Autumn flowers

There are 119 products.
Showing 91 - 119 of 119 items
  • Delosperma cooperi Delosperma cooperi
    Out of stock
    Delosperma cooperi
    Delosperma cooperi

    Pianta grassa chiamata anche 'Pink Carpet' (tappeto rosa) che tappezza in modo coprente vaste aree di terreno. Non necessita di irrigazione supplementare e resiste fino a  -28°C purchè a dimora in terreno molto ben drenato (che resti piuttosto asciutto) e senza manto nevoso stabile. Lunghissima stagione di fioritura.

    6,00 €
  • Strobilanthes atrop. 'Blue Carpet' Strobilanthes atrop. 'Blue Carpet'
    Out of stock
    Strobilanthes atropurpurea 'Blue Carpet' sin. Strobilanthes wallichii
    Strobilanthes atropurpurea

    Expansive herbaceous, it forms large cushions of luxuriant vegetation. Called 'the frost-hardy petunia' (-20°C), it flowers with magnificent blue-purple tubular bells and profusely, in both sun and shade, from late summer to autumn.

    10,00 €
  • Hyssopus officinalis subsp. aristatus (Issopo aristato) Hyssopus officinalis subsp. aristatus (Issopo aristato)
    Out of stock
    Hyssopus officinalis subsp. aristatus (Issopo aristato)
    Hyssopus officinalis subsp

    Estremamente attraente per le api e farfalle, si tratta di una pianta odorosa meravigliosa come sostituto della lavanda per i climi più freddi. Tollera anche il caldo estremo e la siccità, inoltre è ricca di oli volatili che repellono gli insetti molesti. Fiorisce a lungo dall'estate all'autunno.

    10,00 €
  • Tetrapanax papyrifer 'Rex' Tetrapanax papyrifer 'Rex'
    Out of stock
    Tetrapanax papyrifer 'Rex'
    Tetrapanax papyrifer 'Rex'

    Pianta dall'apparenza esotica, perde la parte aerea con temperature inferiori a -8° C, ma durante la stagione vegetativa raggiunge comunque i due metri di altezza. Le radici sono rustiche fino a -12°C, così che si comporterà da erbacea in caso di inverni gelidi. Magnifiche foglie palmate che possono raggiungere in climi miti foglie fino a 1 mt di diametro. 

    20,00 €
  • Cyclamen hederifolium 'Album' Cyclamen hederifolium 'Album'
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    Cyclamen hederifolium 'Album'
    Cyclamen hederifolium 'Album'

    Ciclamino perenne a fiore bianco, tubero a fioritura tardiva molto rustico e resistente. Magnifico fogliame invernale coprente.

    6,00 €
  • Reineckea carnea "Giant Fairy" Reineckea carnea "Giant Fairy"
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    Reineckea carnea "Giant Fairy"
    Reineckea carnea Giant Fairy"

    Rare variety much higher than the species, very resistant evergreen, it forms carpets that looks like giant "grass". It produce spikes of fragrant flowers, lilac-pink stellate in autumn, at the base.

    12,00 €
  • Canna indica 'Durban' Canna indica 'Durban'
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    Canna indica 'Durban'
    Canna indica 'Durban'

    Perenne rizomatosa molto robusta, a rapido accrescimento e di forte impatto visivo. Fiorisce incredibilmente a lungo.

    10,00 €
  • Canna indica 'Striped Beauty' Canna indica 'Striped Beauty'
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    Canna indica 'Striped Beauty'
    Canna indica 'Striped Beauty'

    Perenne rizomatosa molto robusta, a rapido accrescimento e di forte impatto visivo. Fiorisce incredibilmente a lungo.

    10,00 €
  • Perovskia atriplicifolia 'Blue Haze' Perovskia atriplicifolia 'Blue Haze'
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    Perovskia atriplicifolia 'Blue Haze'
    Perovskia atriplicifolia

    Arbusto erbaceo compatto adatto anche al vaso. Con base legnosa (riparte dal basso ogni anno raggiungendo i 50 h x 60 l cm circa) interessante per la lunga fioritura dalla primavera all’autunno a fiori azzurro-blu, e le foglie glauche aromatiche.

