One of the most beautiful autumn flowering Asters, AGM award (Award of Garden Merit, is an established annual award for plants, granted by the British Royal Horticultural Society). The dark, slender stems branch out to bear a myriad of light blue/lavender flowers in delicate airy sprays. Each 2.5cm flower begins with a small gold eye that gradually...
Perennial herbaceous plant, evergreen for shade, forming dense elegant tufts, with light green and cream-gold variegated foliage. Particularly valued in raised pots, due to the characteristic hanging habit and curved leaves, useful for giving a touch of color and structure to flowerbeds. Also suitable for growing indoors or on the veranda.
Pianta erbacea perenne, a foglie sempreverdi di verde brillante sfumate di porpora agli apici, infiorescenze insolite pendule che sembrano piccoli cuori rigonfi.
Pianta perenne erbacea da ombra tappezzante, molto vigorosa e a crescita rapidissima, semi-sempreverde, con magnifici fiori profumati primaverili che durano a lungo, e che hanno la grazia e le sfumature leopardate tipiche delle orchidee.
Fast growing perennial bulbous iris, very early flowering from late winter / early spring. The flowers, finely variegated with blue and spotted with blue and yellow, with a silky and translucent texture, possess the charm and grace of orchids. The pots for sale contain multiple iris bulbs.
Semprevivo succulenta perenne sempreverde, che sembra coperta di ragnatele, che conferiscono alle sue rosette di foglie il tipico color argento vellutato. Cresce fitto e compatto, senza bisogno d’irrigazione. Bei fiori rosa a stella portati su steli eretti a inizio estate.
Semprevivo con foglie color rosso che diventano, come descrive il nome della cultivar, di un acceso color rubino grazie al freddo invernale. Rosette molto piccole e fitte sempreverdi, fiori rosa in estate prodotti sulle rosette giunte a maturità.
Succulent evergreen perennial, with leaves arranged in a rosette. This variety has the peculiarity of having leaves spotted with purple-black at the tips. Beautiful starry pink flowers in early summer. It also lives well in a pot indoors.
Magnifica felce perenne semi-sempreverde a crescita rapida le cui foglie sembrano piume composte di pizzo finissimo. Also suitable for growing indoors or on the veranda.
Inconsueto acanto che come descrive bene il nome della cultivar sembra che abbia foglie spruzzate di gocce bianche in modo variabile. A fine e inizio stagione col fresco è più verde, ma poi appare in tutto il suo splendore arrivando ad avere foglie completamente bianche.
Among the colored calla lilies, this hybrid resists up to -18° C; it has beautiful white flowers tinged with purple, with a dark purple throat and leaves dotted with white. Suitable for both pots and soil; however, offer well-drained soil. Also suitable for growing indoors or on the veranda (from November to March they are shipped to vegetative rest...
E' la più azzurra di tutte le graminacee; il fogliame è largo e nastriforme, cangiante e argenteo. Sempreverde, tollera il calore così come il gelo intensi: per questo utile sia in vaso che in aiuole.
Fiori tubulari rosa porpora, che ricordano quelli del Digitalis, portati da estate ad autunno, con foglie lussureggianti.
Perenne da ombra molto rara, abbastanza tollerante la siccità una volta attecchita. Predilige ombra, in particolare nelle ore più calde della giornata. Magnifici fiori stellati che si ergono sopra foglie dai toni porpora e bronzei se riceve qualche ora di sole, giallo-oro e rosso-arancio intensi in autunno.
Similar to Heliopsis 'Loraine Sunshine' The variegation follows the pattern of the veins of the white leaves, in this pink shaded variety, it blooms from late spring to autumn, it is among the few long-lived perennials so remontant, perfect also in pots and planters. In hot summers it tolerates morning sun, or thrives well in shade/partial shade (with a...
Geranium rustico resistente a bassissime temperature, a lunghissima fioritura precoce e primaverile; fiorisce da marzo a giugno, ininterrottamente, ricoprendosi di fiori rosa con margini bianchi, molto appariscenti. In autunno le foglie si tingono di rosso fuoco.
Iris laevigata is a stunning aquatic iris that forms vigorous, sturdy clumps of green leaves topped with purple/blue crested iris flowers. This plant has been cultivated in Japan for more than a thousand years. It needs well-watered soil.
Grass similar to the fescue glauca, but larger (arrives without flowers at a height of about 60 cm). The flowers emerge in the early summer of the same color as the leaves and then turn golden like wheat when they ripen in autumn. Magnificent silvery-blue leaves.
Pianta erbacea perenne, a fioritura primaverile, fiori davvero insoliti e lievi come farfalle, simili a piccole aquilegie. Magnifiche foglie coriacee a forma di cuore allungato, che assumono un vivido color bronzo marmorizzato di giallo in autunno e in inverno.
Pianta erbacea perenne, graminacea compatta con fiori come nuvole, soffici e piumosi.
Magnifico iris barbata color zolfo, leopardato di viola e porpora.
Evergreen perennial plant used as a very fast ground cover or drooping: the foliage falls for a couple of meters if it does not find soil in which to root. White variegated leaves, blue-purple flowers (periwinkle color) in spring. Also suitable for growing indoors or on the veranda.
Deciduous violet also called 'Freckled Violet', as the flowers are white splashed with purple. Large kidney-shaped deciduous leaves. It reseeds abundantly independently.
Pennisetum resistente al gelo intenso, dai magnifici fiori vistosi, bicolore e mutevoli, molto durevoli secchi, fino all'inverno. Non richiede cure.
Perennial fern, with silvery-green foliage, useful for extensive mats and illuminating shady areas. It spreads rapidly with its stolons.
Magnificent leaves on compact plants, at most 30 cm high, are covered with silver spots that illuminate them like icing in the shade of ice ... 3 cm long, yellow-gold flowers, shaded with cream-white, from mid-summer to autumn. The rhizomes are frost resistant (up to -17 ° C).
Vigorous herbaceous perennial plant, low maintenance, with magnificent white trumpet flowers produced all year round in mild climates and in large numbers.
Rhizomatous perennial with narrow, linear, garlic-scented gray-green leaves. They form large tufts with fragrant flowers, Blooming for a long time, from late spring to autumn. The "Alba" cultivar has white flowers. Tulbaghia violacea is very easy to grow and will last even in a state of neglect for many years, able to thrive in rather poor soils.
Grown for its unusual foliage, it is a rhizomatous herbaceous perennial with large, rounded leaves up to 45 cm in diameter. Paler above than below, the toothed leaves turn yellow-orange-red in autumn. They have no equal in their spectacular impact: clusters of pink flowers (similar to Bergenia) emerge in spring, before the foliage, the giant leaves do...
Late flowering autumn crocus (October) gives spectacular flowers similar to a water lily, and large: 20 cm in diameter. In fact, the bulb is also large, about 12/15 cm in diameter. To be planted among perennials to give them a backdrop of foliage or alone for the spectacle of flowers sprouting directly from the ground without leaves.
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