Colore al neon per i fiori di questa salvia resistente al gelo. Fogliame odoroso di menta e limone, e fioritura color rosso corallo da primavera ad autunno.
Rosa moderna molto sana, chiamata 'Schiuma di mare' perchè l'effetto in piena fioritura è molto ricco e simile a schiuma bianca.Adatta al vaso, e a zone sopraelevate, o come coprisuolo, grazie ai suoi rami arcuati, ricadenti ed elastici.
Rosa wichurana sarmentosa romantica, estremamente rifiorente e sana, perfetta anche all’ombra.
Begonia perenne rizomatosa, molto vigorosa, con foglie molto grandi, venate e cigliate.
Rhizomatous perennial begonia, very vigorous, large embossed leaves, dotted with red-burgundy.
Rhizomatous perennial begonia, with large zebra-striped leaves. It requires little care, just well-drained soil so that the rhizomes do not rot and lots of light, but never direct sun, especially in summer.
Il finocchio selvatico purpureo è una perenne che ha foglie molto leggere e ornamentali, come piume, e fiori a ombrello giallo-verdi. Attira le farfalle.
An easily recognizable hemerocallis that is a must have for any garden. The deep dark purple red flowers in the shape of a spoon are 20 cm. The large green, and wide, throat is a nice contrast to the dark petals. It blooms mid-season in early July. Deciduous foliage. tetraploid.
Sage with soft pink flowers produced most of the year from spring to autumn, deliciously scented leaves. The calyx of this variety is purplish and the petals are more intense pink at the base.
Magnificent climber that produces masses of white flowers in autumn. Very dense, suitable for covering slopes, uncultivated soil; it covers walls, border nets and as if falling, in pots. It blooms on new branches so it can be pruned even severely upon vegetative awakening. It grows rapidly reaching 10 meters in extension.
Ivy-like succulent with variegated leaves. With sufficient sun and adequate heat, mature plants bloom all year round.
Large-leaved lacecap hydrangea with magnificent heart-shaped sepals, large and evident. The stems are black hence the name of the cultivar.
Perennial cyclamen, autumn flowering tuber from September to November, very rustic and frost-resistant. Heart-shaped leaves appear towards the end of flowering and persist in winter.
Pianta erbacea perenne, a fioritura estiva prolungata e rifiorente, i fiori sono dorate margherite durevoli, adatte al taglio. Di grande impatto anche dalla distanza.
Arbusto con rami arcuati flessuosi, che forma macchie a ventaglio. Magnifiche bacche alle ascelle fogliari viola, molto numerose che persistono dopo la caduta del fogliame. Fiori lilla in estate. Foglie dorate in autunno, in magnifico contrasto con le bacche.
Ancient Buddleja hybridized in the 1940s, purple-blue in colour, very fragrant with abundant flowering rich in nectar. It blooms again all summer. Buddlejas are also called "butterfly trees" or "butterfly bushes" because they particularly attract these insects.
Viburnum tinus 'Spirit' is a particularly desirable variety of laurel because it is more compact in size (maximum 150cm) and produces delicately scented, beautiful pink flowers for half the year, from November to May. These flowers then turn into attractive black berries that look good against the rich evergreen foliage that grows in a dense, bushy habit....
Sempreverde, che può essere usato come arbusto strisciante e prostrato o ricadente oppure come piccolo rampicante se piantato contro un muro/recinzione o un sostegno. Foglie arrotondate, con un margine bianco irregolare, che si tinge di rosa col freddo.
Iris nano multicolore: rosso-marrone, viola-azzurro, azzurro intenso.
A shrub with hairy leaves, with beautiful purple-blue flowers, produced all year round, suitable for living outdoors in areas with a mild climate. Also suitable for growing indoors or on the veranda.
Rosa moschata a fiore semplice con grandi mazzi, quasi senza spine, molto rifiorente.E' riconosciuta come una delle migliori rose al mondo.
American rose with an incredible dark purple and an inebriating citrus and spicy scent. Dense and compact foliage, very suitable for potting.
Hybrid of sterile buddleja that does not produce seeds, so it is not invasive. Compact dwarf cultivar that forms a 'ball', producing purple / purple flowers from early to late summer. Beautiful for pots.
Stunning cultivar with two-tone, very large ball-shaped flowers, each made up of dozens of tiny blue and white bell-shaped flowers, held high above long, thin leaves. Summer flowering lasts up to 60 days.
Climbing French rose with fragrant, very rich, wavy flowers of a beautiful nuanced tone of peach pink and apricot tones.
Mix of perennials with variegated leaves Variegated leaves have an exotic appeal as well as brightening and bringing movement of texture to pots and flower beds. It is not possible to choose the plants; mixes of varieties and types of leaves and blooms will arrive. We will select for you at the time of purchase 7 perennials that have variegated leaves....
This striking elderberry is perfect for adding color to a vase or garden. It does not exceed 2.5 meters in height. Deep incised foliage and bright lime green, this elderberry forms flattened umbels of white flowers in early summer. Dark berries follow in autumn.
Unusual fern with fine leaves, pinnate, with a white center. Outside it is adaptable in mild and coastal areas or islands. Love shade and humidity. In the house it adapts easily, it is very easy to grow.
Rare cultivar with variegated leaves, sprinkled with white and cream. White umbel flowers in spring, evergreen, followed by red berries in autumn-winter.
Large leaf hydrangea with magnificent purple globose flowers. It can also be used in pots, individually. The flower changes color depending on the soil pH, with violet-blue flowers in acidic soil and pink on alkaline soils.
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