    10,00 €
  • Perovskia atriplicifolia 'Blue Spire' Perovskia atriplicifolia 'Blue Spire'
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    Perovskia atriplicifolia 'Blue Spire'
    Perovskia atriplicifolia

    Arbusto erbaceo compatto adatto anche al vaso. Con base legnosa (riparte dal basso ogni anno raggiungendo i 150x150 cm circa) interessante per la lunga fioritura dalla primavera all’autunno a fiori azzurro-blu, e le foglie glauche aromatiche. Cultivar con fiori più grandi della specie, più scuri, e più blu.

    10,00 €
  • Leucanthemum adustum Leucanthemum adustum
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    Leucanthemum adustum
    Leucanthemum adustum

    Margherita bianca perenne simile a L. vulgaris, ma più compatta (non supera i 30 cm di altezza) e longeva, con belle foglioline lucide e coriacee, fiorisce molto a lungo da primavera ad autunno se si ha cura di tagliare più volte i fiori sfioriti. Si semina da sè allargandosi per cui è utile lasciare gli ultimi fiori della stagione.

    7,00 €
  • Aptenia cordifolia Aptenia cordifolia
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    Aptenia cordifolia
    Aptenia cordifolia

    It is a magnificent evergreen succulent ground cover, resistant up to -10 ° C, re-flowering all year round in mild climates, or from spring to autumn in colder climates. Flowers like "daisies" with threadlike petals, intense fuchsia color. Also suitable for growing indoors or on the veranda.

    7,00 €
  • Aptenia cordifolia "Variegata" Aptenia cordifolia "Variegata"
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    Aptenia cordifolia "Variegata"
    Aptenia cordifolia Variegata"

    Evergreen succulent, with variegate leaves; It is a perennial ground cover, for xeriscaping, resistant up to -10 ° C. Flowers like "daisies" with threadlike petals, intense fuchsia color. Also suitable for growing indoors or on the veranda.

    8,00 €
  • Cyclamen cilicium Cyclamen cilicium
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    Cyclamen cilicium
    Cyclamen cilicium

    Perennial cyclamen, autumn flowering tuber from September to November, very rustic and frost-resistant. Heart-shaped leaves appear towards the end of flowering and persist in winter.

    5,00 €
  • Cyclamen cilicium "Album"
    Out of stock
    Cyclamen cilicium "Album"
    Cyclamen cilicium

    Perennial cyclamen, autumn flowering tuber from September to November, very rustic and frost-resistant. Heart-shaped leaves appear towards the end of flowering and persist in winter.

    5,00 €
  • Dianthus superbus 'Hol Kaori' (sin. "Kaori Pink") Dianthus superbus 'Hol Kaori' (sin. "Kaori Pink")
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    Dianthus superbus 'Hol Kaori' (sin. "Kaori Pink")
    Dianthus superbus

    Dense cushion, evergreen, rapid ground cover, with bright green leaves, studded with pink fuchsia flowers from spring to autumn continuously. Occasionally cut the faded flowers. Good choice for poor, warm, and sunny soils. Also excellent in pots.

    6,00 €
  • Sedum 'Autumn Fire' Sedum 'Autumn Fire'
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    Sedum 'Autumn Fire'
    Sedum 'Autumn Fire'

    Cultivar with a well vertical shrub form of sedum (maximum height 50-60 cm), with purple flowers. Offers interest from spring to autumn with fleshy leaves.

    12,00 €
  • Plectranthus zuluensis Plectranthus zuluensis
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    Plectranthus zuluensis
    Plectranthus zuluensis

    A beautiful ground cover always in bloom from spring to autumn, it likes the luminous shade, Plectranthus zuluensis grows rapidly up to 45 cm and 120 in diameter. Its numerous spikes (up to 12 cm) are a beautiful lavender violet and are showy on the dark purple stems above the dense and fleshy foliage. Protect below 0 ° C.

    6,00 €
  • Erodium guttatum Erodium guttatum
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    Erodium guttatum
    Erodium guttatum

    Attractive evergreen perennial that forms dense cushions of white flowers with a central eye with graceful dark purple veins, from May to September (one of the most floriferous perennials). Magnificent for tubs and vases, it does not exceed 25-30 centimeters in height.

