It is a splendid evergreen with burgundy-purple foliage. It has architectural erect leaves that reach 2.5 m in height and width, but it reduces its growth if potted or in cold climates, adapting to remain more compact. Also suitable for growing indoors or on the veranda.
Pianta erbacea perenne, che fiorisce precocemente e per tutta la primavera, e produce numerosissimi fiori campanulati azzurro chiaro. Magnifiche foglie variegate tricolore, ideale per una zona ombreggiata.
Kordes rose with continuous re-flowering with large cupped flowers with the charm of ancient roses, perfect to cut and suitable for the vase.
Hydrangea with large leaves and magnificent globular flowers with cup-shaped sepals, similar to common lilac flowers.
Rare, incredible oxalis with ppink variegatd foliage, blooms and grows all year round, it should be treated like a succulent plant, little water well drained soil with perlite or pumice. Perfect for hanging pots, very easy care, briar crawling on the ground or from cuttings. It lives well even in bright shade, more sun, more red leaves.
Summer flowering shrub with magnificent blue spikes. The beautiful leaves are unusual palmate and fragrant. The flowers also smell spicy. Leaves and flowers can be used in decoctions. It can reach 5 meters in width, but flowering on new branches, it can be vigorously pruned at the end of winter.
Perennial evergreen violet with pom pom flowers in warm violet color, shaded with lilac, amazingly fragrant. Very fast ground cover. Also suitable for growing indoors or on the veranda.
Lagerstroemia dai fiori color rosso carminio, molto appariscente. In 10 anni può raggiungere dai 5 ai 10 metri di altezza. Crescita piuttosto lenta, regge la potatura regolare per essere mantenuta compatta, adatta al vaso e a piccoli giardini.
Perennial herbaceous plant, with prolonged summer-autumn flowering. This variety is tall and visually striking, with long flower spikes.
Perenne a rapido accrescimento con foglie verde oliva, succulente, pubescenti e con il retro bordeaux. Fiori sfumati di rosa, nella bella stagione, usata come ricadente in vaso.
Spettacolare colore autunnale, le branche presentano tipiche creste di sughero ("ali"). Piccoli fiori verdi-giallastri compaiono a maggio, non sono appariscenti. I piccoli frutti maturano in autunno. Di dimensioni contenute rispetto alla specie, si può mantenere compatto con potatura regolare.
Fioriture primaverile mozzafiato con aroma di vaniglia. Raggiunge un eventuale 2-2,5 metri, ma può essere mantenuta molto più bassa attraverso la potatura. Una pianta magnifica in climi molto freddi o umidi che spesso non possono ospitare foglie d'argento, pur avendo un'alta tolleranza alla siccità. Utile anche cresciuta come piccolo albero al posto del...
Early flowering, completely hardy anemones that naturalize easily. Primary Uses: Rock gardens, wooded borders, at the base of deciduous trees/shrubs.
Begonia perenne rizomatosa, con fogliame lussureggiante e grande, color nero ossidiana, forma a spirale e crestata.
Leguminosa perenne, azotofissante, con splendidi fiori viola a lunga fioritura estiva, portamento eretto e fogliame elegante. Utile per gli insetti impollinatori, attira le farfalle. Resistentissima, richiede poca acqua.
Tuja nana di forma sferica perfetto sostituto del bosso per ars topiaria a palla, non va potata, non supera a maturità gli 80 cm di diametro.
Semi-evergreen shrub with very shiny small leaves and very flourishing from spring to autumn. Also suitable for topiary, it can be pruned in a defined form when it awakens to form spheres, pyramidal hedges, etc ... Clusters of delicate pink tubular flowers, slightly scented with orange throat. It can reach 4 meters in height when mature.
Perenne con grandi fiori alti fino a 2,50 m, molto appariscenti, in tarda estate inizio autunno, che attirano le farfalle. Fogliame lussureggiante. Adatta al taglio. Facilissima da coltivare e se trova terreno sempre umido può risultare invasiva.
Rhizomatous perennial with narrow, linear, grey-green leaves, scented with garlic. They form large tufts with scented pale pink-violet flowers with a creamy yellow center (similar to the flowers of small daffodils), blooming for a long time, from late spring to autumn. Tulbaghia violacea is very easy to grow and will last even in a state of neglect for...
Hemerocallis nano, alto 30-40 cm circa, fiori giallo arancio con centro rosso, di diametro fino ai 14 cm, a fine primavera-inizio estate. Semi-sempreverde.
Salvia ornamentale con fiori rossi portati su calici scuri purpurei, resistente al caldo intenso e al gelo, rifiorente da primavera ai primi freddi, foglie profumate.
Aster, perenne erbacea di forma arbustiva con fiori piccoli a margherita color bianco puro: l'effetto è quello del 'velo da sposa', sembra una nuvola.
Ground cover or hanging evergreen or fast growing climber with marbled foliage edged in green, red and bright, clear, golden-yellow. Much brighter than "Ogon Nishiki". Suitable as ground cover in the ground or in pots to form attractive waterfalls. Also suitable for growing indoors or on the veranda.
Geranium pratense 'Midnight Ghost' has dark, almost black, finely toothed, purplish-burgundy foliage that contrasts brilliantly with the white flowers. Reblooms from spring to autumn.
One of the most beautiful star-shaped white flowers, up to 8 cm, spotted with red at the base of the petals. In bloom from May throughout the summer, it has a delicious fragrance. In 10 years it can reach 250 cm. The ideal for this shrub is the morning sun.
It prefers partial shade in hot summer climates. The ideal is the morning sun, in the mountains full sun is fine. The showy flowers bloom from the bottom upwards throughout the summer, even more abundantly if you remove the faded spikes of flowers. It widens forming dense tufts thanks to the underground rhizomes, easy, long-lived, vigorous.
Hydrangea with oak leaves, it grows well both in the sun and in the shade, it reaches about 150 cm in height and width large white flowers with elongated panicles. Attractive bark in winter.
Japanese dwarf maple that reaches a maximum of 250 cm; very flashy, a dwarf version of the hugely popular 'Bloodgood'. It has the same 5-lobed deciduous leaves of a rich burgundy red in the summer and a striking magenta red in the fall. It grows in full sun, where it retains the intense color best. It grows slowly, only 10-15 cm per year, forming an...
Very fragrant Tea, with a changing color. More white than red, as it opens in the sun the petals turn red blood.
The plant of the so-called "Bridal Veil" or "Baby's Breath". It blooms in late spring / early summer, very resistant to drought.
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