con insolite foglie cuoriformi dorate e fiorellini azzurro-viola a fine primavera. Adatta al vaso o in terra in luoghi ombrosi, dove provvederà a portare luce coi suoi densi cuscini di foglie oro.
Variety with huge, wine-brown colored leaves. Beautiful summer flowers on stems with many pink buds that open cream-colored. 50 cm tall, 100 cm wide. Also suitable for growing indoors or on the veranda
Giant lupine with large and palmate leaves, in magnificent iridescent shades from white through shades of yellow and orange to pink-purple and blue. Lupine roots can improve soil fertility by helping to fix nitrogen in it.
Expansive herbaceous, it forms large cushions of luxuriant vegetation. Called 'the frost-hardy petunia' (-20°C), it flowers with magnificent blue-purple tubular bells and profusely, in both sun and shade, from late summer to autumn.
Pianta dall'apparenza esotica, perde la parte aerea con temperature inferiori a -8° C, ma durante la stagione vegetativa raggiunge comunque i due metri di altezza. Le radici sono rustiche fino a -12°C, così che si comporterà da erbacea in caso di inverni gelidi. Magnifiche foglie palmate che possono raggiungere in climi miti foglie fino a 1 mt di diametro.
Rare variety much higher than the species, very resistant evergreen, it forms carpets that looks like giant "grass". It produce spikes of fragrant flowers, lilac-pink stellate in autumn, at the base.
Cultivar variegata estremamente ornamentale di artemisia. Pianta che si espande velocemente, utile come coprisuolo tappezzante per evitare la crescita di infestanti. Adatta sia all'ombra che al sole pieno, molto rustica e resistente.
L'anemone trifogliato è un'erbacea perenne rizomatosa, con magnifici fiori bianchi fino a 3 cm di diametro, antere appariscenti, centro verde.
Very fast mat forming perennial plant, semi-evergreen with toothed and pubescent leaves. The new plants originate from the center of the mother plant leaf. It has unusual spikes of burgundy bell-shaped flowers in spring. Perfect for vertical gardens.
One of the longest-lasting perennials, flowering from May to September, repeatedly. Magnificent lilac/pink flowers with a black center, the petals are veined, they look like paintings. They live well from sun to light shade.
It is one of the smaller members of the Arum family. It can form large colonies, carpeting the ground with its heart-shaped leaves. It flowers in winter and early spring, followed by the production of greenish berries in summer.
Heuchera with spike-shaped, bell-like, coral-colored flowers produced in abundance in spring. It is a rare cultivar with white-sprayed leaves; however, at the end of the summer the variegation almost completely disappears due to the heat, only to reappear in the spring following the vegetative awakening. The ideal position is one with the morning sun or...
Architectural evergreen plant that adds drama and structure with its lance-shaped leaves that seem dusted with silver. It resists like phormiums down to -12 ° C, it must be planted in well-drained soil. It reaches 80 cm in diameter and height.
Filtri (131 products)