    10,00 €
  • Cyclamen  europaeum Cyclamen  europaeum
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    Cyclamen europaeum
    Cyclamen europaeum

    Perennial cyclamen, very rustic and resistant autumn-winter flowering tuber. Magnificent variegated foliage

    6,00 €
  • Saxifraga fortunei 'Shiranami' Saxifraga fortunei 'Shiranami'
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    Saxifraga fortunei 'Shiranami'
    Saxifraga cortusifolia

    Ground cover with showy glossy leaves, variety with numerous autumn clusters of double white starry flowers.

    12,00 €
  • Geranium cinereum 'Jolly Jewel Silver'
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    Geranium cinereum 'Jolly Jewel Silver'
    Geranium cinereum

    One of the longest flowering perennials, from May to September, repeatedly. Magnificent bright fuchsia pink flowers with a black and veined center. They live well from the sun and light shade. Leaves smelling of mint / frankincense, evergreen.

    8,00 €
  • Nepeta yunnanensis x nervosa "Blue Dragon" Nepeta yunnanensis x nervosa "Blue Dragon"
    Out of stock
    Nepeta yunnanensis x nervosa 'Blue Dragon'
    Nepeta nervosa

    Compact plant that remains upright, large flowers (2 centimeters each), in bloom from June to September, magnificent substitute for lavender, but deciduous. Leaves intensely and pleasantly scented with spices.

    12,00 €
  • Salvia farinacea x longispicata "Mystic Spires Blue" Salvia farinacea x longispicata "Mystic Spires Blue"
    Out of stock
  • Houstonia caerulea "Millard's Variety" Houstonia caerulea "Millard's Variety"
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    Houstonia caerulea "Millard's Variety"
    Houstonia caerulea

    This adorable, very fast-growing seedling forms a low, crawling carpet of tiny green leaves, covered in tiny cerulean flower stars from spring to summer. It loves acidic soil irrigated regularly, thrives well in bowls or rock gardens and between stone slabs and as ground cover.

    12,00 €
  • Cyclamen hederifolium 'Silver Leaf' Cyclamen hederifolium 'Silver Leaf'
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    Cyclamen hederifolium 'Silver Leaf'
    Cyclamen hederifolium

    Cyclamen of the woods perennial to be naturalized, resistant to intense frost; it is in fact a species that exists spontaneously, but with rare silvery leaves. The flowers are mixed white, pink and dark pink, you can't choose the color because we breed them in mix, so the color of the potted flower will be random.

    6,00 €
  • Ceratostigma plumbaginoides 'Summer Sky' Ceratostigma plumbaginoides 'Summer Sky'
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    Ceratostigma plumbaginoides 'Summer Sky'
    Ceratostigma plumbaginoides

    This magnificent ceratostigma cultivar is taller than the species, has blue flowers (like Plumbago auriculata, but is frost resistant). Flowering is very long, ranging from late spring to autumn. It offers a prolific show during the warmer months. Ideal for planting on retaining walls to create a soft look. Vigorous, fast growing, it is ideal for giving a...

    20,00 €
  • Sollya heterophylla 'Ultra Blue' Sollya heterophylla 'Ultra Blue'
    Out of stock
    Sollya heterophylla 'Ultra Blue'
    Sollya heterophylla

    Small climber with a delightful display of blue bell-like flowers. Summer flowering, very similar to the parent Sollya heterophylla species, however 'Ultra Blue' produces an abundance of delicate, larger, dark azure blue flowers, also boasting a stronger branching habit to create a full, dense appearance with a great display of flowering from May to...

    30,00 €
  • Persicaria hydropiper 'Rubra' Persicaria hydropiper 'Rubra'
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    Persicaria hydropiper 'Rubra'
    Persicaria hydropiper

    Annual that does not fear frost and therefore reseeds while remaining perennial; the aromatic burgundy leaves taste like piper small pink flowers. If it stays bronze-purplish on the sun, it is more in shadow and more green.

    6,00 €

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