Anemone perenne erbaceo a lunga e tardiva fioritura, dai fiori rosa intenso doppi. Vigoroso, ma nano, rustico e resistente al freddo.
Sempreverde e sempre in fiore in zone miti; i fiori rosa chiaro sembrano pom pom, foglie variegate purpuree, appariscenti. Utile come coprisuolo per liberarsi da infestanti non ornamentali, e bella anche come ricadente in vasi e fioriere.
Pianta erbacea perenne, a fioritura estiva prolungata davvero molto prolifica. Fiori leggeri e delicati, ottimo riempitivo in aiuola. Cultivar compatta adatta anche al vaso.
Allium tuberosum is very easy to grow and very impressive because it forms large masses, great for those who love white. A member of the onion family, it forms clumps that can be grown for both culinary and ornamental purposes. It has gray-green leaves similar to chives up to 30 cm long which can be used in cooking in the same way as chives (Allium...
Bulbous with autumn flowering, with showy flowers due to their lively purple colour, variegated with dark purple. It requires little care, just the foresight of well-drained soil; it should be grown in open ground or in pots with very sunny exposure. The pots contain several mature bulbs. The spice saffron is obtained from the stigmas.
Erbacea dalla fioritura prolungata estiva, chiamata 'Fiori farfalla' con magnifici fiori azzurro-blu in tutto simili al tropicale Clerodendrum ugandense. Nonostante l'aspetto tropicale è resistentissima al gelo e inoltre è utile nella lotta contro le zanzare. Le foglie molto odorose sono ricche di terpeni repellenti.
Herbaceous ground cover sage that quickly expands to form thick carpets, remains low (leaves remain on 20 cm) and blooms incredibly long from spring to autumn, with blue flower. It resists up to -12 ° C.
It can be grown outdoors in the shade or partial shade, in a fresh and rich soil, wherever it does not drop below -10 ° C. It can also be grown indoors, even with direct sun in winter, while in summer it should be placed against a glass where it gets the morning sun only. Deciduous below 0 ° C, it will renew its branches in spring; while it will be...
This perennial blooms for a long time from late spring through the summer. Resistant to intense frost. The flowers develop in spikes, and the species has flowers rather close together and with pink buds; even the freshly opened petals are pinkish. For cultivation, good drainage is the key to success, the only thing that can kill them is soggy winter soil....
Perennial herbaceous plant, prolonged summer re-flowering, deep fuchsia color with veined black center, in contrast with the magnificent light green/lime leaves
Anemone hupehensis 'Bowles's Pink' has pink and fuchsia flowers with slightly irregular bowl-shaped petals in late summer and autumn, the two outer tepals smaller and darker. It therefore has a disheveled two-tone effect. RHS AGM plant.
Geranium pratense 'Midnight Ghost' has dark, almost black, finely toothed, purplish-burgundy foliage that contrasts brilliantly with the white flowers. Reblooms from spring to autumn.
Leopard plant or evergreen Ligularia, whose beauty among variegated shade plants is hard to beat. This cultivar is grown for its large, round, yellow-spotted leaves, genetically spotted. So now we know. In October, flower spikes about 60 cm high begin to emerge that are topped with bright gold daisies. Grow in the shade with good drainage, but regular...
A vigorous plant with soft pink and silky flowers: it is the first anemone to flower, since August, it brings flowers until the arrival of frost. If you want the pom pom of seeds brought in winter do not cut the dead flowers. In our opinion the best japanese anemone. Perfect with morning sun or patchy shade.
Rhizomatous perennial with narrow, linear, gray-green leaves fragrant with garlic. They form large tufts with fragrant pale pink-violet flowers, blooming for a long time,from late spring to autumn. Tulbaghia violacea is very easy to grow and will last even in a state of neglect for many years, able to thrive in rather poor soils.
Dwarf rabdosia that forms mounds of thin leaves that in autumn are covered with spikes of blue-purple flowers. The foliage in the autumn cold turns yellow. Very easy to grow in undergrowth flower beds, it does not require special care or soil.
