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Rosa antica originaria, con fiori insoliti a pom pom. Seguono bacche aranciate, spinose.
Vigorous blackberry without thorns that produces large fruits in late summer.
Mahonia aquifolium 'Apollo' è una cultivar compatta, che forma un cuscino di foglie verdi lucide, che assumono un colore porpora in inverno. In primavera porta grappoli vistosi di fiori gialli, seguiti da bacche blu-viola.
Pink of an unusual lilac color, with cupped flowers; the flowers come together at the same time on the plant which appears very opulent.
Pomice fine per piante (per conoscere le fantastiche proprietà di questo substrato inerte sono descritte, clicca qui). Confezione in sacco da circa 25 kg (25l) di pomice da 3-6 mm
Anemone hupehensis 'Bowles's Pink' has pink and fuchsia flowers with slightly irregular bowl-shaped petals in late summer and autumn, the two outer tepals smaller and darker. It therefore has a disheveled two-tone effect. RHS AGM plant.
Arbusto deciduo incredibilmente appariscente originario di Giappone e Himalaya. Intensamente profumato e con inusuali grappoli di fiori gialli che sbocciano su steli nudi a fine inverno. Foglie coriacee e vellutate.
Salvia very easy to grow, the flowers bloom from spring to summer and can rebloom sporadically until the end of summer if the withered flowers are promptly cut off. Excellent fresh cut flower. The leaves are aromatic, they taste of anise and resin.
Vigorous very rustic Himalayan perennial with long spring flowering of white flowers, with the back and center of the petals sometimes tinged with blue. Flowers in bunches borne on elegant, tall and graceful stems, erect above the finely toothed leaves, to have in the spring garden.
Pianta che perde ogni inverno la parte aerea, ma la cui chioma raggiunge i 2 mt di diametro. Magnifici fiori fucsia di forma tipica delle leguminose lungo gran parte del ramo a fine estate - inizio autunno.
Insolito arbusto dall’aspetto esotico, con fiori profumati rosso-arancio che compaiono sulla pianta in tardo inverno, prima delle foglie.
Rosa canadese color rosa fragola molto resistente, vigorosa e rifiorente, una delle poche rampicanti per climi nordici estremi.
Apricot-pink English rose, shaded cream, with lighter underside. and ocher tones, among the most famous and awarded. Very fragrant, it blooms well even in warm climates.
Ortensia a grandi foglie e con magnifici fiori globosi a sepali tondeggianti e concavi che ricordano i fiori di lillà.
Erbacea perenne a rapido accrescimento, dai bei fiorellini bianchi prodotti in massa, usata come ricadente in vaso o come tappezzante, all'aperto in climi miti.
Very rapidly growing perennial herbaceous plant, characterized by its small heart-shaped leaves, used as a hanging plant in pots or as a ground cover, outdoors in mild climates.
Abutilon 'Thousand Kisses Cherry' has deep pink flowers, petals with more intensely raised veins and bright yellow-orange stamens.Flowers are produced in large numbers all year round, as long as the plant receives sufficient light (never direct sun)
Perennial ground cover mint ideal for preparing drinks (especially mojitos) with an intense glacial aroma.
Unusual lagerstroemia cultivar with dark, almost black leaves. Color improves with greater insolation. White flowers in summer. Slow-growing shrub also suitable for pots.
Evergreen shrub, with white starry spring flowers with a celestial scent and unusually shaped and aromatic leaves. It is suitable for use isolated or as a small / medium-sized hedge, or in pots. The best exposure in case of scorching summer is the morning sun or partial shade.
At the end of winter (it is among the first shrubs to bloom), spectacular single coral pink flowers appear before the foliage, deep and bright, with 5 petals. They are followed by edible summer fruits (quinces) such as jellies. It has thorny branches and deciduous oval leaves, but the main characteristic is the abundant flowers. Known as "Japanese quince,...
Japanese Aralia with leaves sprinkled with white, particularly on the margins and new vegetation (new leaves are often almost completely white). Spiked flowers in late autumn. It resists freezing down to approx. -17 ° C.
Pianta erbacea perenne, graminacea nana dal fogliame color verde tenero variegato con fitte linee trasversali dorate, perfetta per piccoli giardini, adatta al vaso e adatta a creare bordure miste.Una delle graminacee più insolite, la texture fine e le foglie dai colori vivaci sono un ottimo contrasto ad esempio per il fogliame dai toni purpurei.
Deciduous shrub, up to 2 m tall, with toothed green leaves. The sturdy, branched and red colored stems carry clusters of flowers up to 30 cm long in the shape of a cone from spring to autumn. The flowers change color: from white in spring, to pink in summer, before maturing in a wine red in autumn. The coloring is more evident if this hydrangea is exposed...
Rare echeveria with curled foliage that reaches 20 cm in diameter. Pink-orange flowers in spring.
The flowers offer an exceptional spectacle and they are very fragrant, although the most striking feature of Heptacodium comes after the flowers have dead. At the beginning of autumn, small, inconspicuous fruits ripen, surrounded by persistent calyces that look like petals, pink-purple. Attract butterflies.
Prunus serrulata 'Amanogawa' is a slow-growing deciduous tree with a narrow unusual shape for those with limited space or as an element to catch the eye in the garden. It reaches a height of about 5 m. The young leaves are bronze colored, turn green and then yellow and orange in autumn. Double pink flowers in clusters on the upright branches in spring.
Intensely scented rose, climbing form that does not exceed 250 cm, dense and compact, suitable for small spaces.
Gorgeous and unusual ocher brown rose: it has a color reminiscent of a mocha coffee as the name suggests; scented.
Chiamata anche ‘albero delle farfalle’ nonostante sia una pianta arbustiva, perché prediletta da questi insetti per i fiori tubulari. Spighe color rosa, profumate da estate ad autunno.
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