Aster, perenne erbacea di forma arbustiva con fiori grandi a margherita color viola-porpora con toni grigio-perla. La fioritura è fortemente attrattiva per le farfalle.
Grandi fiori profumati in estate fino a 15 cm di diametro, alti 65 cm, semi-sempreverde. Il fiore è giallo avorio con centro più evidente verde-lime contornato di magenta e bordi increspati sempre color magenta, venato di bianco.
The grey-green waxy foliage is topped in March and early April, at least for 6 weeks, producing a long succession of magnificent light blue flowers that obscure the foliage. By the end of May, Ipheion become dormant for the summer, they are summer dormant and tolerate drought during the dormant period; they resume growth in autumn and grow during the...
Arbusto erbaceo con base legnosa (riparte dal basso ogni anno raggiungendo i 120-150 cm circa) interessante per la lunga fioritura dalla primavera all’autunno a fiori azzurro-blu, e le foglie glauche aromatiche.
Delicate peach orange color shaded with cream, with "round" flowers embellished with a small red eye and an orange heart. Diploid, flowers 8 cm in diameter, average height of about 50 cm.
The Echinacea cultivar, 'Cheyenne Spirit' blooms in a mix of colors: gold, scarlet, orange, rosy red, cream, purple and yellow. Grown from seed, 'Cheyenne Spirit' has improved vigor and durability over the years, compared to other orange, yellow and red varieties propagated by meristem (to be considered as annuals). Winner of the prestigious European...
Gingko grows moderately: it can grow between 40 and 70 cm per year, reaching 3 / 3.5 meters in 10 years, but it is able to reach heights between 15 and 25 meters. Under ideal conditions, the gingko can become even higher (ancient existing specimens reach 50 meters). In autumn the foliage turns golden. It does not require special care.
Fiori ad anemone, profumati, dai grandi e delicati petali bianchi che custodiscono una profusione di alti e stretti petaloidi color giallo pallido.
Chives are a perennial with onion-scented leaves and abundant beautiful long-lasting pale purple umbrella-shaped flowers from late spring through summer. This variety was selected by our nursery, it has fatter leaves and larger flowers.
Cultivar di aster perenne, erbacea di forma arbustiva ma assai compatta, con fiori a margherita di un fucsia molto vivo.
Perenne che si sviluppa tramite rizomi sotterranei, a rapida crescita, a fioritura lunghissima, con fiorellini a campanella e foglie triangolari sfumate di argento al centro. Also suitable for growing indoors or on the veranda (from November to March they are shipped in vegetative rest without leaves, but they vegetate again with the heat).
Ibrido caratterizzato da fiori violacei, con una gola di limone. Fiorisce a metà stagione. Tetraploide. Robusto con un numero di boccioli elevato. Gli steli dei fiori sfioriti possono essere tagliati. Tagliare le foglie morte nel tardo autunno o inverno. I fiori sono commestibili.
Gardenia resistant to frost, down to -22 ° C. This dwarf evergreen shrub produces white flowers with an exotic appearance with a celestial scent like that of the species. The large flowers with a diameter of about 5 cm, have narrow and long petals, which resemble a mill. Glossy dark green foliage. Also suitable for growing indoors or on the veranda.
Bulbous perennial herbaceous species, with prolonged and re-flowering flowering, with beautiful bell-shaped salmon pink flowers; its peculiarity are the leaves, which look like four-leaf clovers, in the center of which there are wavy purple variegations. Also suitable for growing indoors or on the veranda (from November to March they are shipped in...
Oxalis a fiore bianco puro, ha bulbi che si allargano continuamente. Molto fiorifera forma bei cuscini di campanelline da primavera ad autunno (incredibilmente rifiorente). Meglio se irrigata in modo regolare e senza troppo sole. Foglie ornamentali simili al trifoglio.
Salvia dai fiori color salmone prodotti gran parte dell’anno dalla primavera all’autunno, foglie deliziosamente profumate.
Large blue-green, heart-shaped leaves, among the most resistant to snails. Evergreen in mild climates or verandas. Also suitable for growing indoors or on verandas (from November to March they are sent to vegetative rest without leaves, but they vegetate again in the heat).
Questa cultivar di aster perenne è un'erbacea di forma arbustiva, ma compatta, con fiori a margherita azzurro tenue.
Perennial herbaceous plant, flowering in spring, truly unusual flowers, they look like pendulous hearts (swollen like small cushions) with a white drop in the centre, borne on arched branches, suitable for cutting, beautiful fern-like leaves.
Cultivar di aster, perenne erbacea di forma arbustiva con fiori grandi a margherita color lilla-azzurro.
Salvia dai fiori color rosa carico, prodotti gran parte dell’anno dalla primavera all’autunno, foglie deliziosamente profumate.
Perennial rhizomatous herbaceous plant, with prolonged and re-flowering flowering, with beautiful bell-shaped flowers; its best feature, however, are the leaves: they look like velvety butterflies. Also suitable for growing indoors or on the veranda (from November to March they are sent to vegetative rest without leaves, but they vegetate again in the heat).
Gallica rose from the end of the 18th century. Deep purple-purple, shade tolerant. Intense fragrance. Very full flowers of about 12 cm, up to 40 petals. Compact, dense, it forms a shrub of 150 x 150 cm.
Soft white/cream smaller central petals, on a crown of light pink wavy petals. A magnificent hybrid with an intense sweet aroma.
Questa cultivar di aster perenne, è un'erbacea di forma arbustiva, ma compatta, con fiori a margherita color lilla-blu chiaro.
Hemerocallis sempreverde, con grandi fiori color rosa pesca di 15 cm di diametro, con gola e bordi arruffati colora arancio alti 65 cm. I fiori sbocciano a metà stagione (fine maggio-giugno), e rifioriscono molto a lungo in modo intermittente in estate, dato che una pianta matura porta molti boccioli, se adeguatamente concimata.
Aster generoso e vigoroso, perenne erbaceo di fitta forma arbustiva, con fiori piccoli a margheritacolor rosa pallido con centro molto sporgente rosa scuro dall'apparenza decisamente insolita.
For those who love the contrast given by the leaves, this Ranunculus ficaria cultivar cannot be missed. For the winter and spring garden, this is definitely one of the most unusual and showy plants we grow. This perennial emerges in winter with glossy black foliage, in rosettes. From late February to March, the tufts are topped with very bright yellow...
Pianta erbacea perenne, a fioritura estiva prolungata e rifiorente, i fiori sono grandi margherite durevoli, adatte al taglio.
Cultivar di aster, perenne erbacea di forma arbustiva con fiori a margherita color magenta intenso.
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