This is a rare variety with single and double flowers togheter. It is a ground cover perennial that grows very quickly, densely covering large areas of land. Blue-violet flowers (periwinkle) in spring. Also suitable for growing indoors or on the veranda.
Grandi fiori profumati in estate fino a 15 cm di diametro, alti 65 cm, semi-sempreverde. Il fiore è giallo avorio con centro più evidente verde-lime contornato di magenta e bordi increspati sempre color magenta, venato di bianco.
The grey-green waxy foliage is topped in March and early April, at least for 6 weeks, producing a long succession of magnificent light blue flowers that obscure the foliage. By the end of May, Ipheion become dormant for the summer, they are summer dormant and tolerate drought during the dormant period; they resume growth in autumn and grow during the...
Pianta erbacea perenne, graminacea dal fogliame color verde-glauco molto sottile, come capelli (da qui il nome latino 'capillaris'). Magnifica al soffiare del vento, superba come esemplare isolato, quindi da vaso, così come in massa.
Slow evergreen ground cover with very light variegated leaves, shade, perennial. Excellent lawn substitute for small shady areas that need to be made visually lighter. Also suitable for growing indoors or on the veranda
Delicate peach orange color shaded with cream, with "round" flowers embellished with a small red eye and an orange heart. Diploid, flowers 8 cm in diameter, average height of about 50 cm.
Arbusto erbaceo con base legnosa (riparte dal basso ogni anno raggiungendo i 120-150 cm circa) interessante per la lunga fioritura dalla primavera all’autunno a fiori azzurro-blu, e le foglie glauche aromatiche.
White dwarf iris, with well-designed rust-colored veins. A small masterpiece of delicacy.
The Echinacea cultivar, 'Cheyenne Spirit' blooms in a mix of colors: gold, scarlet, orange, rosy red, cream, purple and yellow. Grown from seed, 'Cheyenne Spirit' has improved vigor and durability over the years, compared to other orange, yellow and red varieties propagated by meristem (to be considered as annuals). Winner of the prestigious European...
Al contrario delle primule comuni che si trovano in vendita in primavera dai fioristi le Primule pubescens o auricula, sono piante perenni resistenti al gelo intenso, rifiorenti in modo abbondante fino a inizio estate, e sporadicamente fino all’autunno e amano il sole o la mezz’ombra (non sono piante da sottobosco). Profumano intensamente. Foglie...
Magnificent ground cover for shade and undergrowth, glossy, large, heart-shaped leaves. White flowers with 4 petals in showy spikes early in late winter-early spring, when the trees are still bare. It expands rapidly but is not invasive as each plant grows distinct from the others. Suitable for deciduous trees for better flowering. Likes the sun in...
Late spring flowering iris very resistant to drought. It grows very tall up to 150 cm (from the bottom in mixed flower beds), with very thin sword-shaped leaves; flowers 4-6 cm in diameter, white sprinkled with yellow in the centre.
Fiori ad anemone, profumati, dai grandi e delicati petali bianchi che custodiscono una profusione di alti e stretti petaloidi color giallo pallido.
Evergreen hellebore of the Ellen series with double flowers with curled petals, ruby coloured. Very long flowering from mid-winter to mid-spring.
Chives are a perennial with onion-scented leaves and abundant beautiful long-lasting pale purple umbrella-shaped flowers from late spring through summer. This variety was selected by our nursery, it has fatter leaves and larger flowers.
Cultivar di aster perenne, erbacea di forma arbustiva ma assai compatta, con fiori a margherita di un fucsia molto vivo.
Pianta erbacea cespitosa perenne, molto vigorosa, a fioritura estiva prolungata, con insolite magnifiche foglie grandi rotonde.
With semi-evergreen architectural leaves, veined with white, it is a perennial focal point in the garden for the winter. The spring flowers are followed by orange berries in very ornamental spikes. This very resistant perennial plant, grows in the cool and goes dormant in the heat, so it will be in leaf from September to June and then sheds its leaves in...
Tappezzante lenta sempreverde, perenne. Con foglie nere che mantengono il colore scuro se ricevono almeno mezza giornata di sole. Also suitable for growing indoors or on the veranda.
Perennial herbaceous plant, with prolonged summer-autumn flowering. This variety is tall and visually striking, with long flower spikes.
Pianta erbacea rizomatosa perenne, vigorosa, a fioritura estiva prolungata, con insoliti fiori piumosi.
One of the most showy dwarf sedums. This evergreen perennial succulent has flat green leaves with jagged edges that form rosettes. Yellow flowers on the tops in summer; the buds are tinged with orange at the moment of flowering, while with the cold the leaves take on reddish tones.
Questa perenne sempreverde è una rapida tappezzante. Si tratta della variante della specie (Isotoma fluviatilis o Pratia peduncolata) a fiori blu invece che azzurro chiari. Inoltre ha stoloni più lunghi quindi si allarga più velocemente.
Perenne che si sviluppa tramite rizomi sotterranei, a rapida crescita, a fioritura lunghissima, con fiorellini a campanella e foglie triangolari sfumate di argento al centro. Also suitable for growing indoors or on the veranda (from November to March they are shipped in vegetative rest without leaves, but they vegetate again with the heat).
Ibrido caratterizzato da fiori violacei, con una gola di limone. Fiorisce a metà stagione. Tetraploide. Robusto con un numero di boccioli elevato. Gli steli dei fiori sfioriti possono essere tagliati. Tagliare le foglie morte nel tardo autunno o inverno. I fiori sono commestibili.
Compact sage, incredibly re-flowering from May to September. Very dark purple-blue flowers as in the photo, it attracts butterflies and pollinating insects useful for vegetable garden and garden, for the whole season.
Bulbous perennial herbaceous species, with prolonged and re-flowering flowering, with beautiful bell-shaped salmon pink flowers; its peculiarity are the leaves, which look like four-leaf clovers, in the center of which there are wavy purple variegations. Also suitable for growing indoors or on the veranda (from November to March they are shipped in...
The largest and tallest cultivar on the market and early flowering, with white flowers, long-bearing from spring through the summer. Resistant to intense frost. The flowers develop in elongated spikes, with pinkish buds and pure white flowers. For cultivation, good drainage is the key to success, the only thing that can kill them is soggy winter soil....
Bell'iris barbata con centro bianco e lilla-blu intenso, che fiorisce tardivo.
The bright, extra-wide margins on these leaves really brighten up shady areas of a landscape. One of the best garden hostas, they hold their colors even in hot areas. The leaves emerge with frosty blue tones and a bright yellow margin that fades to creamy white in the summer. A medium-sized hosta, they produce pale lavender flowers in mid to late summer....
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