Perennial herbaceous ground cover plant, with prolonged summer flowering and re-flowering, which produces a multitude of inflorescences, also suitable for pots, as a flower cushion. The plant supplied is in a pot that can be clodded in at least 6 pieces (forming 6 seedlings as if it were sold in seed trays of 6 cells as produced by other producers)...
Aster perenne, erbacea di forma arbustiva, tuttavia compatta, con fiori a margherita color lilla-bluastro.
Red-flowered herbaceous sage with incredibly long flowering from April to autumn. Remove the faded flowers.
'Robustica' is a vigorous, mound-forming, herbaceous perennial with scalloped, toothed, softly hairy, grey-green leaves and large, spreading sprays of tiny yellow-green flowers from early summer to early autumn. Bigger than specie.Cut back in late summer once foliage and spent flowers become untidy. To prevent self-seeding, cut back the flowering stems...
Ground cover / hanging bellflower, very long-lived and vigorous, zero maintenance, so much so that it finds itself abandoned in old gardens, it forms beautiful cushions of heart-shaped leaves that bear abundant stalks of blue-purple starry bells in summer.
Large-leaved lacecap hydrangea with magnificent sepal flowers with fringed edges and clearly darker margined.
Dwarf solidago, which does not exceed 50 cm, but vigorous and well branched. The durable flowers are suitable for cutting and attract butterflies. Showy lemon-yellow spikes for a long time: it begins to emerge around August and continues until October.
Among the best medium-large leaf variegates, it has wavy green leaves and a brilliant golden yellow margin. Pale lavender flowers. Evergreen in mild climates or verandas. Also suitable for growing indoors or on verandas (from November to March they are sent to vegetative rest without leaves, but they vegetate again in the heat).
Like no other hosta; definitely a collector's item! Among the snail-resistant hostas. Evergreen in mild climates or on the porch. Also suitable for growing indoors or on the porch (from November to March they are sent to vegetative rest without leaves, but they vegetate again in the heat).
Bassa tappezzante perenne, che diffonde le insolite foglie rotonde succulente rapidamente. Il fogliame col sole intenso diventa di un bel rosso-rame, e brillanti fiori gialli compaiono in estate.
Late flowering hemerocallis, diploid, deciduous, re-flowering, perfumed. Maximum height 80 cm, "Spider" variety, with unusual, thin, curved and elongated petals.
Allium tuberosum is very easy to grow and very impressive because it forms large masses, great for those who love white. A member of the onion family, it forms clumps that can be grown for both culinary and ornamental purposes. It has gray-green leaves similar to chives up to 30 cm long which can be used in cooking in the same way as chives (Allium...
Bulbous with autumn flowering, with showy flowers due to their lively purple colour, variegated with dark purple. It requires little care, just the foresight of well-drained soil; it should be grown in open ground or in pots with very sunny exposure. The pots contain several mature bulbs. The spice saffron is obtained from the stigmas.
Rosa Portland della prima metà dell'800. Di un viola-porpora carico, tollerante l'ombra. Intensa fragranza. Fiori molto pieni di circa 6 cm, fino a 50 petali. Rifiorente. Compatta, densa, alta da 90 a 120 cm. Larga fino a 75 cm.
Foglie di un incredibile giallo brillante, con margini verde scuro. Le foglie sono tenute su gambi rossi; fiori color lavanda intenso in estate. Evergreen in mild climates or verandas. Also suitable for growing indoors or on verandas (from November to March they are sent to vegetative rest without leaves, but they vegetate again in the heat).
Questa varietà di sedum tappezzante perenne è più compatta rispetto alle specie e ha foglie variegate con margini ben definiti color crema e arancio. In tarda primavera – inizio estate, i suoi fiori gialli a forma di stella si aprono a partire da boccioli bordeaux.
Evergreen perennial, ground cover, very fast growing, with variegated silver foliage that takes on purple tones in the winter with the cold. Showy spikes of yellow flowers in spring. Also suitable for growing indoors or on the veranda (from November to March they are shipped to vegetative rest without leaves, but they vegetate again with the heat).
Cultivar di sambuco nero le cui foglie laciniate sembrano pizzo. Fogliame violaceo scuro, quasi nero e magnifiche infiorescenze a ombrelle, color rosa da cui poi si sviluppano bacche nere.
This aster cultivar is a perennial with a very compact shape, a dense cushion cover, dwarf, with flowers with daisy-shaped, pure white. In bloom for a very long time, from late spring to autumn.
More compact cultivar, with taller, darker larger flowers and silvery leaves. Shrub-shaped, aromatic and citrus-scented ground cover perennial, it blooms profusely in summer and expands rapidly covering large areas of land. The flavor is similar to that of mint, but more delicate, it can be added to any dish, from first course to dessert.
Magnificent variegated leaves, mostly white, with an upright habit. Evergreen in mild climates or on the veranda. Also suitable for growing indoors or on the veranda (from November to March they are sent to vegetative rest without leaves, but they vegetate again in the heat).
Evergreen perennial violet with unusual scented white flowers in spring, it spreads quickly forming thick carpets. Also suitable for growing indoors or on the veranda.
Arbusto deciduo nano con foglie dorate e portamento verticale colonnare. Ha nuova crescita rosso-arancio che matura in oro acceso. In autunno di uno straordinario colore rosso-arancio. Le foglie nonostante il colore, non bruciano al sole estivo. Ottima per bordi misti o piccole siepi a bassa manutenzione. Fiori giallo pallido in primavera.
This evergreen hemerocallis has an extraordinary color defined as "black" (it is a very dark burgundy/red) with a yellow-green throat, with rich flowering and easy to grow. It blooms longer than other cultivars in the middle of the season.
Peony with unusual flowers, semi-double, pale pink, with dark pink stamens.
Evergreen perennial violet with pink spring flowers, strong ground cover suitable for shrubs undergrowth. Also suitable for growing indoors or on the veranda.
Rhizomatous perennial plant, with leaves reaching 150 cm in diameter, very early flowering (even in the snow), produces cream-colored stars grouped in bunches that look like small bouquets. Then it develops the huge leaves; being very rustic and resistant to intense frost, it is an excellent substitute for Gunnera manicata (which, on the other hand, does...
Pianta erbacea perenne, a fioritura primaverile prolungata, fiori adatti al taglio, magnifici e multicolore di forma campanulata. Simbolo di amore puro e umile, quello vero, quello interiore, in quanto 'Bella si erge l'aquilegia / e china il suo capo' scriveva Goethe.
Perennial herbaceous plant, with prolonged and flourishing summer flowering, the flowers are large daisies with thin petals facing downwards.
Herbaceous perennial plant with a very showy flowering, it forms fragrant panicle flowers, cutting the fading flowers it blooms until autumn, from summer. Mixed colors, sometimes even in the same pot, the tufts are obtained from seed. They self-seed easily forming colonies. The flowers have a spicy flavor that adds a peppery flavor to salads and soups....
Filtri (555 products)