Evergreen variety with large green flowers dotted with burgundy, double. Flowers for a long time (three months) from February to April.
Questo ibrido di elleboro ha magnifici fiori appariscenti color bianco-crema, con retro sfumato di rosa. Fiorisce da febbraio ad aprile; i fiori emergono con il capo sollevato di modo che i fiori sono più visibili della specie, sfioriti sono ugualmente belli, diventano purpurei.
Elleboro sempreverde con magnifici fiori doppi, bianco-crema, sfumato di rosa, con venature più scure porpora-violacee. Fioritura molto lunga da metà inverno a metà primavera.
This romantic shrub marks the end of winter with the striking bare-branched bloom (before the leaves), of myriads of fragrant light pink flowers.
Winter flowering shrub with red ribbon flowers. Interesting coloring of the leaves in autumn, on red and orange tones.
Double hellebore with large flowers up to 8 cm, in nuanced shades from light pink to deep pink / bright / red / dark purple, pointed, curled and wavy reminiscent of a tutu skirt.
Perennial cyclamen, very rustic and resistant autumn-winter flowering tuber. Magnificent variegated foliage
Japanese apricot with pink flowers, abundant late winter flowering on hanging and arched branches, still bare.
Evergreen variety with large, freshly opened green flowers that fade to lime / cream, double. Blossoms for a long time (three months) from February to April.
Camelia a lunga fioritura in autunno-inverno, vincitrice dell'“Award of Garden Merit” (AGM) da parte della Royal Horticultural Society. Fiori profumati, doppi, rosa più intenso verso il centro, con stami dorati. Sempreverde con foglie lucide, portamento compatto, raggiunge i 300 x 180 cm di ampiezza.
Bulbous Oxalis for apartment or mild locations, producing bright yellow flowers in winter on clumps of clover-like leaves. This rare cultivar has fully double flowers like miniature chrysanthemums. Very fast and exponential growth.
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