Sophisticated, rare and robust shade plant, easy to grow. with magnificent pubescent foliage, khaki green. Yellow flowers similar to those of a tradescantia bloom for a long time from spring to summer on new tops.
Evergreen fern with glossy, tongue-shaped leaves. Easy to care for, frost-resistant. Height and width up to 60 cm. Also suitable for growing indoors or on the veranda.
It can be grown outdoors in the shade or partial shade, in a fresh and rich soil, wherever it does not drop below -10 ° C. It can also be grown indoors, even with direct sun in winter, while in summer it should be placed against a glass where it gets the morning sun only. Deciduous below 0 ° C, it will renew its branches in spring; while it will be...
Evergreen perennial, ground cover, very fast growing, with variegated silver foliage that takes on purple tones in the winter with the cold. Showy spikes of yellow flowers in spring. Also suitable for growing indoors or on the veranda (from November to March they are shipped to vegetative rest without leaves, but they vegetate again with the heat).
Pianta erbacea perenne da ombra, essenziale per il giardino primaverile a fioritura precocissima, fiori bicolore bianchi e azzurri tubulari, creano un tappeto leggero e a trama fine, sotto alberi o arbusti.
Rare variety bearing delicate icy white flowers with double ruffled centers, which stand out like snowflakes against the thick carpet of lush dense green foliage below. If left to naturalize, Anemone 'Vestal' will spread rapidly, year after year. It blooms in early spring. Height 10 cm.
Magnificent cascading foliage for hanging baskets, round leaves streaked with creamy white. Flowers, like small snapdragons, purple-blue appear in spring. An aggressive ground cover, good as a lawn substitute. Prune in early spring. Also suitable for growing indoors or on the veranda.
Anemone hupehensis 'Bowles's Pink' has pink and fuchsia flowers with slightly irregular bowl-shaped petals in late summer and autumn, the two outer tepals smaller and darker. It therefore has a disheveled two-tone effect. RHS AGM plant.
Geranium pratense 'Midnight Ghost' has dark, almost black, finely toothed, purplish-burgundy foliage that contrasts brilliantly with the white flowers. Reblooms from spring to autumn.
Leopard plant or evergreen Ligularia, whose beauty among variegated shade plants is hard to beat. This cultivar is grown for its large, round, yellow-spotted leaves, genetically spotted. So now we know. In October, flower spikes about 60 cm high begin to emerge that are topped with bright gold daisies. Grow in the shade with good drainage, but regular...
A vigorous plant with soft pink and silky flowers: it is the first anemone to flower, since August, it brings flowers until the arrival of frost. If you want the pom pom of seeds brought in winter do not cut the dead flowers. In our opinion the best japanese anemone. Perfect with morning sun or patchy shade.
Dwarf rabdosia that forms mounds of thin leaves that in autumn are covered with spikes of blue-purple flowers. The foliage in the autumn cold turns yellow. Very easy to grow in undergrowth flower beds, it does not require special care or soil.
A clumping perennial for shade, that forms bamboo-like shoots. Variegated leaves are dark green with silver-white stripes, and tinge with pink in cool weather. Flowers are fragrant, white, and bell-shape. Evergreen above USDA zone 7 and root hardy to USDA zone 5.
'Gilt Edge' is a particular cultivar of Tricyrtis formosana with variably variegated edges. This species is among the first tricyrtis to flower in early September and continue through the autumn months. The dotted and fleshy flowers are reminiscent of orchids. They are violet/purple with bluish shades (the color of the flower can vary according to:...
Tappezzante rapida con bel fogliame tricolore, rosa, verde e bianco. I fiori gialli sono portati su spighe piramidali erette a fine estate. Sia all’ombra che al sole si sviluppa senza problemi, all’ombra però non svilupperà il rosa intenso delle foglie.
Magnificent evergreen golden carex; the thin green variegated golden leaves, give this variety a soft effect, despite the extremely resistant of this species. It gives light and structure in shady flower beds. Also suitable for growing indoors or on the veranda.
Erbacea perenne sempreverde, le cui foglie assumono una magnifica colorazione ramata-purpurea con il freddo invernali. Grandi foglie tondeggianti, lunghe fino a 30 cm; fiori rosa in primavera, portati su appariscenti e durevoli spighe.
Heuchera with green leaf, rounded, which blooms profusely and for a long time in spring immediately after the frosts. The flowers gathered in spikes are of a showy coral red color. Also suitable for growing indoors or on the veranda.
Blue fern, with magnificent, deeply pinnate leaves. This species of subtropical origins is resistant to light frosts (minimum 1°C), suitable for coasts, islands, houses or greenhouses. It thrives in drier, less humid conditions than most other fern species, making it an ideal houseplant.
This cultivar has very double spring flowers, with many rows of petals, and heart-shaped leaves. Very fast growing. Also suitable for growing indoors or on the veranda (from November to March they are shipped dormant without leaves, but they regrow with the heat).
Perenne a rapida crescita, con foglie cuoriformi, porpora-scure e bronzee, con una marcatura argentea a forma di V. Fioritura molto lunga: mazzi di piccoli fiori bianchi da tarda estate al gelo.
Perennial resistant to intense frost, this geranium has evergreen leaves scented, and with a magnificent red-purple color in autumn winter. Long flowering up to 4 months. Also suitable for growing indoors or on the veranda (from November to March they are shipped in vegetative rest without leaves, but they vegetate again with the heat).
Z. aethiopica is a semi-evergreen herbaceous perennial plant, with erect, long, glossy dark green leaves, pointed and triangular, about 40 cm long with white funnel-shaped flowers about 25 cm long, with yellow spadices. Frost resistant in well-drained soil in winter. Also suitable for growing indoors or on the veranda.
Begonia perenne resistente al gelo a lunga e tardiva fioritura, dai fiori rosa corallo, penduli come fuchsie. Magnifiche foglie.
Magnificent rare and unusual perennial impatiens with large exotically charming lilac-blue-bluish flowers, produced in large numbers. It blooms for many months from spring to autumn. Of shrubby form, suitable for shaded areas, it is the perfect companion for hosta, carex and ferns. It is native to the Himalayas and therefore resists intense frost.
Geranio perenne resistente al freddo invernale, deciduo, che forma macchie di foglie variegate di porpora, su cui si ergono per tutta la primavera steli di fiori dall’insolito colore bordeaux scuro.
Cultivar with magnificent multicolored heart-shaped leaves, in shades of white, red, green, pink, yellow, purple, white flowers with 4 petals, interesting most of the year, for this reason it is a useful perennial also in pots and flower boxes. It spreads quickly. Also suitable for growing indoors or on the veranda (from November to March they are shipped...
The Tricyrtis latifolia species is a shade lily, with a long autumn flowering. The leathery flowers, reminiscent of orchids, are golden-yellow dotted with brown. Very eye-catching, they catch the eye in the dark. Very resistant to frost, they are among the most interesting autumnal plants.
Frost-resistant, perennial geranium, magnificent purple leaves forms large cushions of little white flowers, from May to frost. It is among the few long-lived perennial herbaceous plants that are so remontant.
Rare fast-growing perennial fern with unmistakable thin silver-white variegated leaves, resistant up to -6°C. Below 4° C the leaves burn more or less evidently; it then grows back in spring. Indoors and in any case above 5°C it grows all year round.
Filtri (131 products)