One of the most unusual oriental poppy cultivars, large plum-mauve ruffled flowers. This perennial species is long-lived, does not require treatment and resists extremes of temperature. The poppies go to rest in the middle of summer, losing the aerial part, so they are suitable in mixed gardens, composition in pots and mixed border, so that the void left...
The grey-green waxy foliage is topped in March and early April, at least for 6 weeks, producing a long succession of magnificent light blue flowers that obscure the foliage. By the end of May, Ipheion become dormant for the summer, they are summer dormant and tolerate drought during the dormant period; they resume growth in autumn and grow during the...
Foglie aromatiche, fiori rosa fucsia che trascolorano al rosa chiaro-lilla, rifiorisce continuamente da primavera ad autunno.
Pianta erbacea cespitosa perenne, molto vigorosa, a fioritura estiva prolungata, con insolite magnifiche foglie grandi rotonde.
Questa cultivar di aster è una perenne suffruticosa dalla forma molto compatta, un fitto cuscino tappezzante, nano, con fiori a margherita color malva.
Begonia perenne a canna, con magnifici fiori penduli simili alle fuchsie, a grappoli, di facilissima coltivazione. Fiorisce gran parte dell'anno.
Plant spring flowers that self-seed easily, creating large mound and becoming a fixture for shady gardens, even under trees with tall scaffolding. The pink four-petaled flowers are produced in abundance and follow very ornamental silvery seed capsules, called "papal coins".
It grows on erect, woody and green stems. up to 120 cm high and reaches a width of 90 cm. blue/ gray / green, narrow, linear leaves (up to 12 cm long) are spirally arranged along the stems. Each stem is topped in spring by a thick inflorescence of greenish-yellow flowers resembling a pipe cleaner, with showy, petal-shaped, greenish-yellow bracts. Easily...
Distinctive lacecap hydrangea with dark chocolate tinged leaves, flowering in summer. Clusters of flowers up to 30 cm wide. Large shrub, but with an orderly habit, ideal for borders. To maintain the color of the leaves it needs a few hours of sun.
An architectural evergreen euphorbia, it forms erect tufts of silvery leaves that turn purple / pink in the winter cold. Golden / lime blossoms in spring. Easy to grow, resistant to drought. just offer well-drained soil. It looks like a small shrub and forms woody stems, although it is a herbaceous species.
An evergreen, crunchy and silvery prostrate mat of small leathery leaves only 3 mm long. The microscopic light yellow flowers appear in spring / summer.
Magnificent leaves on compact plants, at most 30 cm high, are covered with silver spots that illuminate them like icing in the shade of ice ... 3 cm long, yellow-gold flowers, shaded with cream-white, from mid-summer to autumn. The rhizomes are frost resistant (up to -17 ° C).
A clumping perennial for shade, that forms bamboo-like shoots. Variegated leaves are dark green with silver-white stripes, and tinge with pink in cool weather. Flowers are fragrant, white, and bell-shape. Evergreen above USDA zone 7 and root hardy to USDA zone 5.
Hemerocallis spider (so called the thin petals varieties), with large brick-red flowers (about 10 cm) with gold-lime nuances. Unusual and curved shape.
Shrub with magnificent pink cluster flowers in May-July. It tolerates the sun, but prefers the morning sun or half shade, not too shade. Very easy to grow. Cut low every spring when the buds wake up.
Abundant flowers and long flowering season. From the end of spring to the autumn, the flowers show off a beautiful range of tender pink to deeper pink shades. Deciduous.
Large, very fragrant, semi-double, pink-edged white flowers, mid-autumn, evergreen foliage. It reaches 3 meters in height and 1.80 in width. Magnificent in pots, for informal hedges or as an isolated specimen. In cold climates in winter, flowering during this period does not risk losing the buds due to intense frost like the better known C. japonica.
Iris bulbosa a fioritura precocissima di fine inverno, in mix di sfumature viola-azzurro-blu. Da naturalizzare, forma colonie negli anni.
Questa cultivar ha foglie variegate più piccole, rimane più bassa, nanissima. Color verde con centro bordeaux bordato di bianco. Forma rapidamente tappeti verdi, si può usare al posto del prato. Fioritura in bianco a inizio estate.
Phormium medium-dwarf, evergreen, with thin and twisted leaves, intense reddish-brown, almost black, reaches about 60 cm in height. Also suitable for growing indoors or on the veranda.
Grandi fiori in estate fino a 15 cm, alti 60 cm. Petali rosa carico, con sfumature lavanda, bordi molto increspati gialli, centro verde. Foglie semi-sempreverdi. Questa varietà è rifiorente e può portare numerossissimi fiori su uno stelo a maturità e se adeguatamente concimato.
Salvia dai fiori color salmone prodotti gran parte dell’anno dalla primavera all’autunno, foglie deliziosamente profumate.
Bulbous with late summer and autumn flowering, with showy flowers due to the lively sulfur color. It requires little care, only the care of a well drained soil; it must be cultivated in mild areas always outdoors (tolerates light frosts) or cultivated in pots and withdrawn in winter with very bright exposure. The pots contain several mature bulbs. Also...
Rapidly growing herbaceous perennial, with beautiful pink flowers and purple leaves with thin green and silver streaks, used as a hanging plant in pots or as a ground cover, outdoors in mild climates. In the sun it becomes an incredibly magnificent, very intense fuchsia/purple pink.
Begonia perenne a canna, con foglie maculate, di facilissima coltivazione. Fiorisce gran parte dell'anno.
An unusual evergreen perennial similar in appearance to a daylily and a phormium, but with thinner leaves, Dianella revoluta 'Coolvista' is a colony-forming herb of blue leaves. It produces strikingly beautiful blue flowers on tall stems in clusters in spring, followed by blue berries. It works with underground rhizomes similar to those of a couch grass...
Unusual ground cover / hanging bell, very vigorous, forms cushions of evergreen kidney-shaped leaves that are covered with white bells tinged with lilac / blue from summer to autumn Magnificent in large bowls, cracks, walls, rock gardens ...
A densely tufted evergreen grass with narrow intense silver-blue foliage. More upright than F. glauca 'Elijah Blue'.
Una varietà di taglia media. Questa erba ornamentale ha foglie venate di bianco-argento. Pennacchi ornamentali a fine estate, che persistono in inverno. Resistente alla siccità e adattabile alle aree asciutte.
Shrub with an unusual double early spring flower, with showy abundant flowering, which appears before the foliage, known as "Japanese quince, flowering quince" or "peach blossom". Cultivar with laden peach flowers.
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