La monarda o bergamotto attira le farfalle con i suoi magnifici fiori bianchi profumati. Le foglie sono anch'esse profumate e di un bel verde foresta. Con estati particolarmente calde piantare a mezzì'ombra. Si estende in modo coprente con i rizomi sotterranei.
Sempreverde che forma fittissimi tappeti di foglioline verdi scure, porpora-bronzee, emette bei fiori blu a spighe piramidali a fine primavera inizio estate. Ottima pianta che può sostituire il prato e vegeta bene sia al sole che all’ombra.
A rich pink with a hint of gold in the center of the petals. Very compact variety, vertical growth and floriferous. The Alstroemeria (Lily of the Incas) of the 'Inca' series are the most resistant to frost, and those that flower the longest (from June to October) and most abundantly according to our tests; even in partial shade. Difficult to find.
Arbusto a fioritura precocissima (fiorisce anche sotto la neve) di fine inverno soavemente profumato. Si può potare della forma desiderata appena dopo la fioritura (può raggiungere a maturità i 3,5 l x 4 metri.).
Fiori rosa chiaro venato di porpora, fioritura estremamente lunga da primavera fino al gelo, coprisuolo, splendido anche in vaso.
Forms dense elegant tufts, with thin foliage, unusual flowering. It is enhanced in a pot, useful for giving a touch of winter color and structure in flowerbeds. Perfect for lawns in any exposure from sun to shade. Also suitable for growing indoors or on the veranda
The plant of the so-called "Bridal Veil" or "Baby's Breath". It blooms in late spring / early summer, very resistant to drought.
"Lady Guinevere" is a very showy hosta. The leaves are lime-white with narrow dark green edges. The flowers are lavender in summer. If it receives too much sun or towards autumn, the leaves become greener. Evergreen in mild climates or on the porch. Also suitable for growing indoors or on the porch (from November to March they are sent to vegetative rest...
This bulbous perennial forms tufts of lanceolate leaves with large trumpet-shaped flowers that appear in spring in a cluster high above the foliage on a sturdy stem. Bright red petals that are suffused with white and a prominent central white stripe. Withstands up to -1 ° C. The flowers are very fragrant.
Rhizomatous perennial with narrow, linear, grey-green leaves variegated with white, scented with garlic. They form large tufts with scented pale pink-violet flowers, blooming for a long time, from late spring to autumn. Tulbaghia violacea is very easy to grow and will last even in a state of neglect for many years, able to thrive in rather poor soils.
Hybrid of Tricyrtis formosana and Tricyrtis lasiocarpa. The 60 cm long Tricyrtis 'Seiryu' are topped with terminal flower clusters from late August to October. Each orchid-like flower is white with tiny burgundy spots at the base, lavender-blue at the flower tips, and highlighted by a central, helix-like, lavender-colored structure (flower color can vary...
Heucherella (hybrid between Heuchera and Tiarella) hanging / ground cover with purple leaves with silver patina. It is a long-lived and resistant variety. Spikes of very abundant white flowers in spring, persistent foliage in mild climates, semi-shriveling in more rigid climates. Highly valued in pots, but also on the ground, where it forms large splashes...
Hemerocallis scarlet red (difficult to capture the tone in photography) with yellow-green throat. tetraploid. Flowering diameter 14 cm. Height approx 65 cm. It blooms mid-flowering season with re-flowering. Semi-evergreen winter foliage (evergreen in mild climates).
Ornamental grass that blooms in the middle of summer with pink flowers, which gradually change to burgundy-tinged cream, remain beautiful even throughout the winter. Similar to Muhlenbergia capillaris it has lighter colored flowers, larger, and is more adaptable by tolerating various soils and exposures. Magnificent alone in pots, as well as together with...
Pianta erbacea perenne, a fioritura estiva prolungata, estiva e poi autunnale, con fiori a pom pom gialli. Vistosa, a bassa manutenzione.
Perennial herbaceous plant, graminaceous with very fine and narrow foliage, variegated with thin longitudinal white lines: the overall effect is silvery-white especially from the beginning and mid-season. For potting and suitable for creating mixed borders.
Pianta erbacea perenne, graminacea dal fogliame color verde-glauco variegato con linee bianche longitudinali. Magnifica come esemplare isolato, quindi da vaso, così come in massa.
Phormium medium-dwarf, evergreen, with thin and twisted leaves, intense reddish-brown, almost black, reaches about 60 cm in height. Also suitable for growing indoors or on the veranda.
Sedum che forma macchie a fontana di foglie succulente, color blu-glauco con centro giallo-crema molto ampi e appariscenti. A fine estate grappoli di fiori stellati di un morbido color rosa appaiono sulle cime dei gambi.
Pianta perenne tappezzante, decidua, a crescita rapidissima con foglie variegate di bianco in modo vistoso. Molto utile come pianta antierosione in zone scoscese e per creare fitti tappeti sotto gli alberi. Bei fiori delicati color bianco ad ombrella in tarda primavera.
Dwarf Aspidistra, evergreen, with thin lanceolate leaves dotted with white. Slow rhizomatous ground cover that requires zero care. Also suitable for growing indoors or on the veranda.
Liriope tappezzante a foglie sempreverdi molto sottili e a crescita rapida. I fiori sono spighe sottili di colore viola. Utile dove il prato cresce a stento in zone d’ombra.
Bambù cespitoso, con radici meno aggressive (in quanto non ha lunghi rizomi) dei bambù più conosciuti e di dimensioni contenute (raggiunge massimo i 3 metri a maturità). Elegante con bei rami arcuati, adatto al vaso e per creare siepi.
Giant leaf brunnera. Magnificent silver heart-shaped leaves, flowers similar to forget-me-nots before the leaves in spring upon awakening. Evergreen in mild climates. Also suitable for growing indoors or on the veranda (from November to March they are shipped dormant without leaves, but they vegetate again with the heat).
Leguminosa perenne, azotofissante, con splendidi fiori viola a lunga fioritura estiva, portamento eretto e fogliame elegante. Utile per gli insetti impollinatori, attira le farfalle. Resistentissima, richiede poca acqua.
Pianta nana tappezzante, con piccole foglie morbide sempreverdi e fioritura molto lunga, da primavera ad autunno. Adatta a sole e mezz'ombra e a terreni molto ben drenati.
Iris dai fiori grandi (15 cm e più di diametro) amante del terreno che trattiene umidità. Colore vellutato che viene voglia di toccare, molto scuro, viola-blu. Le gole dorate dei petali mettono in risalto i riflessi ebano. Tra gli iris louisiana più vigorosi. Alto con i fiori sui 60 cm.
Una varietà di taglia media. Questa erba ornamentale ha foglie venate di bianco-argento. Pennacchi ornamentali a fine estate, che persistono in inverno. Resistente alla siccità e adattabile alle aree asciutte.
Semi-evergreen violet, paneled with stolons and easily self sowing; dark purple leaf and deep purple flowers in spring.
Flower bulb of very easy cultivation, which exponentially expands, forming colonies and grasslands. Long autumn flowering, persistent leaves in winter (summer rest), magnificent, a must have.
Filtri (806 products)