Flowering herbaceous perennials and colored leaves for shady gardens

There are 133 products.
Showing 121 - 133 of 133 items
  • Heuchera sanguinea "Hercules" Heuchera sanguinea "Hercules"
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    Heuchera sanguinea "Hercules"
    Heuchera sanguinea

    Heuchera with spike-shaped, bell-like, coral-colored flowers produced in abundance in spring. It is a rare cultivar with white-sprayed leaves; however, at the end of the summer the variegation almost completely disappears due to the heat, only to reappear in the spring following the vegetative awakening. The ideal position is one with the morning sun or...

    15,00 €
  • Astelia 'Silver Shadow' Astelia 'Silver Shadow'
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    Astelia 'Silver Shadow'
    Astelia 'Silver Shadow'

    Architectural evergreen plant that adds drama and structure with its lance-shaped leaves that seem dusted with silver. It resists like phormiums down to -12 ° C, it must be planted in well-drained soil. It reaches 80 cm in diameter and height.

    20,00 €
  • Anemone leveillei Anemone leveillei
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    Anemone leveillei
    Anemone leveillei

    It is a marginal shade plant, which blooms profusely, forming groups of deeply serrated, slightly hairy leaves, from which emerge thin stems that bear white flowers with a central group of violet-blue anthers from spring to early summer .

    8,00 €
  • Iris foetidissima 'Citrina' Iris foetidissima 'Citrina'
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    Iris foetidissima 'Citrina'
    Iris foetidissima 'Citrina'

    Shade lover iris that gives interesting shade in the 4 seasons. The dark green leaves are evergreen, it blooms profusely in spring with soft gold, shaded and variegated chestnut and purple flowers, and then clusters of red berries are formed in late summer which remain in autumn / winter.

    15,00 €
  • Clematis heracleifolia 'China Purple' Clematis heracleifolia 'China Purple'
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    Clematis heracleifolia 'China Purple'
    Clematis heracleifolia

    Clematis 'China Purple' is a herbaceous, bushy and upright plant that bears spikes of blue-violet scented flowers in summer, suitable for cutting. Like climbing species, they produce attractive, fluffy seed heads in the fall.

    18,00 €
  • Geranium cinereum 'Jolly Jewel Silver'
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    Geranium cinereum 'Jolly Jewel Silver'
    Geranium cinereum

    One of the longest flowering perennials, from May to September, repeatedly. Magnificent bright fuchsia pink flowers with a black and veined center. They live well from the sun and light shade. Leaves smelling of mint / frankincense, evergreen.

    8,00 €
  • Lunaria annua Lunaria annua
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    Lunaria annua
    Lunaria annua

    Plant spring flowers that self-seed easily, creating large mound and becoming a fixture for shady gardens, even under trees with tall scaffolding. The pink four-petaled flowers are produced in abundance and follow very ornamental silvery seed capsules, called "papal coins".

    8,00 €
  • Asarum epigynum 'Takasago-Saishin' Asarum epigynum 'Takasago-Saishin'
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    Asarum epigynum 'Takasago-Saishin'
    Asarum epigynum

    Ground cover for shady areas and wood undergrowth, also beautiful in pots or bowls because it forms a cushion of variegated leaves. One of the best of the asarum genus for the foliage effect: spear-shaped in dark green with contrasting silver veins. Among the foliage from March to May, small dark purple flowers with a light border, greenish-yellow spotted...

    10,00 €
  • Cyclamen hederifolium 'Silver Leaf' Cyclamen hederifolium 'Silver Leaf'
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    Cyclamen hederifolium 'Silver Leaf'
    Cyclamen hederifolium

    Cyclamen of the woods perennial to be naturalized, resistant to intense frost; it is in fact a species that exists spontaneously, but with rare silvery leaves. The flowers are mixed white, pink and dark pink, you can't choose the color because we breed them in mix, so the color of the potted flower will be random.

    6,00 €
  • Ligularia 'XXL' Ligularia 'XXL'
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    Ligularia 'XXL'
    Ligularia dentata 'XXL'

    Ligularia deciduous, magnificent, with giant purple leaves. Blooms in summer. In the summer season it loves regular watering and does not like excessive sun in the central hours of the day.

    15,00 €
  • Porteranthus trifoliatus sin. Gillenia trifoliata Porteranthus trifoliatus sin. Gillenia trifoliata
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    Porteranthus trifoliatus sin. Gillenia trifoliata
    Gillenia trifoliata

    Rare, shade perennial, fairly drought tolerant once established. It prefers shade, especially during the hottest hours of the day. Magnificent pure white starry flowers. It goes to rest in the summer heat, to then drive back in the spring.

    10,00 €
  • Mazus reptans 'Albus' Mazus reptans 'Albus'
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    Mazus reptans 'Albus'
    Mazus reptans 'Albus'

    Very dense perennial ground cover plant with very rapid expansion. Where it grows, it prevents weeds from growing. Magnificent little white flowers resembling lobelia or snapdragon flowers. Semi-evergreen.

    6,00 €
  • Brunnera 'Sterling Silver' Brunnera 'Sterling Silver'
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    Brunnera 'Sterling Silver'
    Brunnera 'Sterling Silver'

    Exotic-looking (but frost-resistant) perennial shade plant with silvery leaves. 'Sterling Silver' is an improvement on other varieties with the same stunning silver color and heart-shaped foliage, but with larger leaves (20cm wide at maturity) and larger growth habit. In spring it bears a multitude of tiny blue forget-me-not-like flowers. Brunneras are...

    12,00 €

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