Yarrow bush with large, golden flowers borne on tall stems. Vigorous, it forms large clump, cutting the stems with faded flowers causes it to bloom from spring to autumn. The leaves are fragrant, of a glaucous green. The flowers are magnificent when cut.
Dwarf deciduous grass, with flowers throughout the summer until autumn, similar to feathery rabbit tails. Suitable for the sun, resistant to dryness, it is enhanced both on the ground and in pots, where it grows with a compact ball habit. The flowers catch the light and are extremely ornamental. Even in winter it remains attractive even if dry, it can be...
'Gilt Edge' is a particular cultivar of Tricyrtis formosana with variably variegated edges. This species is among the first tricyrtis to flower in early September and continue through the autumn months. The dotted and fleshy flowers are reminiscent of orchids. They are violet/purple with bluish shades (the color of the flower can vary according to:...
Pianta erbacea perenne da ombra, forma un ciuffo medio-alto di foglie strette, simili a quelle di un bambù, verde brillante. Graminacea con appariscenti fiori piatti, che si muovono persino nella più delicata delle brezze.
Erbacea perenne, a fioritura tardiva molto rustica e resistente. Magnifici fiori tubulari azzurro-blu, numerossissimi, a centinaia. Magnifico contorno a felci, ellebori, epimedium, geranium, liriope, carex. Estrema facilità di cura, longeva e di notevole impatto, date le dimesioni arbustive che ragggiunge in stagione, anche se sempre fine e leggera come...
La maggiorana è una perenne con bei fiori e attraente fogliame autunnale. Ricca di proprietà nutritive e dall'ottimo sapore, questa cultivar ha fiori più scuri e foglie purpuree da tarda estate.
Attractive evergreen perennial that forms dense cushions of white flowers with a central eye with graceful dark purple veins, from May to September (one of the most floriferous perennials). Magnificent for tubs and vases, it does not exceed 25-30 centimeters in height.
Begonia perenne resistente al gelo a lunga e tardiva fioritura, dai fiori rosa corallo, penduli come fuchsie. Magnifiche foglie.
Dwarf perennial herbaceous plant, smallest of the species, extremely resistant, suitable for xeriscape, with abundant, prolonged and repeat-flowering summer and autumn flowering; the coral red flowers are shaped like elongated trumpets, making a great impact even from a distance. The foliage is glaucous green and thin, very ornamental. Despite its...
Magnificent rare and unusual perennial impatiens with large exotically charming lilac-blue-bluish flowers, produced in large numbers. It blooms for many months from spring to autumn. Of shrubby form, suitable for shaded areas, it is the perfect companion for hosta, carex and ferns. It is native to the Himalayas and therefore resists intense frost.
Repeatedly blooms from late spring to fall, one of the most reblooming perennials. Despite its exotic appearance, it is a surprising perennial resistant to frost, and also to intense sun, and to hot areas. Magnificent silvery and soft leaves. Evergreen in zone 9-10. In zone 7-8 you can lose much of the aerial part. It spreads with short rhizomes creating...
The Tricyrtis latifolia species is a shade lily, with a long autumn flowering. The leathery flowers, reminiscent of orchids, are golden-yellow dotted with brown. Very eye-catching, they catch the eye in the dark. Very resistant to frost, they are among the most interesting autumnal plants.
This magnificent ceratostigma cultivar is taller than the species, has blue flowers (like Plumbago auriculata, but is frost resistant). Flowering is very long, ranging from late spring to autumn. It offers a prolific show during the warmer months. Ideal for planting on retaining walls to create a soft look. Vigorous, fast growing, it is ideal for giving a...
Perenne con grandi fiori bianchi, fino a 10 cm di diametro, fioritura estiva prolungata e rifiorente. Fiori molto durevoli, magnifici da usare recisi, simili a grossi fiordalisi.
Filtri (119 products)