Perennial requiring full sun, tends to naturalize. Flowers 5 cm in diameter, height about 90 cm. Orange flowers leoparded with red in summer, followed by ornamental black berries.
Winter flowering shrub with red ribbon flowers. Interesting coloring of the leaves in autumn, on red and orange tones.
With the cold of autumn and even more the cold of winter, the color of the bark becomes almost fluorescent. The color of the leaves is a light green that appears very bright in contrast with the beautiful coral-colored bark.
Pink with carmine-raspberry flowers: the color is so intense that it is impossible to capture in photography. Compact re-flowering suitable for pots where it forms cascades, as well as in mixed borders, together with perennials and other shrubs. Very resistant to diseases.
This magnificent ceratostigma cultivar is taller than the species, has blue flowers (like Plumbago auriculata, but is frost resistant). Flowering is very long, ranging from late spring to autumn. It offers a prolific show during the warmer months. Ideal for planting on retaining walls to create a soft look. Vigorous, fast growing, it is ideal for giving a...
Deciduous shrub with spring flowering with white little flowers in corymbs. Dry resistant once rooted, prune it immediately after flowering.
Iris hollandica lavender-blue tinged with yellow in a beautiful blend of colors. Also excellent for cut flowers, they will provide years of color in the garden, being very long-lived. They bloom in late spring. They are sold in pots with 5 or more bulbs.
In piena fioritura con i suoi fiori multicolori, sembra essere coperta di farfalle. Profumo delicato. Fiori a 5 petali. (singoli) diametro medio di 8 cm. Fiorisce a ondate tutta la stagione. Foglie verde scuro. 300X180 cm massimo di ampiezza.
Expansive herbaceous, it forms large cushions of luxuriant vegetation. Called 'the frost-hardy petunia' (-20°C), it flowers with magnificent blue-purple tubular bells and profusely, in both sun and shade, from late summer to autumn.
Magnifico arbusto con fiori dai petali nastriformi a fioritura invernale, le cui foglie si tingono di rosso autunno.
'Błue Angel' is a medium sized deciduous climber with beautiful pale powder blue flowers, with ruffled edges and yellow stamens produced in profusion from early summer to late autumn. It is one of our favorite clematis and is very reliable. It is a late-season large-flowered clematis that produces flowers in summer and autumn on the current year's growth....
Epiphytic bromeliad very easy to grow, resistant outdoors in coastal locations by the sea and islands. A bark substrate is needed for cultivation.
Unusual bush interesting all year round. It has variegated leaves of pink, white and purple, white spring flowers followed by red autumn berries that persist in winter and small in size.
Pianta arbustiva con abbondanti fiori viola estivo-autunnali, molto profumati, utile per richiamare le farfalle. Foglie verde glauche semi-sempreverdi.
Bulbosa della stessa famiglia degli amarillis (e richiede le medesime cure), con inconsueti infiorescenze estive rosse a forma di palla, foglie coriacee che lo fanno assomigliare a un piccolo banano, disposte a spirale.
Pianta erbacea perenne, graminacea dal fogliame color verde tenero variegato con linee trasversali dorate. Magnifica come esemplare isolato, quindi da vaso, così come in massa.
Pianta erbacea perenne, a fioritura primaverile, fiori davvero insoliti e lievi come farfalle, simili a piccole aquilegie. Magnifiche foglie coriacee a forma di cuore allungato, che assumono un vivido color bronzo marmorizzato di giallo in autunno e in inverno.
Perennial shrub, it produces vivid pink flowers for the entire summer-autumn season. Also suitable for the apartment or hothouse.
Begonia perenne cespitosa ad arbusto, resistente al gelo, adatta per sottobosco e zone ombrose, bel fogliame argentato.
Herbaceous perennial, evergreen shade plant forms dense elegant tufts, with variegated green and white foliage. Enhanced in a pot, useful for adding a touch of color and structure to flowerbeds. Also suitable for growing indoors or on the veranda.
Bulbous perennial herbaceous species, with prolonged and re-flowering flowering, with beautiful bell-shaped salmon pink flowers; its peculiarity are the leaves, which look like four-leaf clovers, in the center of which there are wavy purple variegations. Also suitable for growing indoors or on the veranda (from November to March they are shipped in...
Evergreen ceanothus species and varieties require climates with some winter protection, while deciduous hybrids such as C. x delilianus do not. 'Gloire de Versaille' is a French hybrid of ceanothus: a cross between C. americanus, native of Missouri, excellent in hardiness, and C. caeruleus, a Mexican species with pale blue flowers. The result is a hardy...
Yellow spikes tinged with orange on thin foliage. Very floriferous, early flowering; produces ears from June to September. With an exotic charm, it has won the Royal Horticultural Society Award of Garden Merit (RHS AGM). Resistant in most places even in harsh winters (-15 / -10 ° C).
This aster cultivar is a perennial with a very compact shape, a dense cushion cover, dwarf, with flowers with daisy-shaped, pure white. In bloom for a very long time, from late spring to autumn.
This aster cultivar is a perennial with a very compact shape, a dense cushion cover, dwarf, with flowers with elongated star-shaped, daisy-shaped, blue-lilac. In bloom for a very long time, from late spring to autumn.
Dwarf magnolia (no more than 250 cm in height, hybrid of Michelia, M. oltsopa x M. figo, Magnoliaceae) and naturally bushy habit. Ideal in informal and potted hedges. Semi-evergreen, it sheds its leaves in particularly harsh winters. Fragrant flowers, in spring and intermittently until autumn.
Large ball-shaped flowers up to 12 cm in diameter, among the biggest hardy agapanthus (hardy to more than -25 ° C), each made up of dozens of tiny blue flowers, held high above long, thin leaves. Summer flowering lasts up to 60 days.
Numerous flat heads of white flowers in early summer and black fruit to follow. The flowers are very fragrant. Suitable for creating ornamental hedges. The berries and flowers are edible. Scaly and fissured bark. Therefore an interesting shrub for all 4 seasons, very resistant, with zero care.
Recently introduced hydrangea, with procumbent branches, enhanced in raised vases, useful as a ground cover. Magnificent flat white flowers, abundant as confetti.
The "Pandora" cultivar is the most compact (40 cm high) existing cultivar of ligularia and is the darkest of the varieties that produce purple, almost brown-chocolate foliage, which ripens in intense olive green in the height of summer. The leaves are very shiny, wavy and notched on the edges. Rich golden yellow flowers, similar to daisies and a little...
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